For fuck's sake, I don't usually get mad at "muh sjws" but this is retarded

For fuck's sake, I don't usually get mad at "muh sjws" but this is retarded
So in Dishonored 2 you have this heart that lets you look for collectibles and you can also use it to hear some dialogue about the place where you are, general happenings and people you point it at. I've used it on a lot of guards I encountered and switching c, one guy was like a scholar but got drafted, and literally every other male guard in the game is a wifebeater, murderer (of women), rapist, thief (steals from women), liar (to the disadvantege or women) and generally a dick (to women).
I love little dialogue like this in vidya but it's fucking stupid and shows how the writers are incapable of making these npcs unlikable by any way other than showing how mean he is to girls, or even, dare I say, in a game that rewards non-lethal gameplay, making you symphatize with them?
tl;dr: Dishonored 2 ruined a good mechanic by shoving feminist agenda in there

They did something similar with It. With the Father who was implied to have molested his child, and SJW's had nothing to do with it. You're not supposed to feel sympathy for them, they're your enemies. It's easier to kill someone knowing they're morally bankrupt and abuse other people.

Yeah that is pretty lame, if I could get hold of one of bitches who wrote this shit I would slap some fucking sense into her...

It's a self perpetuating problem
People who enjoy writing go to university for a degree
Since writing skills aren't in high demand it's hard to find work, and the writers might feel hard done by and wish they were getting things for free
This makes the university lecturers' shoehorned missives on communism and general SJW rhetoric sound very attractive, especially when all opposing viewpoints are forcibly smothered

So, basically, universities churn out a huge amount of SJW writers who then proceed to do exactly what they were taught in university: Shoehorn left-wing moral causes into their job.

>they're your enemies
they're guards doing their duty. You can go the entire game without killing any one of them

You anti SJWs bitch just as much as real SJWs.

This is the first time something [[[they]]] did that affected me enough to make a Sup Forums post about it

This... is what pushed you over?

I wouldn't say it pushed me over, I'm still enjoying the game, non-lethal as emily is fun as fuck, but it annoyed me that they could've done anything with this, write some unique dialogue that'd make you not want to kill someone or regret it when you already did, but instead they went with "he did bad things to women" for 90% of the npcs

In the first one it wasn't a problem because the heart lines about the guards were usually depressing, kinda putting you off killing them instead of EVIL WOMAN BEATER

>not killing traitorous scum and enemy provocateurs trying to usurp your city state
They're all complicit by association.

Note that Dishonored 1 wasn't like this. You had about a 40/60 of 'lolgrimdarklifesucks/literalscum' for the guards. Offtopic for the OP, does the heart's voice still suck ass? It put me to sleep with the emotionless boring-ass half-murmur in the first game, I could hardly make myself use it often enough. It's a cool concept, so I'd like to know if they put more salt in the wound by actually getting the VA to be competent with this shit writing.

I don't understand. You enjoy it when devs try to shoehorn morality and "choice" by making random mobs poor, misunderstood saints?

I don't remember whose voice was it in 1 but in 2 it's Emily's mum so there's a bit more emotion to it


It's not sjw. It's just because it's easier. Plus they can't make it too specific since random NPC's take from a pool of random lines. The quality of the writing improves significantly once you point at a specific character. Samuel in 1 has some amazing lines.

It was Jessamine as well in 1, it's just never told specifically but the Heart has some great lines for someone like Daud.
>Why have you brought me here? Am I meant to forgive this man for what he did?"

yeah specific characters are fine but this is about generic mooks

Well, I have some bad news for you

I forgot if you kill your enemies they win.

Pretty much every non-lethal option for mission targets is more cruel than just straight up stabbing them in the back

>doing their duty

they betrayed the empress

Granted for Jindosh, but he is pretty much the only one in D2. Ramsey, Grim Alex, Breanna, even Delilah got it easy, like... real easy. The Duke it's questionable, but non-lethal option for targets in D2 is pretty much very nice all the time, compared to D1 anyway.

>lol you are getting shot by that guy, stop shooting back its so annoying

Noone bitched about SJW problems till it started festering in almost every facet of media.

Guards sound bro tier, women need to be put in there place sometimes

Basic black/white morality is inherently boring and doesn't belong in these types of games.
Don't bother arguing about it if there's only one way to interpret it.

Aren't the voice lines mostly random though?

I remember doing it to a black npc and it said he was a serial killer

The Heart dialogue changes based on how you're playing. If you're Low Chaos/nonlethal, it gives you more "this is a bad man who does bad things" quotes, and if you're High Chaos/lethal, it gives you more "this person made shoes for orphans, you monster" dialogue. I guess the idea is to make you feel a little bad either way and try and tempt you into doing the opposite of what you've been doing.

So basically, OP, it's just because you're playing Non-lethal. You'll see more good people on your High Chaos playthrough.

That's actually lazy as fuck. Does it seriously specify women every time? Why is that necessary?

It doesn't.

>tfw people skipped DOTO because of "SJW pandering"
>It's the best Dishonored game to date
Why do you have to hate anything that doesn't fit your rigid moral compass?

>western design
>ever good
now it's just laughable at how political it gets. Do not buy Western games.

Fuck you op

What OP conveniently forgets to mention or did not notice is that 95% of the woman you point the heart at are assholes too.

You're a goddamn retard, it's still 50/50 on the guards, there are plenty of times where the heart tells you about guards who only work to feed their children or what they're gonna buy their wife as a gift etc etc ect
And if you kill too many the heart starts to berate you.
To say that all the guards is unlikable means you haven't even played enough.

>best dishonored game
wow that's like being the best piece of shit in a litter box.

I don't think DOTO is the best Dishonored game, but it's a lot of fun. 1 and 2 are still better, though. DOTO is too short.

The Spymaster did, and the handful of guards that left their posts when Daud and his gang attacked. The rest think Corvo killed the empress, just like the rest of the city.

>use the heart on the guard
>"hes literally jesus christ who saved a million children"
>come back later and use the heart again
>wooowww this guy is literally hitler

That sounds pretty fuckin' lame. Good thing I decided not to buy the same Dishonored 1 game with 'polished' graphics and a new $80 price tag.

Why would you buy that game?

Are you too stupid to quit giving Jews money? Hollywood is dying because the people running it are out of touch and quite frankly disgusting to American's sensibilities.

Can you delete this? I'm trying to establish a narrative and you are ruining it. Thanks.


It's silly how the heart resets when you load a game back in, so you can keep hearting the same people and it says completely different things.

Captcha: galvani


In 2 though, they are loyal to the Duke who planned a coup against the Empress.

fuck you too here's some quotes from the wiki
>He found her journal. Reads a new page aloud every night at the dinner hour. She's asked for a transfer
>He once chased a beggar girl across Karnaca for hours, until the child fell from a rooftop and broke her neck. He left the body to rot.
>Last week a woman started barking her wares too early. And too close to his window. She'll recover. But two of her teeth are gone for good
>He brought his own mother to the Overseers and told them she was the Outsider's concubine
>He crushed her fingers and told her she needed a permit to play the fiddle on street corners
there's a lot I can't find though but there seems to be a fair balance of other lines I haven't heard because of what said so I suppose it's not as bad as I thought, still in my playthrough almost every guard was a wife beating pedophile rapist

me on the right dancing

They sound like good boys doing a good job to me
Victimizing women is still lazy writing tho

>Never played 1
>Just happen to own 2
Am I missing much starting with 2?

Fuck you user

you're missing half the story

Dishonored 2 is just dishonored 1 with a higher budget
Its more or less the same except for the obvious different story

>Not wanting moral complexity in your games

Get out fag.

I guess you're missing the story for it. But if you don't care, then whatever.

No, not really.

If you like it then you should want to play 1 after, although its better to play one+the dlc first so you don't start to miss features in 2 that 1 doesn't have.

1 is pretty good but you might have trouble going back to it after playing 2 since the second one is much bigger in terms of maps and overall it's a straight better game gameplay wise.
You'll miss some story pieces without 1+dlc but ultimately, it won't make 2 hard to play at all.

Depends how much you are interested in the story really.

All men technically rape be existing, so uh...don't see the problem here : |

The guards in Karnaca really aren't responsible for a coup in dunwall. They're just doing their jobs