What killed Bioware?

What killed Bioware?

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Hiring practices based on genitals rather than skill

Thread is over, they were finished back in 09

EA meddling

Brain drain of original creative talent

Questionable hiring practices

Bioware killed itself

Nothing more needs to be said

What the fuck? People swallowed that shit?

There nothing wrong with women tho.
But hiring women for the sake of quota is shit.

Twitter is hugbox for those kinds of people to gather, it's not that surprising

>There nothing wrong with women



>There nothing wrong with women


I'm still fucking mad, Mass Effect and Dragon Age had so much potential

>Making Shit Games
>Dragon Age 2

Used to be that with Bioware you expected their games to be 'pretty good' at their worst and usually great. They got bought out by EA and at first things seemed ok; Mass Effect 1 and Dragon Age Origins were both very good, signs of EA meddling but nothing too severe, ME2 came out and people noticed something was off, the RPG elements were almost entirely gone but the gameplay was good enough to make up for it. Then Dragon Age 2 came out.

Dragon Age 2 is arguably the worst AAA title I have ever played, I don't think I can accurately describe how terrible that game is to people who've never played it. I used to be a huge Bioware fan but DA2 was a very abrupt end of the line for me and the rest of their core audience. Since then they've never really recovered.

After Dragon Age 2 ShitWare was dead to me, don't care.

I'm out of the loop, what's with the overuse of the word badass?


are you out since Borderlands 2 release window?

I like Dragon Age/Mass Effect 2 and 3.
ME4 was just a mistake I'm sure their next game will be great.

Never played any Borderlands to be honest

> I noticed Bio had a huge wound in DA2
> ME3 - "Don't stare at the light, Bio, look at me. stay awake!!!! pleaaaseee"

What about what Inquisition and Andromeda?

Among the other things anons have said, pushing Drew Karpyshyn off of Mass Effect to lead write that shit star wars mmo (old republic).

they shit the bed after 2003, but a detailed explanation would probably require a lot of information on turnover and their 2005 reorganization

Electronic Arts




>ME1 was great, but imperfect
>Huge fucking potential
>Hyped for ME2
>Turned it into some half-baked 3rd person shooter
The sequels were still decent but that's when it started going downhill. DA2 had a terrible story but troll Hawke was too hilarious to drop the game. DA Inquisition is the perfect game for you if you want to slip into a coma.
Andromeda I pirated and dropped 5 hours in.
Fuck Bioware.

>There nothing wrong with women


other than they are literal manchildren

To be fair, his writing for the ToRtanic was fucking abysmal, so it's not like it ME would have stayed on par with the first from a writing perspective.


Protip: Women worked on your favorite game

Liberalism. Liberalism killed Bioward, just as it's killing many other things.



good old hamburger helper

laws forcing diversity hires of people who are incompetent

I feel pretty much the exact same way.
After DA:O and ME1 Bioware died.

What she doing now? Writing gay fujo shit and selling it as books?