Are any of the DLCs worth it or should I start New Vegas instead?

Are any of the DLCs worth it or should I start New Vegas instead?

The Pitt has a great atmosphere, though. It had a bullshit ending where you're given 2 choices with almost the same outcome, but it's good. Point Lookout has a creepy environment with genuinely terrifying enemies, but a crappy story. You're given even more of a non-choice. Operation Anchorage has my favorite story, since it heavily features the Outcasts, but the squad based gameplay doesn't quite play out.

Mothership Zeta is a controversial topic. It's fun if you don't take it seriously, but even then it's full of missed opportunities.

just get game of the year and get them all. i think thats the only way you can get mothership zeta, or was.

if your using PC just wait for a steam sale and get the fallout bundle. 1,2,3, NV, tactics, and 4 with all DLC's for $60 or less.

if you can only get one DLC, get broken steel. without it, once you finish the main story the game ends.

The pitt is amazimg.
However yes new vegas is objectively better

It is definitely worth at least 1 full play through. It's a good game but playing 3 will make NV a million times better in my opinion, it will make you not take all the features NV adds for granted and it does a decent job explaining the backstory of fallout. Also luck is fucking worthless in every 3d fallout so use those points on useful specials.

point lookout was the best imo i loved hunting down the chinese agent or whatever.

the pitt was meh imo generic "lose all your stuff and your a slave now" dlc's

mothership zeta was meh

operation anchorage apparantly is everyone's favourite but i didn't care too much for it with all the bugs.

I thought Point Lookout was the usual favorite.

I liked the Pitt but it had an awful setup. I'm in T-51b power armor. How the hell are a bunch of raiders going to knock me out?

read before you write, nigger. I already finished the main game and all side quests. I was just wondering if the DLC was worth it.

>luck is worthless
I never play without at least 7 luck

Same question but for PS3. They're 7 pounds each. Should I?


just get fo3 goty on pc with all the dlc for like £4 at most.

the game has been less than a fiver for years now.

even a low end computer should be able to run fo3 easily

ok, thanks

>GOAT tier
Point Lookout, The Pitt

>Good tier
Broken Steel

>Ok tier
Operation Anchorage

>Shit tier
Mothership Zeta

Point Lookout and The Pitt have great atmosphere and pacing, hav better writing than the base game and have actually challenging combat.

Broken Steel fleshes out certain locations more by adding new quests and characters, but the new perks and level cap completely break what was already an easy game.

Anchorage is an experiment where the devs tried to make a CoD/ Half Life style game in their engine. Some times it works, some times it doesn't.

Zeta is far too combat orientated and linear, complete with a shitty setting and damage sponge enemies. Talking to people from different historical periods was the only good part.

Operation anchorage gives you an op stealth boy suit, an unbreakable suit of power armor, a sniper energy rifle and a electric clone of shishkebab, locked behind a 2 hour long call of duty quest. there is a glitch which also gives you infinite ammo to some guns, and special, unbreakable variants of vanilla weapons

pitt gives you a whole new town to explore, woth it's own questline. it also gives you a fetch quest to collect 100 ingots, which rewards you with a unique laser shotgun, unique raider armor, a unique chainsaw, a silenced scoped assault rifle and a raider suit of power armor. you can also turn in scrap metal for ammu ition at the end of a quest line

broken steel adds on to the final quest and lets you continue after main game. it adds 3 new story missions where you finish off the enclave, and a few minor quests after you finish "take it back". it also increases level cap to 30, includes new perks and new enemies, even if you didn't finish the main quest and started the dlc yet. new loot includes a fire proof set of power armor, a fireball launcher, a common set of a laser shotgun from the pitt, and a tesla cannon

point lookout adds a whole new game world, taking place in a forgotten pleasure town in a swamp. loot is pretty good, and you can go there pretty early on on the game. if you're looking for loot, it includes an axe, a 10mm lever action rifle, a super shotgun from doom 2 and a unique memsetron that kills people

mother ship zeta makes the random "encounter" with the alien space ship it's own little quest. you get kidnapped by aliens, and you get to shoot them for a few hours. it drags on, but it has some good loot, and a player house, when you're done. loot includes new improved stimpacks, weapon repair kits, a new class of weaponry that bears both lasers and plasma, as well as a cattle prod and a plasma grenade launcher. also includes a katana, a suit of samurai armor, a revolver shotgun, and even a rapid fire alien assault rifle

>buying Bethesda games
Go away Todd.

Same question but for FNV

come to think of it FO3 is the only beth game i've fully played the DLC for.

may as well play all the dlc so you can understand why new vegas dlc is better.

All Bethesda DLCs make me break the immersion somehow.

The Pitt is nice but I wouldn't bother with the rest considering you have NV ahead of you.

oh good yes. dead money and Old World Blues are a must play. honest heart is ok and lonesome road is a hit or miss.

play them in this order. dead money>honest heart>Old World Blues>lonesome road.

i thought lonesome road would be the best with all the military installation and nuke silos, looked pretty cool anyway, although just running round it looks a bit too nuked and destroyed

Point Lookout is amazing, it's more or less the Shivering Isles of Fallout. Just a completely new zone with new items, new enemies, main quests, side quests and so on. A shitload of content.
The Pitt is decent, I guess? It's the usuall Fallout DLC, you get transported somewhere and lose your gear and then follow a main quest for 1-2 hours with very little stuff to do on the side.
Mothership Zeta is like The Pitt but worse.
Operation Anchorage is pretty hit or miss, being the Dead Money of F3. It has some neat ideas that don't translate very well into the Fallout engine/gameplay.
Broken Steel just adds more shit and more importantly, lets you play after the game ends so it's a must-have.

honestly don't even play honest hearts unless you have a hardon for the joshua graham/the burned man legends you hear throughout the game
rest of the dlc is shit in almost every aspect

New Vegas' DLCs are all very hit or miss.
Old World Blues is the most liked in general, it arguably has the most content and the main criticism against it is the wacky writing.
Honest Hearts is loved by some, found boring by others. It's a pretty straightforward questline with some degree of exploration on the side.
Dead Money is the same as HH - if you immerse yourself in it it is an incredbly atmospheric DLC with some nice scenery and there's plenty of exploration, but it suffers from some bad mechanics (radios/bomb collar) and some of the survival horror aspects don't translate very well into the gameplay.
Lonesome Road is for high-level characters, lots of new enemies and weapons, decent amounts of side-exploration and the only DLC that lets you go/leave as you please before you beat it, but the villain will either make you hate or love it.

>although just running round it looks a bit too nuked and destroyed
Kinda the point of the dlc, to see a place that not even humans will inhabit.

The dlcs have a story to it, and each reference each other, so you should buy them all

dead money pits you in a poisonous city where you are forced to break into a casino. you get a vending machine and a player house afterwords that will provide you with almost anything you want, including infinite ammo. loot includes the best light armor in the game, an energy variant of the anti material rifle, and browning automatic rifle

honest hearts pitts you in a new game world, full of wild life, inside a national park, where you have to sort out a tribal war. story is pretty good, but the quest is short, and not that interesting. finding the hidden story of the survivalist makes for some of the best writing in nv. loot includes an addition of .45 weaponry and ammo, a unique 12,7 rifle, and a unique tribal helmet and power fist, not to mention a new root which lets you make new recipes at the campfire

old world blues adds a big research facility, complete with a new player house. it has the most character out of all the dlcs, but it gets reddity with it's humor(you get to hit on a talking light switch, ect). main quest is also pretty much just exploring the facility, but it's interesting all around. loot includes a "smart" stealth suit that doesn't shut the fuck up and addicts you to med x, a proton axe, pulse rifle from f2, a scoped .357 minigun powered by a dog's brain(no, really), and the best weapon in the game. if you upgrade the sonic emmiter to tarantula, you get a gun that instakills on critical hits. and all sneak attafks are critical, mind you. there is eve a ridiculous joke enemy where you can try that out, if you don't believe me. goes down in one hit, if you get a critical, same goes for every legendary creature, the giant roboscorbion, or eve the finalboss the legate

lonesome roead is I think the most interesting dlc. you get contacted by an insane man who claims to know you, and you have to make a journey to stop him from launching nukes

>tfw most of FO3's DLCs improved over the base game (retconning the dumb ending, fleshing out and explaining factions a bit more in depth, stories that weren't just "good vs. evil", more variety in locales etc.)
>tfw New Vegas added the reputation and disguise system and only suffered from removing 3's sandbox elements + invisible walls
>tfw 4 could have been the perfect Fallout if they just combined the two games

Fuck Fallout 4, fuck it so much.