Be honest Sup Forums

Be honest Sup Forums.

When was the last time you completed a game?

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I beat the storymode in KOF Max Impact 2 a couple of weeks or so ago

Not long ago.

Define "game"?

I finished Splatoon singleplayer so I would know what is happening in 2

I don't have the motivation to finish many things anymore.

Nier: Automata a few weeks ago. I've been playing a lot of my first campaign of Endless Space 2, though. I'm starting to get bullied by assholes, but I just want to be peaceful treebros.


Last weekend

Doom 2016, like two days ago.

Mass Effect 3 a month ago.
But other than that I probably didn't finish any game in years.

I finished El Shaddai last week.

a week ago

last month and i'm literally playing ys8 right now

Super Mario 64 DS a year ago. The bad controls can be solved by just using Luigi.

Last monday. Aviary Attorney

Yesterday, God of War Chains of Olympus

>Replayed Dead Space 1 and 2 a few days ago, including NG+
>Beat Uncharted The Lost Legacy three weeks ago
>Beat Hollow Knight last month with the true ending and everything
>Replayed Dark Souls 1 with a battlemage build last month
>Games beaten earlier this year: SMTIV Apocalypse, Persona 5, Prey, Dyling Light (with The Following), Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 on the HD collection, Pokemon Emerald, Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, and other shit I'm forgetting

I'm currently working on FFIX, Trails of Cold Steel, Va-11 Hall-A, and a new playthrough of Stardew Valley. I'm right at the final boss fight with Kuja in FFIX, just going to finish up side shit like Ozma then move on to Trails of Cold Steel which I only got to the third chapter or whatever.

It's going pretty good. Even with work and classes, I'm still finding time during the weekend. Just gotta play what sounds fun, not what you think you're supposed to play. Hope you can have fun this weekend OP, maybe go through an old game you love again.

A week ago, it was an old Dark Souls sorcery character that I wanted to get into NG+.

man you have terrible taste

Working i can't finish the game i didn't like so much. So i leave HZD, Prey, Splatoon 2 because for me they are not that great for my time. Now i'm playing FFIX and i want to finish it

Probably MGSV in 2015.

Probably, but I'm having fun and beating games. Like I said, gotta play what sounds fun. And FFIX with some Stardew Valley on the side sounded fun.

So fuck it, that's what I'm playing.

I just know I'm gonna get shit on for this, I just beat Half Life 2 for the first time last night. I've owned it for 8 years

about three hours ago

Just Cause 3 like a week ago

Did you like it?

i beat Axiom Verge yesterday. Beat GTA3 a couple days ago. Beat Dragon Quest Builders and Arkham Asylum last week. Playing through Dark Souls 2: SOTFS now, think I'm a bit over half way.

2 hours ago.
After a year of just ignoring it i beat Penumbra BP and only took me 4 hours.
Was a nice spooky time,

hey you faggot you were supposed to get mad not be nice

how is apocalypse, btw? I love SMTIV

I finished yesterday the 2013 shadow warrior.

I mean yeah I've played every other source game for countless hours and this one was just as good, I've played the first few hours so many times but kept losing my saves. I'm pissed I took this long to play it through, I started Episode One a little bit earlier and am kinda confused on how Gordon just wakes up alive and perfectly fine in some random ass rubble right next to the citadel.

Titanfall 2 maybe.

Oh, well fuck you too asshole!

It's fantastic. Takes lots of SMTIV's problems, fixes them, and integrates the original's story in a really interesting way. Only issue is that it really tried to push some more characters in the game, so it can come off almost Persona-like sometimes. But hey, go for the kill all your friends route if you hate them. Win win. Highly recommend it user, especially if you even remotely enjoyed SMTIV.

Last week i beat Gears of War 4.
It was the 5th game i beat in 2017

pic related

GTA: Vice City a couple months ago.
Before that, I think it was Uncharted 2 several months ago.

OP how are you feeling seeing all these people beating and enjoying games instead instead of being sad sacks like you and having a pity party like you were hoping for?


Ys 8 like two days ago

i have played the following games 90% of the way thru without finishing:
>hollow knight
>dark souls 3
>blood borne DLC
>shadows of mordor

What do

Complete in alphabetical order

I've finished loads of games this year

>Zelda BOTW
>Darksiders for the second time
>Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 1 2 and 3
>Nier Automata all main endings
>Rayman Legends for the second time
>Hollow Knight
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth

Go and finish them?

Lots of those you can literally just rush to the end, especially if you know dicking around is what stopped you from finishing the games. Bloodborne's DLC is basically just a straight shot through bosses, Dishonored is really fast if you're focused on your goal, Hollow Knight can be finished easily if you're focus isn't the True Ending, and then rest aren't that bad either. Just pick one and go. If you keep getting distracted by new games, then you'll never finish anything. Gotta buckle down, at least for games you like.

im trying to beat enter the gungeon right now. Shits hard, but i made it to the 4th floor boss today.

I complete a mmorpg

I can't even fucking remember at this point. I think Nier a few months after release.

I've just been playing Tekken and PSO as of late with no end in sight.

did both endings on dishonored a few months ago because everybody was hounding me to. It wasn't very fun.

the problem is, i want to see everything the games have, and get anxiety or sad after beating them. Im also terrible at watching shows for the same reason. I hate watching them end.


I finished life last week

The fuck is wrong with you?

I just beat yakuza kiwami fag

Yesterday, it was my first XCOM EW playthrough, and before that: the second Witcher, which was pretty fun.

i beat RE 5 like yesterday

Dark Souls 3 a couple weeks ago. I struggle to finish games constantly. I had to force myself to finish DS3 and I am currently playing like 4 games.

literally yesterday.

I can't enjoy video games anymore
What's happening?

Does Telltale count? I've played through Batman and TWD S3 within a week or so.

Batman had a couple good moments, TWD was shit.

"completed" or "finished"?
"Completed" usually means 100% a game, whereas "finished" refers to just beating it.
If you mean Finished, then about a week ago

I beat games all the time but I don't think I've 100% a game since I was like 14.

Then either stick to one game and ignore all others till it's done to your satisfaction, or just get to a point of completion so that you can move on to other, more interesting games. Constantly starting something new is a terrible habit to have in life. It's where the hundreds upon hundreds of unplayed Steam games come from in peoples' libraries. They're always looking for something new and never finish what they have. You'll save yourself plenty of time, money, and enjoy games more if you see it through to the end. Or at least decide a game just isn't worth your time to complete, and call it quits completely.

Blood and wine yesterday. Geralt retires to Corvo Bianco with Yen

Too much of anything eventually gets tiresome, go outside user, spent time in other hobbies.
Or stop being a faggot it's your call.


Sunday, finished Yakuza Kiwami and Dishonored 2 Death of the Outsider.

Probably burnt out. Go do something else, get away from video games for a bit. Doing the same shit all the time gets boring, especially if you don't have an active life through work, education, or relationships. The activity has basically become cognitively stale, so you have to take a break in some way.

That or try something completely different in vidya. A new genre, older games you missed, past favorites you always look back on fondly, something besides the norm. Spruce it up, or find something else to do for a bit till it feels fresh again.

today i finished fate/extella

it was god damn horrible i didnt know why i played that shit till the end

Finished Samus Returns last sunday and currently not in a rush to finish up anything else. I just wanna enjoy the experience whatever game I play next

I beat Jet Set Radio for the millionth time two weeks ago. For some reason I can't beat games I haven't already beaten anymore.

2 days ago Yakuza Kiwami. Took a break yesterday. Started Last Guardian today.

I'm on a roll with vidya. Movies and anime I have trouble sitting down and watching right now though.

Beat Borderlands 2 UVHM last weekend, working on 100%ing FFX right now

About a year ago. It was MGS5, and afterwards the idea of playing any other game just seems pointless. Even got rid of my entire battlestation and got a rinky-dink laptop instead, because all I do nowadays is lurk around here and make myself more and more miserable.

Have you tried not being a huge faggot?

Yeah, it didn't work.

Oh well, mention me in your inevitable suicide note at least.

>Get like 95% of the game finished
>never fight the final boss or whatever, just move on to the next game and repeat

anyone do this too? there are only a few games recently that i've felt compelled to finish.

I finished Dragon's Dogma like a week ago, and tonight I start Psychonauts, about 4 hours in. Will most likely finish that later.

Hey, Warriors All-Stars has too many endings and they don't help you keep track of them.

In like two hours from now I'll finish Ys Seven. The last game would be Deponia and Ys 2 around a week or two ago.

After spending years on games without an end like Elite Dangerous I finally got to work on my Steam backlog and played the Witcher 2 with all the endings about a month ago, felt good to actually finishing a game and moving on to something new. Having a blast with AC4 (it was quite a long backlog) now and will probably finish that before starting something new

Assassin's Creed 4 or Ace Combat 4?

>I finished Dragon's Dogma like a week ago
What did you think?

I never had backlog issues and thought it was a meme...then I brought a PC. I want to go back, Sup Forums I want to go back.

there are 3 things you need to do to enjoy games again.
lose weight
stop watching bad stuff
stop doing that thing males do.

your reward system will reset itself, and You'll be able to enjoy video games again.

When I replayed Vanquish on PC 2 months ago

>stop doing that thing males do.
Play football?

The Witcher just a few days ago.

Last week I finished an eroge. It took me a little longer than expected, but it was great Japanese practice and one of the best faps in a long time, since I had to grind and fight for it

Oh neat i was wondering, do you spend all the game in that "village" near the beach or you eventually move on? I just tried the pirated japanese vita version and feel that shitty camp not for my taste

i got 40/40 challenges on path of exile today
i feel like that counts

If you continued playing afterwards, nah.

Was tough making it to Gregori, felt pretty bland other than combat, didn't understand what people meant by the game gets better after you beat it. Now I do, and I'm on my 2nd playthrough but doing BBI this time.

When I got to the Seneschal that cemented DD as one of the best games ever made for me.

Few months ago because other than that it were multiplayer games you can't finish.

It was probably one of my favorite endings to a game, it was all pretty typical "yur the chosen one, go kill the wyrm" to being much more with the introduction of the Seneschal. I didn't expect anything to come after Grigori, and was about to turn the game off till I decided to see if the post-game kept a fucked up Gran Soren to mess around in. Then I noticed the quest continued.

Completed Sly 1 for the PS2 to 100% and currently working on Sly 2

here's the soundtrack to listen to aswell

I beat Wizardry 6 last week to deal with the fact that Grimoire will never be good.

Selection of Fate playing as you descend and fight the Seneschal is one of the reasons I fondly remember it. Like you, I didn't expect much after Grigori. Boy was I wrong.

Beat Rain World a month ago. Feels good.


Excellent taste friend