Worst BF4 Communites, GO!

What's the worst BF4 community you've seen so far?

I vote two:

1. Sneaky Ninjas (Australian)
2. FPSG (also Australian)

A friend of mine was banned in both of these communities because they supported marriage equality.

I was banned from Sneaky Ninjas because my BF4 emblem was a 'RUDE GESTURE!' (it was just the middle finger to a shotgun)

So what BF4 community have you been banned from and why?
>img semi-related.

Other urls found in this thread:



do people still play this game? should i install it again? i'm not interested in bf 1

Worst servers around


You two would make great friends, now get a room.

There's like 5k+ players on during peak time, tons of full servers

>Windows scroll bar
>Taking a photo of your monitor

Oh yeah, man. Sneaky Ninjas outright BANS profanity. Genuinely. I got warned for saying "WTF!?" in chat, when someone 1-hit me with a g18 across map. I felt it was justified and I was warned because the full word is "RUDE!".

Not my img buddy. right click, search google for this img, or just type "bf4 ban" into images. :P I'm not 'fpsg' enough to post my game name. hawwwwh!

FPSG's website is: fpsgamerz.com/forums/

why did you think it was ok to make this thread here?
go back to wherever you came from and stay there

This is a VG thread, matey. Calm ya titty tars.

I hope someone shoots your family with a shotgun

I hope it's you, dickhead. Welcome to my family. Murican' Scum.

That also depends on where you're from, some places like godmod is from is really bad. i hav played on fpgs servers before and they banned me for being part of an american clan they didnt like.


No, this is you treating this board like your personal blog
drop the subject and namefaggotry and lurk ortherwise fuck right off and take your "look how Aussie I am" shit with you.

Now you're treating it like a Facebook comment chain. Fuck off then if you're not interested. Some people are clearly treating this as it is. a Video Game message board. Not your own pleasurable place.

lad you literally posted your clans website in the thread and are unironically using emoticons

You can see how the thread immediately devolved from BF4 discussion into shitflinging after that link was posted

No, you fuck off with your namefaggotry.
You stupid baiting little cunt.

>no frag rounds

>No Mortar/UAV/UCAV/Bipod

>Playing Nu-Battlefield

If you're so worried about baiting, then you've bitten hard, you fucking Tuna.

I'm just here to shitpost till this thread gets move to /trash/ where it belongs.
Have some anime girl reactions in return.

>Frag rounds

>devils work
>frag rounds