Persona 5

Is this game going to get better?
I only have 2 hours of gameplay and it annoys me that teachers and student treats the main character like he did the most horrible crime in history. Yeah he have criminal record because he defended the woman from a drunk man?

he's literally mute

Everyone thinks he assaulted a dude, nobody knows what actually happened.

this bait was already stale a week after the game's release

The game takes place in Japan

I'm much later in the game compared to OP but yeah I've been struggling to find the will to go on. Even on hard mode, when the enemies aren't oneshotting me because lol rng, the game is very easy and not very strategic. I just rescued Futaba (completed the palace in 2 days because that's the mandatory minimum, I could have completed it in one day) and now I'm just getting fucking bored.

Other than Madarame's palace, all the palaces so far have been visually boring and repetitive. Of course it's still far better than P4 (I loved the fuck out of P3 and P4 back then but now my taste is much more refined) gameplay wise but still very boring and drawn out, I'm fucking 70 hours in and this is what, the halfway point? I'm all for games being longer than 8 hours cinematic experiences but 120 hours just to get to the final boss is way too long.

>but now my taste is much more refined)

The game will start to get better in two palaces, the next one is mostly regarded as the worst, if you can't handle it now than I don't think you will find the will to continue playing, especially since it gets worse before it gets better. Maybe you should try smt, it's like persona but has harder gameplay and less filler.

it'll get good in 8 more hours

This is an aspect of persona 5 that was worst than persona 4 and 3 because of the whole being labeled as a Thug you can only eavesdrop on people mostly rather than talking which limits the interactive story telling since you can't ask questions or even take part in clubs. This reputation doesn't get repaired sadly so if stuff like this is why you liked persona for it's not going to get much better.

The drunk man has major influence in society.

once the story gets going you stop hearing rumors about you so much and you have the same freedom as the last two games

>the next one is mostly regarded as the worst

Can you tell me why is it the worst without spoiling too much?

Anyway, another issue with the game is how mundane most palaces are. I expected something deep like Psychonauts but the more I think about shit like "whooah dude, who does he think he is, the king of a castle?" and literally 2 minutes later he's literally the king of a castle, the more I find it absolutely pathetic. Man I really want to replay Psychonauts.

No you don't you can't ever join clubs and like only 2/3 students outside of party members will even talk to you still.

I don't know why everyone complains about clubs and school stuff, the best social links were always unrelated to school, like the dying guy.

Shit, I felt like something was missing from P3/P4, and that's fucking clubs and club social links. Why the fuck are there no clubs in this game?

In the next arc there is a lot of times the characters just act dumb for the sake of plot, so thats annoying and then you get into the dungeon and it just goes on and on, its filled with pretty boring puzzles and since its a long game and every dungeon follows the same formula, its just really stale at this point (you seem to already be experiencing this though).

the writers do not know the meaning of subtlety, literally everything is spelled out for you even puzzles in dungeons

This is why it was so puzzling that they chose to make you a high school student still.

>I think about shit like "whooah dude, who does he think he is, the king of a castle?" and literally 2 minutes later he's literally the king of a castle
That one has a plot reason, since they needed keywords to get into the metaverse, those were the keywords that let them in.


What they think happened was You assaulted the woman. The man there had the power to black mail the woman to have her falsely accuse you her self.

Go play Persona 4, all the characters suck your dick from the get-go and baby you all the way to the end.

Persona 5 is a game for real men.

>expecting anything deep from fucking Persona
P3fags tricked you, I see. It's a literal anime game. Don't expect any depth.

>Yeah he have criminal record because he defended the woman from a drunk man?
are you dumb or something? was it not obvious that the woman testified against you? they don't know anything about saving the bitch, they just think you assaulted a politician

Have you ever dealt with normies in real life? They are always trying to 1up you or kiss the ass of the popular/good looking folk.

do guys think the inclusion of flu season reaper was intentional? I get the feeling it was just so that grinding levels isn't as bad.

>like he did the most horrible crime in history.

it's not the most horrible crime in history. but it's an assault case so that makes him sound very dangerous

>the same freedom as the last two games

Not quite as much

the other games had the > instead of the cat

Usually they let you go outside though, like in p3 if you had a meeting at the dorm it would then let you go outside while in p5 any sort of story event would put you in your room and tell you go to sleep.

You should have probably elaborated on this

Japan has a huge culture of shaming and judgement so something as minor as that can actually ruin someone's life. It's not like here where you can laugh it off and explain it to other people, in Japan not a lot of people are going to fuck with you or hear your side of the story.

They had restrictions too of course but it didn't feel nearly as bad as this

that's because morgana is a little shit

>when the enemies aren't oneshotting me because lol rng, the game is very easy and not very strategic
If non-boss enemies are able to one shot you in P5, your setup or strategy is bad.

I think it's less Morgana, and more the fact that going out is actually valuable to P5 unlike P3 and P4 where S Links are just fluff. In those games when you're told you can't go out it's like "whatever," in P5 it's like "Motherfucker, let me learn how to make Master Curry for the dungeon crawl"

I'd this your first Persona game or did you forgot that P3 took 30 hours to get good?

P5 is the worst of nu-persona, as it is a rehash of 4 with worse characters and story somehow

Combat is marginally better, but who the fuck plays persona for combat? You play SMT for that

Christ user, his criminal record says he assaulted an old man for no reason. How bad is your short term memory dude?

Gameplay wise, a lot of design choices feel very deliberate. Like how one of the Personas required to make the Samurai Meme Man is ONLY available on the 'last' day of the game.

Can you imagine being this delusional? Truly P3 and P4 faggots are the prime example of nostalgia making people retarded as fuck.

Can you imagine having no argument? I thought p4 had bad pacing but damn P5 takes the cake

It's probably just another Sup Forums contrarian trying to fit in.

They all have bad pacing. P3's pacing is especially bad, but I don't see you complaining about that.

If anything, 5 has better pacing. 3 is just character development/drama until Ryoji appears, and 4 is a murder mystery where the middle portion of the game is just a series of SoL sequences that don't drive the plot forward.

They're all good games, but they each have a different focus, and their individual strengths and weaknesses reflect this.

>5 is 4 but worse somehow
>4 already was shit compared t 3
they basically fucked up completely but because its popular now no one cared 9/10 goty

>He thinks 4 is better than 5

>he thinks 3 is better than anything