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Yes, Zero is a miracle of the universe.

I loved Nier for the story, atmosphere, etc. But the gameplay is complete ass and slogging through it the third and fourth time made me want to tear my face off.

Going to get rid of my PS3 so I'll either play it now or never.

Yeah, how much are you looking to get it for?

Didn't know it was that rare. I guess I could get one for €30 off ebay. Bad deal?

Heard somewhere that this game controls like a PS2 action game. Is that true? I love PS2 action games btw

no. frame rate is shit. wait for the rerelease.

It was never released physical in EU/Uk so it can be a bitch to get here for a decent price. I'm in the UK and managed to get mine new for £22 and I felt that it was worth it. The game is about 25-30 hours long and unlike Nier each branch is a new plot. You will have to put up with a horrible framerate though

Drakengard 3 was my first entry into the series and NIER. I thought the plot was insane, but the banter was out of this world funny. They really pushed for shock value in some areas, or maybe ita so unorthodox it's hard to say. Either way I found the humor, which is one of the main selling points, to be completely funny and unexpected for a game made by SquareEnix. Game play is pretty flashy, animations have a lot of oomph to them, being able to pause to mid weapons switch with a mini ui is aesthetic as fuck, and the character model on Zero is well designed. Technical issues are there and surface whenever you have to do something with the dragon and large number of enemies. I found it playable at 30fps, with the lowest dips in mid 15fps when shit hits the fan 2-3 times. It's 10 to 13 hours for a single playthrough with unlockable alternative paths past the first nonsensical almost joke ending. It has high replay value in that regard. There's a 30 dollar season pass with tons of more story content, if you are rich there's no reason not to buy that as well. 8/10 game, a 9 without the tech isses.

Simultaneously the best and worst final boss fight ever.

It's the worst Yoko Taro game, but not the worst Drakengard. It really is a mess and a half of a game but there's a whole lot to love about it too.

>story is confusing
>real ending is in a book
>graphics are terrible
>framerate equivalent to a powerpoint presentation
>music is great
>characters are okay
>apparently the MC got her character completely changed from the Japanese version
>writing straight out of an anime
>humour is juvenile, sometimes funny though
>gameplay is great imo
>DLCs out the ass

a big NO but I liked it

Yes, character banter is 10/10.
If you don't appreciate 4th wall breaking jokes though it's probably not worth it.

The only reason the game exists is because it uses a middleware game engine, made on a small budget, with limited time in development. It's B tier game with the budget of a shoe string. They did what they could given what they had to work with. IIRC it's Unreal Engine 3 or Gamebryo, neither of which Square has ever developed on PS4 as they use Unreal 4 these days.

Keep waiting for nothing PS4 port begging pisshead, Square isn't going to sink money on this when they got NIER AUTOMATA sequels to make.

Thanks for the answers, I guess I skip it for now and come back to it when emulation gets the job done.

It's going to happen when Yoko Taro wants it

does he?

i wanna kiss Zero on the mouth!

>It really is a mess and a half of a game but there's a whole lot to love about it too.

This is also how I feel about it. It's one of those things I recommend with a "but you could probably end up thinking it's shit, too, and I wouldn't blame you."

enjoy your gonorrhea!

>when you find out the canon ending is when your dragon dies and she tries to bring it back only to get killed by the brother who ends up making the cult and red eye virus

Yes if you can deal with the hilariously bad framerate.

It also looks like a PS2 game really.

>>apparently the MC got her character completely changed from the Japanese version
The translation is decently faithful (but there are deviations), thing is the voice delivery was changed in terms of emotion.
Japanese Zero insults people in very laid back, bored and lethargic way.
English Zero is an ADHD Donte.

Absolutely yes - meaning "watch it via youtube".
Note: you either like Automata and hate this, or visa versa. Automata is Taro's (in my opinion, pathetic) attempt to "play it serious", D3 is pure and absolutely intentional absurdity barrage.

No. It's bad.

Also, be aware tat half of the plot is in promo-stories and 6 "numbered" DLCs.