What's the shittiest RE game Sup Forums?

What's the shittiest RE game Sup Forums?

6 undeniably.

2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 6

7 becuase it dosent feel like resident evil.

Revelations 2

I don't like Code Veronica. The controls are fucking atrocious.


They just wanted to make their own PT

Probably one of those horseshit spin offs. Never played them but they all got horrible reviews
7 Would've been great if it hadn't shat all over itself for the entire last 1/3d of the game

REmake > 2 > 1 > 3 > 7 > 4 > 5 > 6

That one so bad everyone pretends it doesn't exist and isn't a Resident Evil game probably.

Pretty much every resident evil goes retarded for the last 1/4 though, where you have grenade launchers and mines.

RE survivor

Well, you're close at least

REmake > 2 > 4 > 3 > 7 > 5 > 6

I like the fact that everyone is listing the main installments of the series and forgetting the horseshit spinoffs.

Resident Evil ____4_____

I dislike CV as well. Not because of the controls, which all old school RE have, though. The story is ass and it lacks any of the atmosphere that the previous games have. The gameplay is kind of retarded too with the dual wielding machine guns and stuff

Is the best game in the series. Correct, Rolf

Operation Raccoon City. It was that bad.
Weird thing is, it had the most awesome trailers ever. They're really good.


hands down the reason why Resident Evil went so shit. It became so popular which influenced the making of 5 and 6 and the other crap non-RE games

I won't defend what came after RE4, but you're full of shit if you don't think the series was well on its way out before 4. 2 was the last great RE game and it came out 7 years before 4

>4 was my first Resident Evil game

Name one RE game before 4 that wasn't meant to be an action third person Call of Duty. I still stand by what I said. Even if 3 was shittier than 2, it still stuck to its roots of what makes a true RE game.

my first was 2 and i still consider code veronica x to be the peak

the first half of 7 feels like Resident Evil-lite. The second half? I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be, but it isn't RE

Code Veronica is pretty action packed, although it also sticks to its roots. The series was effectively killing itself and 4 breathed some life into it. Maybe after 7, and the upcoming RE2 remake, the series can get back to its roots

Code Veronica still had much more horror elements than 4. They've been trying to get back to the roots of RE since Revelations 2, and they did pull it off with 7, but with the surprise of not having any fucking RE character that we know of. What the fuck capcom.

I don't agree that it had more horror. 4 had plenty of horror, it was just overshadowed by the significantly more action based gameplay. The lab with the regeneraters alone is one of the creepiest places in the entire series. Was that not Chris at the end of RE7 though?

Yeah that one small part from the entire game was a little creepy, CV had a more horror-enticed atmosphere most of the game. Everyone already knows that 4 and its mass success was the reason Crapcom continued on delivering sub-par action-packed games that had no innovation and didn't feel the way RE used to feel until recently. And yes, that was him at the end of 7, but why does that matter? We were playing as an unknown fag the entire game, i mean they have to fuck up something in the end amiright? the upcoming DLC looks kinda promising tho..

4 > 2 > 1 > 7 > 3 > 5 > 6
This is factual

They fucked up the end long before he showed up. I don't understand why it was called RE in the first place desu. Also I personally loved the hell out of the village and castle in RE4. I'd say the biggest problem is incompetent directors. RE4 is an amazing game, regardless of it being more action packed, because Shinji Mikami is a great director. I hope more than anything that they don't fuck up the RE2 remake

See this list makes no sense to me. 4 and 5 are basically the same shit.

This guy is consistent with what he likes.

If you can't see the difference in pacing and tone between 4 and 5, you must be retard.

Though I'd put 5 in co-op very high on the list too.

But they aren't the same shit. 5 has that horrible real time inventory system, the AI partner and more poorly designed areas overall. There was nothing like RE4 when it released either. No other 3rd person shooter played like it did. They are absolutely not the same game

without the outbreak, revelation, the remake and the rail shooter
I didn't like how 3 was paced.

REmake > 3 > 2 > 1 > > 4 > Revs2 > 5 > Revs1 > 7 > others > 6

Yeah there are differences but the gameplay is close enough that they should not be on polar opposite sides of the list. I only ever played it co-op so maybe it sucks single player. Then again I played 6 with my brother and enjoyed the hell out of it.

Ok fine, not the same, but not "one is the best one is the second worst" level of different.

REmake is objectively the best RE title. RE2 is the best PS1 era RE. RE4 is by far the best "action RE". RE7 is a step in the right direction but the first person view/vr shit stopped it from being as good as it could've been. REmake, RE2 and RE4 are excellently designed games. I would give all 3 a 10/10. 3 and CV are good, and Zero could've been good. Zero is the weakest because of its fucking awful item management system

Yes, I'm not saying RE4 was a bad game per say, it just wasn't a RE game, and it all started from there. The new gameplay mechanics were excellent, the characters are great (except Ashley), the story is well-written, but that was all overshadowed by an underwhelming RE experience that us, RE traditionalists, were craving. It had an atmosphere that can fit in a Dead Space game or even an Uncharted game more so than in Resident Evil. Even the enemies were average at best, the difficulty of the game significantly dropped, the actual "survival" elements of the game were a pure letdown. The fact that you have to carry a bitch with a scream that can pierce your eardrums the entire game was downright criminal. Mikami is (or was, because he quit?) a great director, but you don't just let him lead any game you're making, imagine him directing a game like Super Mario and turning it into an action-packed "survival" game, changing the entire concept of the series and calling it a day. Yeah, people might like it, but not the ones who were there from the beginning.

I get what you're saying, but Mikami created the series, and is responsible for Survival Horror in general. If anyone has the right to change things, it's him desu. I love the old school games though. I strongly thing REmake is the best horror game ever made


>all these people hating on RE4 when 5,6,7 and not a hero exist
>people not getting assmad that outbreak doesnt have a PC version with working online play

He didn't really create it, he did direct the first game, which was meh compared to 2 imo, but doesn't negate the fact that he went overboard with 4. REmake fixed a lot of shit I hated about the original desu, so yeah we can agree on that.

The reason why 5, 6 and 7 exist is because of 4.

RE2 was definitely better than the first. Kamiya knows what the fuck is up. Mikami also directed REmake, which I think is probably how he wanted the game to be all along

1=Dino Crisis>6>Rev2>4>5>3>CV>2>Rev>7

And he didn't disappoint with that. Stuck to its roots and didn't add too much action into it.

Why are there no modern dinosaur games? It confuses me as much as the lack of viking or pirate games

and 4 exists because of 1, 2 and 3. whats your point?

what is horizon zero dawn? what is ark survival evolved?

Horizon doesn't count. I mean like real dinosaurs. Never heard of Ark either. Is it worth playing?

>Operation Raccoon city is a bad game

Nice meme friend.

Its a fun game, but Capcom's decision to split it in half and sell the rest as DLC was retarded.

It is by no means the worst though.

4 isn't the same as 1, 2 ,3. Whereas 5, and 6 are hugely inspired by the success of 4 and tried so hard to be that game, but failed. 7 got its shit together somehow.

its not bad if you're into survival and shit. check it out on YT.

RE is in rehab with 7. The best thing I can say about it is that it's a stepping stone for a possibly brighter future

Resident evil: Dead aim.

What's that RE that came out not too long ago that was a multiplayer shooter? metacritic is like 40 something and famitsu gave it a 39/40 or some shit. Don't even remember its name

>moving he goal posts
>got its shit together
wanna know how i know you are a shit person with abysmal taste???


Worst plot
Worst gameplay
QTEs out of the ass

Umbrella Corps, wow, I didn't even know that it existed!

It looks just absolutely disgraceful. Gotta love Capcom's commitment to producing utter shit for the sake of it.

this korean is a comedy genies, gotta catch up on his stuff

>its a fun game
>shitty imprecise aiming
>moving around like an absolute dumbass
>shitty voice acting
>shitty characters
>easy as fuck
>broken af online system
>story for 5year olds
>a shitty CoD clone
>its a fun game

It was released as a digital only title and it got horrible reviews, so I'm not surprised if people didn't hear about it

i bet you never played 5 and 6, or even any RE game. gg

I'm sorry you were expecting high class story and controls from a Resident Evil game, user

i expected that long before 6 was released to the point i stopped giving a shit and moved on.

>i bet you neve-
i got most of the RE games you double nigger, keep crying baby

then provide constructive criticism for why you hated 7 than being a cunt. oh wait its Sup Forums

>this mad i hate 7
its fucking mad gay, RE 7? more like REVILL kenevel 7 shit aint survival horror

How many pants have you changed after playing this game nigger.

about 3 fiddy

>constructive criticism
That shit ain't here kid

You either didn't play 7 or originals

>no zombies
>invincible enemies that you have to stealth around
>gay ass cinematics that cutt something off of the player
>shit hud and inventory style
>having to escape a big ass place whilst navigating linear rooms and corridors
>shitty DLC minigames adn content
>not a hero doom 3 clone
go play RE3, its basically seven with the whole big bad following you around the city but atleast you get to blow him away and get rewards for it

Almost everything in one spot after Code Veronica except the 0 and HD remakes, the Village part of RE 4 and the 2 Wii U Chronicles just because you revisited some old places with better graphics (remember that they came out before the remakes).

>not liking 7
Fucking normies

Can you blame them though? The market and hype was there and Konami dropped the ball.

>no zombies
>invincible enemies that you have to stealth around
So it's 7 you didn't play then

what about that old fuck?

>nozombies and invicible enemies you have to stealth around
i am correct you faggot, prove me wrong with some screencaps, protip you cannot

Epic memes user

Most people in this thread forgetting 0 is a testament to how shitty that game is.

You have to stealth around him in tutorial section, then he starts being a recurring boss that you have to kill. Main regular enemies are still "zombies"