What are some games where I can experience autism?

What are some games where I can experience autism?

c'mon at least post an image of m2k, reckful is not that autistic





any MMO


>reckful is not that autistic

LUL, pretty sure he is


why is he so cute, bros?

Eve Online

never had I seen autism so pure until I watched one of his old streams

yeah obviously but in a funny way

melee, that game lives on only thanks to autistic manchild

is reckful /ourguy/?

Reckful is a jewish (and as such really greedy) normie. Why would he be /ourguy/?



ok son.

check out any MOBA


dwarf fortress

Play factorio to flush out the autistic crave my dude.

Sup Forums

He's only from a jewish family and not really embraceful of his jewish heritage, he's about as greedy as any of us are. He sits at home and plays video games at an autistic level and acts like an autist in every social situation, he's /ourguy/.

Reckful isn't even greedy tbqh, but he also is probably a millionaire so he doesn't have to give a fuck about money.