Oddworld: Soulstorm

So its coming out soon right? I mean its the only game i am looking forward because i disliked almost everything that came out this year.
There is even a real nice teaser. That world of abe sure got darker than i can remember.
What do you guys think about it? Would like to share some "hype" with you.

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So many baitthreads like PUBG vs Fortnite or just a pubg shit again. Come on, bump.

Sup Forums doesn't talk about good games. Also I'm not hyped after the recent remake, but I'll keep tabs on it and see if it turns out any good.
Might try posting on /vr/ too.

Here I go again, falling in the same EXACT trap I fell for a few years ago with New N Tasty. I'm getting excited about a game that I know will suck so much...
I just wanna see another good Oddworld game, come on Inhabitants, don't make another shitty remake like last time please ;_;

Is abe really vr? I know its a really old game. I played it on PS1 but damn for that time, the story and the soundtrack was really good. You had fun killing your mate just out of fun all that stuff.
I am kinda hyped because its just such a nostalgic game and because they doing it in a much more dark theme. I am kinda sick of the new games because they always do the same shit. Soulstorm might change that because you see that Lorne passion on it.
Watch the link i posted. It has a trailer and it should be a new game/continue the story. Only thing i am worried about is about their budget. That might make the game less good as it could be but still. Abe is a game i will always look forward too.

Can someone tell me how exactly New N tasty sucked ? I played through half of it at a friend's house and It felt good to me ? I loved so much the first 2 games back when I was a kid so maybe I had some nostalgia googles...

I liked them too but they felt kinda short. After i finished it i asked myself where the other things went like that Robot-trashcan with that mouth or the worms that first lick and that swallow you.

>Can someone tell me how exactly New N tasty sucked ?

it didn't.
Sup Forums is talking shit like usual.

>Watch the link i posted. It has a trailer and it should be a new game/continue the story.
Wrong. The teaser they showed was about the ARG and the backstory of Soulstorm, not the game itself, which WILL BE a remake of Exoddus. Inhabitants has confirmed it already f󠀡a󠀡m. Sure they will change a few things around, but it will be a remake, just like how they changed a few things around for NnT, but it was still a remake.

I'm ready to give them a chance, but only if they throw the continuous moving camera and the extremely "clean" and plastic-looking aesthetics in the trashcan.

No please not a remake. I was so hyped to see a continued story. God damn it.

This is not a remake, same setting but not the same game.

According to last the thread, people disliked New N' Tasty because it had something to do with ingame advertising, and that the game was too ""colorful"" when Oddworld has some dark overtones.

Yet these are the same niggers with contradictory opinions complaining that Soulstorm looks too dark to be an Oddworld game. You can never please the fucks in this place.

Are you the same guy who i quoted on? Because you said "wich will be a remake of exoddus".
I am kinda confused. I thoughed they would continue that game and not remake it or something like new and tasty. They said it themself that it was necessary because money.

>Yet these are the same niggers with contradictory opinions complaining that Soulstorm looks too dark to be an Oddworld game. You can never please the fucks in this place.
Literally no one ever has said that.

I remember the lighting and new effects ruining sone atmosphere and making things too bright and colourful, and something about the controls being strangely unresponsive. Like it often happens with remakes it's good as it offers a more easy option for people to get in the series and to keep it alive, but arguably it doesn't offer much compared to the originals

Except it wasn't just Sup Forums, come on now.

No, you are quoting a different guy.
Soulstorm will take place chronologically when Exoddus takes place. The events will be the same. It will try to do different things, but by all means, it still will be a remake. Or a "reimagining" if you will.

It didn't. It didn't capture the dieselpunk well enough, in my opinion, and I would have liked if they changed things up more. But, at the end of the day it was a reboot for the series meant to introduce the series to a new generation, so I understand why they didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

I'm really excited for Soulstorm since it really looks like a new Oddworld game. Looks darker and scarier, too, which is one of the charms of the series. Hopefully Vykkers are given a more substantial role than in Munch's Oddysee.

Contrarians right ? Probably the same that shitted over Samus Returns and suck it's dick like crazy now.

I'm hopefull, I always loved Lanning's Ideas and even If I only played the first two games and half of NnT, Oddworld always had a good place in my heart. I can't wait to see more about Soulstorms.

I would looking forward to it until Lanning showed that there's crafting and that you're managing 301 Mudokons at the same time.

Now I'm very cautious of it

So i kinda dont really got some stuff on it.
How is abe friends with much?
Is Stranger in the same world as they are?
And where is abe now?

If these things are true (which sound shady, I think you might be baiting us user), I'd gladly embrace them. I hated the "new" things that NnT brought, because they were shallow, but something like this might work. I'm not against change in Oddworld, I'm against gimmicks.

>new n' tasty was hyped up but then turned out to be disappointing
>expect me to be "hype" about this one
Give me a demo and I'll decide whether I should get hyped so not

the visuals weren't as bad as people make it out to be, although it lost some of it's original grittiness.
the controls weren't unresponsive for me.
played through the game twice on pc and never had any technical issues.
also i found the execution of movements and general gameplay way more fluent and managable than in the original one.

I really hope they have a good ui designer, games like this can be broken on a shit ui

New n' Tasty was good but it left a salty taste in my mouth because my favourite zone of the game had so much bloom in an area that was particularly dark, which was annoying. But hopefully they keep a darker tone in this.

Anyone see the swanland paintings in the livestream? Pretty gorgeous desu

Its not contradictory its true, New N' Tasty completely fucked the dark atmosphere of the original which was a big part of the originals appeal. This video pretty much sums up everything wrong with the visual direction of the remake in detail

I'm kinda excited for the game to, OP. Played the first OW with a friend on ps3 and it was great. Hope Soulstorm can live up the hopes of fans.

>all that glukkon lore


maybe stick to spamming crowbcat videos you fucking retard.

nothing is stopping you from playing the original games.

matthewmatosis made a video about it and said it was bad so and because i am devoid of original thought i will post his video in every thread rather than posting robust arguments

Did the guy rape you or something

He delivers the arguments, and instead of countering those arguments or presenting any of your own you base your entire post on ad hominem. "Person A comes to conclusion B and gives reason C and D, I dislike A therefore I can ignore B C D and act superior".
Just because you dislike the person doesn't mean his opinions are any less valid than your own (non-existent) opinions. Does this hate stem from the fact that you are unable to articulate your fee-fees, and when someone else articulates himself well people tend to recognize that?

Unlike New n Tasty, it's not going to be a one-to-one remake. Devs said that the original Exoddus was supposed to be different but the deadline got screwed somehow and they had to push the game out in 9 months. There's a whole story they wanted to do but couldn't, but now they're running with it.

I wouldn't say it sucked, but as some said, it failed to capture the atmosphere of Oddyssee and Exoddus. It just didn't feel grimy and gritty and gross. Additionally, some of the animations were kinda janky and the sounds weren't nearly as good. When you or enemies explode, gibs fly across the screen really fast instead of arcing lazily and just having that funny dismemberment quality. Falling from a really tall platform and landing didn't have that same gross satisfying "splat" when you died.

In my opinion New n Tasty didn't have the same humor qualities that the first two had, and it suffered for it. HOWEVER, I did enjoy it, I've played it and replayed it and would replay it again.