Doom on Switch

720p both undocked and docked.

Who told you 540p?

what an unbiased and trustworthy news site

>Who told you 540p?
shitposters on Sup Forums and neogaf

framebuffer at 720p, rendereing resolution 540p due to dynamic resolution

Yeah but who cares about resolution when it's going to run at 30 fps? Graphics never fucking mattered.

So is it an FPS drop from docked to undocked then? 60 to 30 or something like that? Has anyone talked about whether or not it'll have Gyro support?

I dunno but it's difficult to tell when the blur effect blurs everything more than 5ft from the player

>it'll have Gyro support?
IGN, I think, got a statement from Bethesda claiming no motion control of any kind.

Well that's stupid. Why the hell would they go through the effort of adding it to Skyrim, but not the game that would immensely benefit from it?

An Odd statement, the Switch on Dock mode increases its output by 30%, why they decided to no capitalize on that? 900p on dock mode would be nice.

Maybe they just want to focus all their resources in portable mode, which is smart too.

fucking dropped how can you make a fps on console with out gyro. Fuck off Todd I am not going to buy your game

I think they could update the game for 900p docked.

Dunno but the same dev are targeting 720p in both modes in Rocket League. Maybe they're just going to project the handheld version on the big screen instead of using the extra power allowed when docked. I think Shovel Knight and a few other indies did the same thing then patched it in later

Because the graphics could be better when docked, resolution is not the only thing that takes performance,

Then what's the point of the docked overclock?

The Fast RMX devs had the game running at an adaptive 1080p before patching it to always run at 1080p, I think it's just the process. You get all you can out of the portable version, possibly right up until release, and work on the rest for a patch.

Thats actually retarded. Mind you, I'll be playing mostly in handheld mode so maybe its not so bad. But there should have at least been an option ffs.

I dunno, I always use the stick for broad movements but the motion controls for more subtle movements. Even on handheld it works well

Hecause at 400GF and 30fps 720p the Switch could push PS4 level graphics if memory bandwidth allows. Well texture resolution will still be low since the fits on a 16GB cartridge.

>720p DOCKED

Probably to hit the 720p target much more frequently. I don't expect portable mode to stay a consistent 720p. Maybe docked will actually be a locked 720p/30fps. Remember the Switch does look like this by comparison, it's a miracle the game runs at all.


1.8TF 60fps 1080p
0.9TF 30fps 1080p
0.45TF 30fps 720p

Well Nvidia flops are stronger.

That's a fair enough point. They turned in this port ridiculously quick. Maybe it'll be patched later, maybe not.

>LITERALLY A DECADE since 720p has been the standard resolution and games are STILL running at 720p

If they patch it in I'll buy it, but until that happens my money goes elsewhere. Not a smart decision.

bruh we're still getting games in 240p in 2018 and possibly into 2019 thanks to the 3DS

Whilst also working on converting Rocket League. It's not even Bethesda, it's a tiny company called Panic Button and they're working on two Switch ports at once. Both of which will have the same performance both docked and undocked. Maybe they just don't give a shit about docked performance.

>LITERALLY A DECADE since 720p has been the standard resolution
Dude the PS3 had games running at 540p if 60fps was needed, right up until 2011. Hell, the PS4 - 6 times as powerful as an undocked Switch - regularly uses adaptive resolution down to 768p to maintain framerate. Not to mention the Xbone rocking 60fps games at 720p or 30fps games at 900p.

There IS no standard as far as video games go, thats the sad part

There is, just not on consoles, where people gladly eat shit.

>720p 30fps is huge achievement in 2017

>PCs have a set-in-stone standard
>When the appeal of having one is that games a supposed to be adaptable to the specs of your rig

Use that squishy organ located between your ears user.