Almost finished this it seems. Fuck I've enjoyed this game. I will be installing 2 once I've finished this

Almost finished this it seems. Fuck I've enjoyed this game. I will be installing 2 once I've finished this.

Will I be disappointed?

I wanted to start at one when I heard all the hype about Wild hunt.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you liked the first game, next two will be a massive disappointment for you.

I never had my hopes up in all honesty. So many of my favourite og games have been ruined.

In what way?

i think chapter 3 or 4 onwards witcher 1 is a really great game. the combat even becomes kind of fun later in the game.

going into witcher 2 just made me question every design decision they made with that game. it is really, really wonky and annoying.

only 3 desu. and even that was enjoyable to some extent but the soundtrack and open world are a maaaaaaaajor turn off coming from the first 2 and especially 1 which is a master fucking piece

inb4 mad 16 year olds complaining about combat in 1. if 1 is unplayable than so is your precious open world skyrim rip off

they mostly lose the tone and feel of the witcher world that 1 established. 2 goes all politics which I personally did kind of enjoy and abandons the clicky combat for a very poor souls rip off action combat. but it also introduces some fuck awesome characters and has some amazing areas.

3 turns really generic. soundtrack takes a big, BIG hit going from witcher 1, combat sticks to the same generic souls rip off principles and adds open world is completely soulless.

still both worth playing imho. just don't have the charm of witcher 1

witcher 3 has more in common with the witcher 1 than 2.

1 did interesting things well
2 did interesting things poorly
3 did uninteresting things well

Entire series is worth playing, and the DLC for 3 is better than the main game, so you’ve got that to look forward to. You won’t be disappointed but you’ll have a mix of positives and negatives throughout.

The last wish (collection of short stories) is worth reading, only read the rest if you’re really into it and want more.

They're all good in different ways. If they had kept the same gameplay for all three games, Sup Forums would then have complained it's a repetitive series with no evolution.

like what?? no sense of wonder and exploration and butchered versions of witcher 1 characters showing up for 10 minutes?

Wait what? I love 2 after playing 1 and I loved 3 even more. The games got way way better each time

I'd have preferred a less clunky version of witcher 1 combat over roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll

I fooked a she-elf once

Yeah, it really turned dark souls tier which sucks. At least the story is good

OP here. Is 3 really that bad? I'm fucking blown away about this first witcher. I've not had a boring part in it so far and I'm almost at the end.

>wah the combat sucks

I'm sick of this dumb shit. The real reason why the first Witcher game sucks is the awful quest design.

it's not bad per se you'll just be disappointed if you really loved witcher 1 since it's not alike not even in tone

>1 since it's not alike not even in tone
it is alike. witcher 2 goes full warhammer fantasy. witcher 3 goes back to the grounded slavic tone of the first game.

Two is nowhere near as good as the first. Three is a lot better than two, but still below one.

It turns a fairly unique game into a generic third person open world with simplified quests, awful "chase after Ciri" plot and mediocre writing aside from certain side quests.
Remember Vizima Confidential? Yeah, there's no quest like this in W3.

I love how they dropped the shani and alvin plot. Fucking morons.

>tfw all 3 games are massive fucking successes in terms of game, awards and scores
>Sup Forums denies this because it gives it a hateboner, yet claims that ps4 is a good buy

they're all great user, just different

Ciri ruins everything.
She ruined books, she ruined games.

>Remember Vizima Confidential? Yeah, there's no quest like this in W3.
that's ok though because hearts of stone is 1000x better than vizima confidential.

no it's not. even the fucking wild hunt was nothing in tone to what witcher 1 set it up to be.

and the game is open world and relies on banham senses for quests
>s-ss-ss-top expressing your opinion it hurts muh feefeees

nah sorry witcher 1 is the best and 3 is disappointing by comparison even if it appeals to the massive bethesda crowd

I loved the witcher 1 and loved 3 just as much if not more. The only reason Sup Forums hate it is because it's relatively new and popular. Just wait till cyberpunk cones out and they'll all say "oh it's so bland and awful"
"Not at all like witcher 3 which was amazing"
Don't get memed you can feel, see and experience the vast improvements that cdpr made with each game. They're all fantastic

>no it's not. even the fucking wild hunt was nothing in tone to what witcher 1 set it up to be.
the witcher 1 set the wild hunt up completely different to what they are in the books though.


who cares about the ramblings of a fucking polack

IMO Witcher 3 is ahead of Witcher 2 in every aspect. Compared to Witcher 1 you probably lose some of the interesting elements it had but in exchange get a much more robust experience. Sure it'll feel very different but they're both great games.

2 was the best in the series though

Who gives a shit about books, Sapkowski is such a massive jealous asshole it would be better to just follow the storylines W1 set up instead of turning everything into "muh Ciri".


>"muh Ciri".
fuck that shit was so annoying. legitimately the worst part about witcher 3. worse than the combat and the generic OST and the poorly handled open world

Are you actually defending Vizima Confidental? The absolutely worst experience in the whole game? Because of that quest it took me 2 years to finish Witcher 1. Everything else was a blast.

W3 is a lot closer to W1 and the books in terms of tone actually. That was my major gripe with 2 and 3 hasn't let me down so far.
Still sucks that they fucked with the alchemy system even further instead of reverting to the W1 version which was perfect if you ask me.

you're free to express yourself, user
just as I am to express myself
which I do, by saying that I don't agree with all the negative press you're trying to generate
neither does mainstream media
or most of the population, really
that's that point I'm trying to make

and no
witcher 1 was not the best, that's witcher 3
witcher 2 was a slight disappointment in scope, but is an overall good game

Yeah yeah, go back to your Skyrim threads, faggot

witcher 3 is easily the best experience in the whole series
witcher 1 focuses only on story and nothing else
witcher 2 tries to do gameplay right and forgets the story
witcher 3 nails both, which is why it's the most beloved one, expands on all known mechanics of open world and makes your choices matter

most of the media and population also wholeheartedly agrees skyrim is better than witcher 3

Vizima Confidential was great. It's fun playing medieval magic detective and the fact that you can fuck it up makes it even better.

There's nothing to defend about one of the best quests in the game. Sorry that you actually fucked up the autopsy, brainlet.

Now I'm getting sad. Was probably my favourite chapter. Hell they were all fantastic. I'm guessing everything's being dumbed down.

lying on the internet is a crime, user

as a long term rpg fan i think witcher 3 really did something amazing in terms of side quests. each side quest didn't really feel like a side quest if that makes sense. it felt like the devs had put a lot of time and thought into them with regards to characterisation, there are a LOT of memorable side quest characters in TW3. and the side quests really helped with the pace of the game. i could take a break from the main quest, go off and explore the world but also do side quests that felt almost as good as the main quest in terms of production value.

sold much more and has more players many years later

Dude all of the games are fucking fantastic and have their moments, don't let nitpicking and Sup Forums exaggerations throw you off.

it's not size that matters but how you use it, user

>oy kurwa ze village needs da help wit da monster
>mess with slider
>ok cunt go do it
>*furiously hold down mouse button to follow trail*
>flail around killing monster
>return for reward

exactly. witcher 3 might be big but not good

>this delusional
i thought we could have a discussion, but it doesn't seem like you're interested

how is that delusional? that's what every monster hunt amounts to with some VERY slight variation

>Trying to reason with retards on Sup Forums
user...this board is for baiting and shitposting. Not discussion

Pokemon blue/red might be an RPG you'd like.

Why does stating you don't like something about witcher 3 trigger so many people? The game has plenty of flaws and popularity wont fix them

As opposed to monster hunts in previous games being better in what way exactly?
Seriously if that's your complaint with W3 I don't know what to tell you, you seem biased to me.

what does that have to do with anything? the guy stated something factually wrong and I corrected him

>Post illegitimate criticism
>Get called out

yes, then again i barely remember Witcher 2

I never posted illegitimate criticism


He called you delusional based on your previous post and you're not convincing me either is what I'm saying.
You are the guy that claimed the first game is better than the third right?

No I'm the guy who claimed most of witcher 3 quests are NOT, in fact, some uniquely amazing hand crafted experiences like that guy lied in his post. But mostly generic copy pastes.

The side quests are god tier though. Every single one. It's the main quest the got kinda lazy in the last act how can yiu say that the sidque- oh right. You never played the game. Just watched videos of the very first area

Well either way I wouldn't call them generic copy pastes though, I mean most open world rpgs don't even bother to add the extra fluff that sets quests apart in this case.

>even the fucking wild hunt was nothing in tone to what witcher 1 set it up to be.
Yeah but in the books the wild hunt is the same thing as the ancient stories say.
Riders galloping across the sky during winter.

But I did play the game and most of the sidequests did amount to using witcher senses and killing some monster or other. just because in 1 quest it turned out the monster was a dude trolling the village doesn't mean your statement is any true. the gwent ''quests'' were better than most of the sidequests since you mostly played gwent in a nice atmosphere instead of doing what you just did for the past 80 hours on repeat

You sound like a shill who just read some IGN review and decided to regurgitate that without actually playing the game. BTW I pirated the game and played for like 180 hours
Yeah sorry for exaggerating but they aren't nearly as amazing as that guy claimed either way

Yeah I won't. This thread dissolved into millennial reddit pretty quick. Installing 2 now. The end was sick. A witcher tried to assassinate the king as I was leaving. It better pick up just where it left off or I'll fucking rage.

>It better pick up just where it left off or I'll fucking rage.
Well you're in luck, one of the first things you'll do is ask about results on that assassin's autopsy.

How the fuck do you play the first game on Windows 10? I have the original install discs and it just refuses to work.

Sounds fucking good. I remember almost turning the first 5 minutes of 1 off because the combat system. So glad I didn't.

>Look mom I'm posting made up bullshit just to be contrarian, do I fit in yet?
This is getting sad

The gog version worked fine for me on 10, is there any way to redeem your discs on there?

Probably not. I'll just buy or pirate GOG version then.


It's that simple actually.

Well you've already paid for the game. Might as well pirate the gog version

You can get the witcher 1 for free on gog you if install the gwent game and subscribe to their newsletter

hey op did you side with sharni or triss. i remember choosing triss over shani and shani was an absolute cunt to me first he rest of the playthrough.. triss fucks him over so many times fuck knows why he loves her

Delete this

Not op but I can't imagine anyone ever picking shani for any reason whatsoever.

For me, this is right