Help me Sup Forums I'm depressed

Maybe it's because I keep falling for the DMC5 hype during each gaming event, but I really don't know what to play atm. I don't like Western games at all, some times I wish I wasn't so demanding when it comes to video games and could enjoy all the cinematic garbage you guys loves. But sadly I was born during a time when all video games were just hard mode and didn't hold your hand.

I have PS3, PS4, PC. Recommend me some hidden gems that'll get me through today please. Please nothing cinematic and anything that requires me to read or sit and watch for long periods.

Other urls found in this thread:[En_by_Aeon_Genesis_v1.0]/34566

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Are you cool with emulating?
Go play the translation of Metal Max Returns. It's a really unique JRPG about tanks with tons of TECHNOLOGY, customization, and funky enemy design.

Forgot one; I have a modded PS2 too.

I don't own any handheld devices sadly.

Sure I'll try it out. Got any links I'll need?

>I don't own any handheld devices sadly.
You can play them on PPSSPP emulator

Oh shit I completely forgot. Yo does the online work on the PPSSPP version?!? I heard it has netplay now.

Y'know what, I feel like spoonfeeding.
Here's the ROM, complete with translation.
Choice of emulator is up to you.[En_by_Aeon_Genesis_v1.0]/34566

>with tons of TECHNOLOGY

This is incorrect, there's not that much TECHNOLOGY actually

There's plenty! Shit like the AC in tanks having an affect, being able to use t-shirts and towels in the place of a gas mask, the mosquito in cheap hotel rooms that deals 1 damage to trigger your OCD, the fact that you can use bug spray to kill it, each party member having a different response to every drink in the bar...

Oh yeah, and birds crapping on your tanks if you park them outside for too long so you have to bring them to the car wash.
Can't forget that.

Have you played God Hand yet?
If not, fix that.

Volgarr the viking. My personal goty. Zero cinematics, all pure and glorious gameplay.

Thanks for these. Downloading them now, especially PPSSPP. I don't know why I forgot this existed, there are a ton of games I haven't played like Phantasy Star Portable.

Oh course I have played God Hand. Why wouldn't I?

Forgot to mention Furi.It's a short game

I dunno man, some people just make terrible mistakes.

Grandia's an essential JRPG in my books, definitely worth playing if you haven't already. It does a wonderful job at capturing the spirit of adventure.

This games good.

How were you "born in a time when all video games were hard mode" and yet your oldest console is the PS2?

Didn't think I'd get serious replies, but you guys actually made me feel better. Take this crappy red orb I made in paint.

I don't own a SNES, PS1, and N64, Xbox (original) and Dreamcast anymore. I gave them to my younger cousins whenever I upgraded to the newest consoles. The only reason I have the PS2 is because I bought another one, it's not my original PS2.

PS1 is where I'd say my gaming hobby kicked off. Legend of Lagaia, MGS1, Jet Moto, Rival Schools, A fuck ton of Playstation Magazine Demo Disk, and other stuff.

This is like Time Crisis?

Oh yeah, if you like Metal Gear, play Merry Gear Solid 2. It's a short fangame on PC and it's far better than it has any right to be.

>Maybe it's because I keep falling for the DMC5 hype during each gaming event
If that's your biggest problem then I'd say you're doing just fine.

If you haven't already, play some Gitaroo Man, OP. You can complete it in like 2-3 hours, but it's a great little experience. You can emulate either the PS2 or PSP version.

The games like a mix of DMC x Max Payne with some nice jazz music.

Sengoku Basara