VR thread


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My wife has PCOS and cannot have children. Next question.

Yet she still makes you wear a condom instead of busting inside her? LMfao, you stupid cuck faggot.

I haven't worn a condom in close to 12 years, but thanks for your concern.

Consult a gynecologist already. PCOS can be managed with medication.

Don't want PTSDee

Yeah, I wish I had a loli.

It isn't life threatening, and honestly neither of us are in a position to raise kids anyway, so we've never pursued it after the initial diagnosis.

Children should not be fucking encouraged to spend their lives in front of a god damn computer. It fucks me up to see kids hunched over a computer like a god damn hunchback, it may seem nice and innocent since they're kids but it's just setting a shitty precedent that real life should be relegated to a fucking computer monitor. Children should be outside in the real world getting real world life experience, not being absorbed in a virtual reality.

Waiingo for 2nd generation devices which don't use tech from a decade ago.

I wish my dad would played video games with my inside.
At least then he would have played with me.

All the games are shit and until somebody creates a decent movement system they're just going to be 3D light gun games.

Cute feets!

Technology was a mistake

Why are you assuming these children are living their lives in front of a computer?

>I wish my dad would played video games with my inside.
>played video games with my inside.
What did you mean by this?


>he never played cave explorer with his dad

the way she runs away


Because I'm projecting. I'm still serious though, children should not be encouraged to sit in front of a computer all day. Even letting them use an extremely immersive medium like VR is going to set a precedence that plugging in and pretending like the rest of the world doesn't exist is a good thing. People under the age of 18 should not be allowed to use VR, and parents should be more restrictive in children's computer access.

It's Early Access hardware
>Buy it now! It'll be good in the future!

No thanks.

Ye, fuck off

most of Sup Forums spent the majority of their time growing up in front of the computer and as you can see we turned out fine

Cheeky unity girl is cute.

did he died?

damn that looks fun as fuck

yeah, of shame

Is the future here already? I want to play with Sup Forums as cute little girls and do lewd things to each other.

what this user said its the Virtual Boy all over again. Only when VR gets into the medical field will it be worth a shit.

Tried one for 20 minutes, felt nauseous for the rest of the day.

I'm getting a vasectomy in two weeks, and my wedding is in February. She's wanting to get a tubal ligation as well but can't find a doctor willing to do it on a 23 year old without kids so we're waiting on that. We're pretty damn rock solid 100% set on no kids ever, but I do feel sorry for people who can't have them if they do want them.

Too expensive for how few good games are out there just yet. I'm waiting for a few hardware revisions so prices drop and I can upgrade from a 770 and get the headset for a decent price. Hopefully by then there will be a couple killer apps but the market just isn't there quite yet to justify a purchase for me.

Freeze your semen.

Nah, I've got too many hereditary issues I'd hate to pass on. I wouldn't even consider donating sperm. I've had multiple heart surgeries due to a hereditary defect my father, all my uncles and aunts, my grandfather, and all my greatuncles had.

>dogs inside the living room inside cages

is this an american thing?

Some people think its a good idea to own pets when they live in apartments or places with no room.

How fat is your wife?

Least theres always adoption user.

>I want to play with Sup Forums as cute little traps and do lewd things to each other

Japan is making some interesting VR stuff. Like this about a small village in 1910s Japan of Christians hiding from the government persecution and some woman shows up performing miracles.
It uses interesting designs and stain glass imagery with the VR and kind of puts you right in the middle of this cool looking environment. And personally I think with VR immersing yourself into an environment that surrounds you with imagery is a strong point for VR.


~110lbs, 5' 3

Apparently its fairly common in asian women.

In the near future, they can modify dna for hereditary issues.

What gaem?

How old are you?

When you get older (end 20´s beginning 30´s) the feeling of wanting children starts to get much stronger.

You clearly weren't around for Virtual Boy if you think it's anywhere on that level of bombing.

so buy this, not a fucking vet cage

No games

As long as the parents establish boundaries and make the kids understand the stuff you're talking about, they'll be fine. A bigger worry would be with smartphones.

this is shopped

What did Palmer say at his Vive session??

I want that loli

>is a strong point for VR.
ill show you what gives me a strong point for VR

My quantity of vr and money is equal.

Here are some games that people say are worth buying VR for:
>Resident Evil 7
>SteamVR Hub
>Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
>The Playroom VR
>Rez Infinite
>Tumble VR
>Eve: Valkyrie/Gunjack
>Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
>Sportsbar VR
>Pavlov VR
>Smashbox Arena
>Doom 3 (VR mod)
>Serious Sam VR
>Raw Data
>Lone Echo/Echo Arena
>Arizona Sunshine
>Elite: Dangerous
>Mage's Tale
>Rec Room
>Google Earth VR
>Minecraft (VR mod)
>Robo Recall
>Superhot VR
>The Climb
>NoLimits 2
>Star Trek: Bridge Crew
>Fruit Ninja VR
>Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades
>I Expect You To Die
>The Unspoken
>Half Life: VR

wtf I love vr now

Is this Gal-Gun VR?

>Pointman abuses his reflexes to get panyshots nowadays

I guess Warner Brothers pushed the man over the edge.

I dont have one cuz im broke

Came here to post this
Can't understand why you would get a dog and then just put it in a cage. If you can't trust it out of the cage, why even have a pet in the first place?

24, if we ever decide on kids we agreed to adopt. She's got a hardcore case of tokophobia to the point of getting sick even being in the same room as a pregnant woman, and I've got an inordinate amount of genetic defects that I'd hate to pass on. We're also both in lower paying fields so the prospects of supporting a kid are low for the foreseeable future unless one of us can get a promotion, or we're able to break into a different field in a different part of the country. It's a decision both of us have been completely sure of for nearly a decade now, in fact it's one of the main reasons we decided to date each other in the first place because it was a top condition for a SO for both of us.

>mommy and daddy I want a puppy
>ok kid we will buy you things you want
>oh no the dog behaves bad and ruins our possessions by chewing and pooping
>i tried talking to the dog and telling it not to do that but it still does so despite having shared my feelings with it on that
>guess I have to keep it in this cage to protect my possessions which are very important to me

I really enjoyed Project Cars in VR with my steering wheel.

you forgot Honey Select from that list

It's totally worksafe you fucking newfag janny.

Were we wrong?

Does the game have native VR support, or do you need to mod it?

VR Chat

Sairento is pretty cool.

I think it's a mod but I can't remember whether it was that you install a "VR version" of the game and it'd work that way or that you just install a mod that enables VR

Dang, that does look pretty cool.

man twitch is so fucking cancerous

I think it has native, but maybe not.
Anyway, here's a useful pastebin for HS:


>no motion controls support
What's the fucking point?

Forgot Alien Isolation

People who say that VR is just a meme and it'll never take off have never experienced VR
I don't own any of the headsets but my friend has HTC vive and I've gotten to try it and it's just simply incredible. Now if they just didn't fucking cost 800€ I would buy one.

They're wating for a motion controller you can stick your dick into.
1 to 1 wang movement.

>tfw no cute kids
>tfw never gonna spook them by telling them to play vr games
>tfw never gonna make awful dad jokes to their bfs/gfs
why even live

I felt dirty and scammed as fuck playing this and i pirated it
People pay money for this?

no VR Kanojo, Gal Gun VR, Waifu sex simulator (mocumocudance), Serious Sam The Last Hope

>tfw god decided your family line would end with you, so you were born infertile
Where are the parenting sims in VR? Then I'll buy one.

>People pay money for this?
I went on Steam just now and it's on sale at a 75% discount. So personally I did pay money for it just a minute ago, yes. I'm not sure how I'm going to hide this from my friends. Perhaps I'm going to counter their disgust with bravado unfair comparisons with their favourite games like Bayonetta.

Why would you pirate a perfect gam that only jap overlords are capable of producing. That's why galgun 2 is only on PS4 and Switch

I want a loli!

should have that cord hanging from the ceiling or something attached to bending arm so that you can do real low with it if you pull it too hard

>how I'm going to hide this from my friends

Why would you want to hide it

what is your second daughter playing in the corner??? they both have their own battlestations at like 7?? damn dude

you're probably like 20 years old
stop being a faggot and SORT YOURSELF OUT

>sarcass posting
>spelling and grammar posting
Okay fellas time to go back to where you came from!!!! Go back! Go to Read It! No stat here!!!

Adoption centers won't let me.

3DPD is not loli.

It's meant to serve as a "personal space" for the dog. You put their bedding and stuff in there. It's comforting for them. You're not actually meant to close/lock the cage unless you need to keep them contained for some reason.

Probably to avoid the practically blindfolded child running around from stepping on them.

yes it is, even obama likes lolis


if you're handsome guy with good income and supposedly good mental health, you're the most privileged to adopt yourself a child

Toy for rich americans with huge rooms

t. someone who has never tried it and cries about it being a gimmick
I bet you still masturbate at the age of 30 and you claim how masturbation feels better than sex, even though you've never had sex

Play Rez and VR and you'll change your mind
shame there isn't much else to do with it

>People who say that VR is just a meme and it'll never take off have
seen it 20 years ago and it sucked back then as well.
End of story.

It's a fucking gimmick.
Just like 3D TVs were and they are fading away as we speak.