
Edgelord Illidan

lightfags BTFO

heh... but one of many...

If there's something you have to recognize about blizzard is that they didn't butcher Illidan's character this time. He was always an edgelord and a whiny bitch.

There was nothing remotely honorable in what Illidan did. He just didn't want to lose his powers.


Literally nothing wrong.

The only thing possibly dishonorable about that is if Illidan and company weren't powerful enough to beat The Burning Legion without Xe'ru's help,
but they were, so Xe'ru was not justified in trying to transform Illidan without his consent.

>you are now PREPARED
>haha i am PREPARED
>PREPARE the defences
>we must be PREPARED
>lmao get it? because I said the same thing 12 years ago? haha XDXD

I like Liam O'Brien enough to tolerate his presence but what the fuck happened to Illidan's old voice actor?

Time's change.

If he killed the being offering him Light powers, then the powers she was offering weren't that good anyways. Turalyon was lightforged as well and Illidan grabbed his sword like nothing.

Light was shit yo.


the thing I'm wondering is why the fuck did xe'ra literally instantly try to start transforming illidan and not give two fucks about anything/anyone else

There are some naaru that have thanked those that fucking restorred them and then surprise surprise the prime naaru literally has 0 humanity

>fel beam fucking annhilates the supposed strongest being of pure light

if that didn't tell you the army of light was fucked from the get go then I don't know what will.

Do power levels even matter in Blizzard games? It's basically "whoever's currently the biggest mary sue wins".

Illidan is the perfect example of no means no.

It's been told time and time again that Holy or Divine elements are super weak to Fel.
Sargaras annihilated the Titans alone because they could do nothing to counter his Fel element.

Would've sounded so much better and less edgy if he had yelled "EARNED" instead of "AM".

Because Xe'ru is evil and the Light is corrupt



Naru's did nothing wrong, suddenly they are evil cus they want to defeat the biggest treath yet to Azeroth.....

LOL ppl play this game.. yeah lore was good in vanila when I was 8 maybe when it was all about WAR between alliance and horde.

too late, you can't salvage Illidan's character. it's ruined.

>whiny bitch
the whiny bitch is his cuck brother

>not choosing op light powers

>Caring about WoW story

Lol you guys, the next expansion will be you hittin level 115 pirate humanoids that hit stronger than the end boss of Legion....
Who the fuck cares about this game anymore.

So why is fel the strongest thing in the universe with literally everything else being weak to it

Why would we not just fight fel with fel if everything else is so fucking hopeless, demon hunters are making great progress it's just they're fewer than the army of the light itself (lmao guerilla forces=army) because we killed/imprisoned 99% of them

The N'aaru have always been blind and out of touch since their inception. The whole point is that they're self-righteous holy-obsessed immortals. They're as stupid as the Titans and everyone else who were eradicated because they limit themselves and won't think outside the box.

>dude the light is as bad as shadow

>literally fucking love of Illidan's life for 10000 years


so if the only thing that is stronger than the fel/can stand up to it is the void

then why aren't shadow priests top tier dps right now

>introduce a bunch of holy wind chimes who just want to help people
>proceed to murder, corrupt and torture nearly every single one
>then make the queen wind chime out to be some evil bitch because she wanted to cure the demon cock obsessed faggot who has done EVERYTHING wrong

T. Illidan
You are not fooling any one faggot

>Infusion with fel magic, also called fel corruption, can manifest with positive effects in which case it can be considered a gift, or a blessing, like that of the eredar, or with negative ones in which case it can be considered a curse. Physical transformation normally ensues, such as a change to an individual's eyes or skin color, or heavy genetic mutations such as growth of demonic traits like spikes, scales, and horns. Negative corruption tends to lead to physical or mental deterioration, as happened with the draenei that turned into Broken and Lost Ones, or as happened with boars turned into enraged hellboars.

Either way, corruption gives the individual increased strength, more magical potential, and can lead to transformation into a demon. Warlocks with long exposure to or with extensive use of fel magic age faster than normal, and become physically weaker over time. Fel seems to tend to cloud one's judgment, or at least heavily amplify their negative traits such as violence and impatience, while snuffing out positive ones such as empathy, allowing one to make decisions they never would've made before.

It's polar opposite is Arcane. But Arcane requires massive amounts of training to use to it's fullest potential, whereas Fel is easy to use, and addictive, yet just as powerful.

A'dal is still a bro though, and pretty much the only trustable one.

they did nothing wrong

they aren't the ones destroying worlds

>love warcraft lore and universe
>every expansion fucks it up a little more
>every chronicle retcons more shit to fit the shitty in-game story
just fucking end me already

I've not been playing, so why did they go seeking a light being to destroy the legion? It's like catching grass Pokémon to beat the fire gym.

Okay, so... what the fuck happened? I stopped playing Legion shortly after it came out and haven't followed the plot since.

because the corner Blizzard wrote themselves into demands it
it's pretty evident the combined forces of all the classes can pretty much go kick sargeras in his dick but then they don't get to show off how edgy and cool illidan is

>We go and kick Gul'dan's ass, which makes Kil'jaden pissy and he leads and invasion on Azeroth on his own.
>We go to the nether and kill his ass for good this time, but looks like we're gonna die as a price.
>Illidan isn't having that shit because this is HIS expansion, so he creates a huge rift that links Argus and Azeroth.
>So naturally, we take a space ship to Argus to reconnect with old characters no one gives a tit about anymore and stop the Legion for good, probably.
The OP quote is from when we rebuild a Naru who immediately tries to molest Illidan and turn him into a warrior of the Light. He gets angry and blows her to smitheroons again.

>tons of time and effort go into rebuilding king naaru
>king naaru wants to cure illidan of his demonic corruption
>illidan goes edgelord and spergs out
>kills the naaru that we just spent weeks trying to resurrect
pshh.. nothin personnel, xe'ra

stormblood sucked dick, is it time to come back?

to be fair, given how he literally blew her to bits with what is a basic ability for him, i doubt she would have given him any power he couldn't muster already
it's just poorly written

Good, this cunt deserved it
Listen to the Alleria & Turalyon audio drama to see how much of a cunt she was

I think what has ruined it for me is that the scope of it all keeps increasing. Before it was a matter of kingdoms clashing, deep jungles, remote islands and frozen wastes. Now we are literally fighting with the creators of the universe and rescuing the very essence of a planet itself. When everything is explained, all the mystery is gone.

You can't just keep fighting bandits and boars for ever

>tfw we'll never get official legacy servers because then Blizzard would have to admit they were wrong

Some people wanted to play wow and expect for 12+ years that their character would never go beyond downtrodden peasant.

Christ man a big part of Shattrath is how the leaders of Shattrath were ignoring the brewing civil war between every faction currently huddeled in that shitheap. The N'aaru have always been fucks.

I would be preferable to this. At least you would feel part of the story rather than the underlings of Illidan and Khadgar while they save the world.

Yeah, but MoP showed you can keep the stakes similar or even lower them without sacrificing the story and tension.
I guess that doesn't make for amazing marketing campaigns, though.

Levels have never had a single thing to do with the story, so you're retarded.

If all you did was take jobs killing pesky tiny shit for others, you would literally be an underling for all of the guards and shop keepers.

When the fuck are we getting porn of this useless bitch?

>The return of an ultra powerful slave race
>A massive bug army preparing to destroy the land
>The return of the manifestations of hatred and negativity, powerful enough to corrupt the seemingly uncorruptable
>Lower stakes

I agree with you but he's right. If you're honestly trying to compare the mogu/mantid to the fucking Legion/Scourge, than I don't even know what to say.

Just after the expansion where we killed an OLD GOD POWERED DRAGON ASPECT and half of the elemental lords.

There was some god fuckery in vanilla, though. The most notable one was patch 1.9, which was when the players rallied together to kick a giant eyeball in it's giant eyeball.

Killing the Eye of Cthun is the equivalent to breaking someone's pinky finger. It wasn't a massive accomplishment- we just pushed him back into his cell for a time.
This was also after months of build-up and took an implied army larger than the already sizable 40 people you have to scrounge up to do it.

You mean when a previously mentioned mcguffin killed an old god powered dragon aspect. Old gods being a force we killed in VANILLA.

I'm not saying they're stronger or weaker, though the Scourge's only real threat was it's numbers, not it's strength. The Lich King was the real threat, and he got deus ex'd by Tirion while he was laughing about how great he is. What I'm saying is MoP still had massive stakes, WoW hasn't had low stakes since level 40.

>we just pushed him back into his cell for a time
No, you actually straight up kill him. Cho'gall even has to try and bring him back.

We never killed any old gods. See And while the stakes have never been low, they weren't literally ending several enemy forces that has been around since the game's conception


>Playing retail
>Enjoying it a lot
>Decide to try Elysium to try Vanilla
>The game is inferior in every aspect except social

Heh, I prefer being able to play the game that spamming the chat for 2 hours to get a group to do quests

The army was for the army protecting Cthun

MoP had literally the lowest stakes of any expansion. It was literally a self-contained little island that existed in perpetuality for thousands of years, the only thing that changed is the mists dissipating.

If we hadn't gone there, literally nothing would've happened, except maybe, MAYBE the zandalari dicking around down there like they ended up doing, but who know if they only did that in response to us.

The pandas had the Sha under control, mogu were dindus haning out in remote areas, mantid attacked cyclically every few centuries. Almost everything bad was caused by the Zandalari or our presence reawakening the sha and corrupting the Mantid Queen, Taran Zhu, etc.

>No, you actually straight up kill him
No, you don't. In case you weren't paying attention during MoP, killing an Old God has massive, MASSIVE drawbacks. When the TITANS popped Y'sharrj died, it created the Sha.

is wrong. C'thun straight up dies, you KILL him. You bring his fucking eye back as proof.

"As you look at the remnants of the colossal abomination your heart nearly freezes. Even in death you can feel the legacy of C'Thun's evil around you.

You have done what was thought to be impossible."

>We'll never get another MoP style expansion because everyone cried about pandas when it was announced

Feels fucking awful man

Biggest problem with WoW writing is that every important character has a justified reason for their actions, so it's basically up to chance if a 'villan' will be more relatable then the hero, unless the justification is just that they are being controlled by something more powerful

"The Pantheon realized that the Old Gods had burrowed too deep to be excised from Azeroth without killing the nascent titan, and so they ordered their servants to instead imprison the vile gods, rather than killing them. The campaign of the titan-forged to contain the remaining three was long and brutal, but eventually they succeeded in containing the Old Ones below the surface of the world."
Source- Warcraft Chronicles Part 1, and not some flimsy fucking in-game text from vanilla.

Except for every second member of the Furry Night's Watch telling you if you don't contain this shit it will spread to Azeroth. Just because there were no stakes in Pandaria pre MoP doesn't mean there isn't stakes in MoP, that's a stupid thing to say.

But that's wrong

Fel's opposite is Arcane, which is what the Titans were, which is why Sargeras could one shot the entire Pantheon in one attack

Are you aware that you are talking about how they contained the titans post reappearance? Keep in mind that for the most part before C'thun appears, people just knew the Old Gods as dark whispers. He's fucking dead, he even appears dead in the comics in which Cho'gall's canon mutation form is because of his attempts to resurrect C'thun. He's very, extremely and unbelievably dead.

>the gods the priests worship get smacked around like a little bitch
>the only two noteworthy lore characters they have is some elf skank who is closer to a Druid then a priests and Anduin
>Anduin is probably going to take up his fathers sword and become a paladin
Why does blizzard hate priest lore?

You are thinking of Yogg Saggoth who is suggested to return in legion

Sounds like fel is op and there's no reason fel artifacts and vehicles shouldn't be produced en mass to fight any major conflict

>Yogg Saggoth
It's Yogg-Sarron, and no, I don't.
This is all of C'thun. This is not what we fought in AQ40.
We pushed him back into containment is all, he's not even close to dead, or we'd be dealing with something like the Sha, which came as a result of Y'shaarj dying.

Because going void priest is objectively better in lore and they're scared if that comes into focus the flimsy premise of the light being a focal point for a number of races will seem stupid

Mate he's extremely dead, half of the Twilight's goal in Cataclysm was bringing him back. Stop being a fucking retard and posting art like it means jack shit. He's DEAD, I'm not saying he can't come back, but he's fucking dead. We killed him in the raid, he died to the heroes, get over it holy shit man.

Cho'gall was trying to resurrect the part of his body we killed during AQ40, the comic even says this when Med'an (who is pretty much retconned) drops the temple on him.
Old Gods cannot just 'die', it would wound or kill Azeroth.

>picture for insignificant mortals

Everyone prefers their epic oc's in sfm

That's kinda suspect actually, when the titans killed one it was PHYSICALY RIPPED from the world, after that point they just stopped trying not considering almost any other method might not cause serious damage to the planet and just leaving them to almost destroy everything until the titan is born

Your entire argument relies on the comics, which are already considered a secondary source on lore, See: Med'an, and how Blizzard doesn't even acknowledge him anymore.
During the fight between Cho'gall and Med'an, he lands on the dead eye, which starts whispering to him.
He's not dead, I don't get how you fail to understand we only 'killed' an extremity of his.

unions, contracts, some nonsense like that.

The Old gods are titanic parasites, and you CANNOT kill them without physically removing them.
We didn't kill C'thun, we didn't kill Yogg-Sarron. Considering the watchers still have to maintain Ulduar and keep tabs on Yogg-Sarron, who we fought with their blessing, we most definitely did not kill C'thun.

I love this shit. Like I didn't expect WoW's story to get this fucking bad and it's almost impressive.
They had a fucking questline in the game retconning Illidan into a dindu nuffin good boy and you'd have to run around with this stupid crystal telling you how you were in the wrong and he was some type of child of light and darkness savior (cause that's exactly what the game needed, another literal green Jesus 2.0)
And the quest was so bad that an overwhelming majority of the players just didn't do the quest.

So they made it mandatory. Because fuck making something players would want to do it. And the crystal was so fucking annoying that they made a big scene of Illidan destroying it.

Warcraft has become such a weird mix of beyond shit writing and fanservice to make up for it

Will Maiev go with Illidain when he becomes a jailer?

I don't think we killed c'thun. I'm just saying if we had a raid or two taking place inside a old gods body it would probably justify killing one, they are massive but they definitely have vital organs and blood for a reason, I think the point was that the old gods can't be killed by comparable powers because anything strong enough to beat one in a 1v1 would also damage the world, not that the old gods are somehow connected so that they can't die without sapping aseroth

Makes you think doesn't it.

One green and one purple Jesus is the only cure.

You can't use the fact that because Y'sarjj left sha when killed, to support the others also should also have left something, so because they didn't, it means they didn't die. Maybe big Y has that ability and the others don't, who the fuck knows?
I'm not saying they're dead.
It makes more sense if they are alive. But that argument is wrong.

>One green

There is no green Jesus. Not anymore.

Thanks doc

Except Sargeras found that killing ANY Old God has a similar effect, we just don't know the details because 1. Yshaarj is specific to Azeroth and 2. Sargeras straight iced every single world soul afterwards.
We only know about Yshaarj because Aman'thul did it, and in some way, recorded it, while Sargeras didn't do that shit because it was his job.

I want illidan to just get brutally out of nowhere killed by maiev, he ruined her entire life and everyone who was even kinda on her side left when she was mad about it