Why japs love this game so much?:

Why japs love this game so much?: youtu.be/Q1N3xyY7eXc

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I don't know, why don't you ask them?

Why do you care so much what the japs do and play?

Are you hating yourself and your country and think that the "glorious" japanese will welcome you in their mids in case you ever move there?

Chinks love repetitive grinding

>literally prone the whole time
Why do asians do this?

Japs have hardon for tacticool.

Because they're too fucking misogynistic and tasteless to see that Fortnite is the superior product.

>random guy on youtube plays shit


Third person mode.
Japs have a cultural aversion to being the player avatar which is why they don't make or play first person games.

oh cool another WHY JAPAN thread
why do you faggots worship us so much?

It's okay when Japan does it.


Why don't you answer the question, you stupid nip?

Most retarded thing I've ever heard. Japanese love self inserting in their games and media. They have an extremely unhealthy obsession with self inserting.

Neat but I don't care about e-celebs. When Japan will start making games like this but with cute lolis instead? Cute girls with guns are the best thing.

Because I don't love pubg shit
Are you fucking retarded?

I think he's saying Japs fucking hate first person mode. PUBG has third person and Japs love it when they can see their character.

No one worships you. Your country is pathetic. Got nuked twice and then threw away whatever pissant warrior culture you had and now you're just a beta servant of the USA. Name another country that got cucked as hard as yours. Two nukes and one war and you guys make a new constitution to ban war lmao. Weak pussies.

>I think he's saying Japs fucking hate first person mode.

Probably because the game is based on a very popular Japanese book?

also battle royale kind of settings are a popular genre.

Really? What book?

>being in 2chan rip-off anime imageboard
>calling someone cuck
Admit it, you worship us you retarded cuck

Battle Royale. Japs pretty much invented the modern "friends kill each other free for all" that other books like Hunger Games copied

unlike this bitch, the OP bitch has won a few games

I unironically wish NK nukes Tokyo.

How many Japanese military bases are in America? How many American military bases are in Japan? How does it feel to have your entire culture replaced after one war so that you can't have a proper military and all your men are weak betas who are addicted to anime and have a high tendency to commit suicide?

Has any country ever been as dominated as Japan is today by America?

>Because I don't love pubg shit
Then you could have just said that in the first place.

>Are you fucking retarded?
No, I'm not a jap.

Stop taking the bait, faggot, every fucking thread.

You should have said it was based off the movie.

>t. english teacher

Considering how fucking shit TGS has, I sure wish too.

All we fucking want is DMC5 and DD2 and they still fucking fail at it.

whatever, We won cultural war
this stupid site and you retards prove it

>Name another country that got cucked as hard as yours
USA by Israel tbqh famalam

damn, roasted

You can trust Capcom to not (majorly) fuck up DD2

But DMC5? No. They barely understand that series. Let it rest. It's not a movie it doesn't need a hard conclusion.

battlegrounds is the biggest pc game in japan right now albeit pc gaming is niche there

Russia ez
Won WW2, still a third world country, only relevant because of oil and nukes

Japs have notoriously shit taste

sure it is kid

I have no fucking idea but it's so true.

We don't have a nigger protag at least

Lived in shinsaibashi for a year and never once met someone so fucking weeb in my life, how do you maintain that voice permanently?

commit sodoku for even being able to stand that cancer

Can someone explain the appeal of this game?

not him but I knew a lot of eego nips who worked translation jobs, very few get good enough to become english teachers

Funniest part is the deviantart hair and 30 year old VA

Japs have no army so they try to pretend they aren't cucked in videogames.

Is it worth tracking this down and watching it?

Hype machine
The game is incredibly tilted towards knowledge of what you're doing that actual mechanical skill. Sure, skill does matter, but it only matters in a few instances per game, while knowing what you're doing is required throughout the match. You can win games with killing like 2 guys. People may disregard that knowledge matters, but only because they know what they are doing and doing it instinctively. The party system also adds additional tactical overlay you can exploit with friends due to random and open nature of the game.


What's with the constant shilling

I will not buy your fucking game get out

wasn't this genre was popular in japan before PUBG?

>military bases
this is why americans who visit korea and japan always lie and say they're canadian. nobody likes americans in those countries, even though american investors influence their video games and other media. you're called ugly americans because you act this way, and the irony is your patriotism is for a culture that has been divided and conquered. just look at marvel (MvC:I), naughty dog and bioware. they're destroyed by sjws who want to get rid of people like you. stop acting alpha, you fucking cuck

She is enjoying international exchange


japs as the autists they are love every retarded meme shit and PUG is a meme game

is that true? I thought it was koreans who follow meme games like it's their gospel

Theyre all chinks. Who cares?

shit game btw

>Some nip NEET pretending to be a loli using a voice changer
Oh man, I'm a fucking NEET virgin who jacks off to hentai and even I think this is unbelievably pathetic

I just know about japs and that those retards will jump on any popular meme and milk it dry.
Kemono Friends and Kancolle are perfect examples.
PUG is a popular meme game so they jump on the bandwagon for attention and to feel like they are part of something because their lives are pathetic and sad.

I think your opinion doesn't matter because you're actually so fucking pathetic yourself.

fuck off normalfag

>Why does japs like Battle Royale?
Shit nigga, who doesn't want to be Kiriyama?


if you wanna talk about most cucked USA takes the cake right there, degenerate and humilliating fetishes are very popular there to the point that other countries are following the same model and the extreme liberal took over the country so hard that more people are siding with Nazis now more than ever since WWII

>one of Jap's cult classic movies is BR
>PUBG is literally BR
Jee that was so fucking hard wasn't it? Maybe you should some of your brain OP.

>Name another country that got cucked as hard as yours
Unated States of America




>original battle royale was japanese
>then we had dangan
>people are actually suprised about pubg popularity

Battle Royale has original novels, comics, movies


Japs are new to shootan geimus where you die fast. TPP plebs make this even more apparent

They like it just as much as any other country.
You faggots just keep pushing this "DUDE JAPAN LOOOOOOOOOOOVES PUBG" because you're low key trying to get Sup Forumsirgins to like it as well.
Kill yourself, playerunkown.


Holy shit, Sup Forums gets more pathetic every month.

You're right, america and europe loves pubg as well!

Its more like the entire bloody world loves this game.

Thats like saying why do japs love OW too, i mean its not like Dota where a good chunk of their playerbase solely comes from a couple of regions.

>They like it just as much as any other country.
I've never seen a Japanese person in a PC game before. Koreans sure but Japs it's pretty weird.

Tha's because Sup Forums has this obsession that Japan is pure and perfect and doesnt do things that the west does. So when it happens that Japan likes normiebait things too, Sup Forums goes ballistics

you anime fags are the cancer that is ruining society. I don't care about LGBT+ but i wish anime fags could all just kill themselves

All these waifu petting VR simulators tho, they crazy about feelin it first hand

how do I play with nips?

I have never heard anyone speak any japanese

It's actually quite interesting cuz it's pretty unusual to them.
Does it make sense that they like playing the game without loli and 2D grills?
I jokingly said but above all I was surprised that they prefer PVP games.

Its even more pronounced because the weebs who hate normie shit and the normies who hate weeb shit are both pissed about it

Fuck off

They usually do not talk to gaijins. they have the most introverted tendencies in Asia.

how you ever played dark souls?

Jap players exclusively play the most min maxed builds to win in combat, they dont care about style or fun builds, the only thing they want is to utterly crush their opponent.

literally they all played vit gouged, poise stacking, hornet ringed backstab fishers

Play on the Asian servers?

Japs loves korean games, koreans loves merican games, mericans love jap games.

all 3 fucking suck each other small cocks.

hold the fuck up
this was hidden
i bet you're the fucking jap playing

>Go to Twitter
>search for PUBG
>You can literally see the currents of the Japanese language
>Ask them

They've always liked it, OP.

This. I searched "PUBG" in English but 90% is Japanese. WTF

sounds like shes getting raped in this one
pretty hot
and not JAV raped but actual raped

>expect cute shooting game
>just more survival garbage

I would be interested in playing this game if there were anime mods.

>when they win at 36,55
>the small one completely loses it

Christ she's loud. Was she saying "I'm sorry"?

her friend accidentally shot her then she shot him back and then her ran after her
she was screaming something along "im sorry teammate please"

What the actual fuck?
I saw this exact post on/vg/