The System Shock 3 we all deserved

The System Shock 3 we all deserved...

I don't think so. It didn't give me any boners.

>not wanting to fuck your woman-body-in-suit


more like Bioshock 3

More like redditshock

SOMA was enjoyable but calling it anything like a System Shock is massive bait.

Are we really so horrible?

Zero combat
Pleb-grade transhumanist philosophy
Entire deep underwater facility is apparently staffed by the mentally unstable
Plot impetus taken out of the film Armageddon, and we didn't even get an Aerosmith song out of it
Humanity declined to the point of being so utterly stupid, they didn't know of/think to use a multi-mile-long railgun to shoot an incoming asteroid

>Humanity declined to the point of being so utterly stupid, they didn't know of/think to use a multi-mile-long railgun to shoot an incoming asteroid
I don't think you thought this reply through. Let me help you a bit: A several mile long railgun would make rotating or aiming it completely impossible. The only solution then would be to build it in such a location and at such an angle that the rotation of the earth brings it into the trajectory of the incoming asteroid. You would have to have very accurate readings of the asteroids path and very large amounts of time to build the construction, which would be fucking useless because your idea is unfeasible from the start. 2/10 I replied.

Build it in low-orbit.

I did not deserve this.

If they had that technology you might as well vacate the earth. The whole issue with asteroids is unpredictability, there's no reason to believe they would know the asteroid was coming years in advance to allow for such a construction.

You know, you don't even need to destroy the blasted thing, just load a missile with a crapton of nukes and let it blow up on its surface, it'll change its trajectory without having bruce willis drilling holes into it.

>Implying they don't already have one built to glass 3rd worlders

[obligatory post about how the concept has been done before in literature so therefore the game is shit]

Building a railgun in low orbit space is a little different than abandoning all of the structures of civilization and getting millions, maybe billions into space

Seeing into the future is also a little different than real life.

But everyone falling for the angler fish light was totally worth it.

Your DEAD woman body in a suit.

Her name was Imogen right?

Sexy name.

Would you like to know more?

kek this

Sup Forumseddis is fucking pathetic

But we got Bioshock
