If the world's ending today

What game would you want to be playing as we all die?

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I'd probably go on a huge raping spree.

Gothic 2, with the Night of the Raven add-on.

The game of rape and failure

>tfw the meteor actually misses earth and you don't die

New Zealand here. You have 40 minutes until it's the 24th here. Better hurry up

>Oh no an Earthquake and a Hurricane happened at the same time. This has literally never happened int he history of the Earth nosiree.
>It's a sign!

>it was a joke lmao

I'm aware. I was joking too. You ruined it

My favorite game of all time; Dragonquest 8. I would just sit there listening to the intro

>old people at work talking about natural disasters and how the end is near
bitch how the fuck do you get to be in your 50s and 60s and still think this way?

I was implying what the guy raping would say if they wouldnt die

repressed suicidal thoughts

Majora's Mask

Only fitting answer

I play it on every "Apocalypse" day

probably a lot of men would do so, so there probably wouldn't be any punishment.

If enough people commit a crime together it is pretty much impossible to prosecute. Especially when they do it during an emergency situation.

FFXIV, because my whole squad is there

Thanks for clarifying. Now I feel like a dumbass


>literally nothing exciting going on today

maybe i'll drink until i black out...again

>go to bed at 8 am
>wake up whenever I do
>shitpost or play vidya

America time is all that counts
>and you know it

TF2 tbqh

>tfw world ended before the pyro update released

Well I just started a malkavian run on VTMB last night, and I kind of want to play some hoi4 kaiserreich. So those two probably.

Is it bad if I actually want something to happen?

No. I'm not really interested in the slow decline of society because of corporations and islamic invasion. I'd rather it was something quick and intense like crossed or a meteor.

Do you guys think we'll get a sticky for this like we did during the December 2012 "End of the world"?


Yeah. It means you are retarded like this guy:

I don't really want to die, but this year I've learned how it is to lose everything you care about so I'm not afraid of something happening today.

Honestly what bothers me most about this end-of-the-world prediction is that it relies heavily on the bible even though a few of the prophecies that are supposed to happen before the end time haven't happened, not only that, they really want it to be about niburu even though that's not how the world is supposed to end in the bible

Actually, this time it's Israel, this whole scenario relies on passages from the bible and it wouldn't make since for it to happen during America time

This. God said not even my Son knows the time I will end the Earth.

What the fuck, how many doomsdays are there?

according to google, around 170 and more to come