Is it safe to say the open world meme has finally ended...

Is it safe to say the open world meme has finally ended? Why did all these devs suddenly think open world = good no matter what

Surely it couldn't all be Skyrim's fault?

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>Is it safe to say the open world meme has finally ended?
No way. Normalfags love open world games.
There's no benefits to them besides helping people without imagination immersing themselves in shallow games, but linear games actually take talent to create so not a lot of devs dare to try.

We've only just begun the age of "everything has to be open world", strap yourself in.

Botw saved open world if anything (whether you retards like it or not)

>Is it safe to say the open world meme has finally ended? Why did all these devs suddenly think open world = good no matter what
>Surely it couldn't all be Skyrim's fault?
no because BOTW and MGS V( beside the fucking story, fuck you Kojima/Konami) are really good open world

Fucking millennials and there meme hatred for open world. I grew up only ever having the option to walk from left to right across a flat screen. And you want to throw it all away and forsake the freedom those before you worked so hard for.

The only thing BotW does new is non-linear progression to a degree, and it does not save open world.

>good open world

Sure faggot

i don't care if you don't understand anything about vydia.

So if I ask for a plate of food and end up getting an empty plate, it would be a great meal, according to your standards.

Fuck open world games. If your game has 5 good things in it, don't try to bloat it with endless world traversal and uninspired sidequests.

are you serious?

Great argument pal

Daily reminder that there has been only 1 (ONE) open world game done right

No. All 3 games are good Although some are better than the others

Nothing wrong with an open world

If you don't like it stick to linear games

Most open worlds play linearly anyway, like FFXV for example

no FFXV is fucking shit

I mean the bromance saves the game (for me at least). I find the roadtrip aspect great as well. 610 for me, above average

I liked that too, but the combat was mega trash

the first 6-8 hours are good, then it starts to be a shitty mess, we don't understand nothing, we are the enemies? And teh fucking final part where you have to fight the enemies with the fucking ring? It's trash! 10 years of development.

I liked ff15

It's all fault of muh graphics people
They want perfect open worlds with perfect trees but don't care if you can't even burn them
Gta did a lot of harm
When I played vice city I imagine future gta games would have cities with lots of interiors and that there would be lots of things to destroy, that you could break all windows of a skyscraper with an rpg or something
Now we have perfect looking cities in wich you can't even break a lightpost
9/11 is at fault too

Far Cry probably had something to do with it too.

and crysis