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Suicide Squad won an Academy Award, what's your point?

good. More evidence that all these award ceremonies are garbage not to be taken seriously.

the voice acting was okay actually.

>implying these rewards mean anything

Really her acting was terrible

this game is fucking shit, and the voice acting is terrible, what the fuck?

Awards mean nothing, dragon age inqisition won game of the year which should give you a hint on how things work.


She must have a cousin who is a judge.
You know how it works with Jews.

Is this the same award show that didn't even nominate Automata's ost?

Her goddamned voice acting made me tired and sleepy

they mean, since every fucking casuals out there buy this shits and watch this shit, and the casuals are the majoritty in this fucking industry, so if this shit wins awards, people think this is a good game so they'll buy it, other majors see ME:A selling and winning awards so thery start to do the same.

>you are now aware that Hollywood awards don't actually reward good movies and instead reward puppets that push their agendas

>a varied and characterful performance

I just realized i never played it or saw video just webms with no sound on Sup Forums

How terrible was it?

Fallout 3 was nominated for a BAFTA and Life is Strange won one for their writing. You should pay no mind to award ceremonies.

to who?



from who?


>be casually into gaming
>play the latest Fifa and CoD now and then
>somehow be dedicated enough to watch some live stream of a videogame award show

She deserves every award for making me fap to autistic girls

Failed story, (mostly) bland characters, Ubisoft tier open world maps, meaningless choices, game breaking bugs (even after they stopped patching it), etc.
It's pretty awful.

to whom, and your goddamn father

If this is only occuring to you now, then you are beyond saving. The only reason DiCaprio got his Oscar was because everyone was crying about that he should get one.


Things like Evolve or Schaefer won awards.

They don't mean anything.

I only played a little bit and for what it's worth it's playable. The writing, characters, animations and just everything in the presentation is so jarring however that it completely takes you out of the game. The fact that characters don't emote with their faces is especially weird.

At least she was better than male Ryder's VA

Will mods be able to save ME:A, Sup Forums?

thanks guys but i meant the sound and voices

for makeup, in a year with nothing else probably competing.

What am I looking at?

Black washing

Yeah I bet her boyfriend totally isn't in the comittee or something like that
Videogames are too professional to allow something like that

Best Comedy of the Year for sure.

can't save cingy writing

She was fucking terrible though.

for a no name her voice acting was good. i would have expected her to improve like meer did over the course of several games (not gonna happen now)

>caring about an "award" for a no name video game website
almost think this is a shill thread desu

Ah, ok. She's a decent VA, but fails when it comes to primitive noices like grunts, screams, etc. Still she's a lot better than the male VA, since she's able to actually deliver believable angry lines.

Evolve was a good game though.

my face is tired
my face, is tired
my face is tired!
my face ..... is tired

Now the game doesn't have the only whiteish character

You very well can't hand out awards for games you haven't played; so why the fuck would the people behind this bother to give a nomination to a performance they don't even knows exists?

That said, they have shit tastes in games and voice actors.


She has a vagina, so of course she gets put on a pedestal.

You're confusing voice acting with dialog

Are you retarded?

Are you?

Yup. It's retarded.

>he's so stupid that he can't even comprehend that voice acting and dialog are done by different people and can have varying degrees of quality

>Nothing else to complete

>he's so stupid he doesn't realize the dialog is irrelevant because the picture he was quoting was saying the same dialog in different ways ie. voice acting.
Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.

>no argument

Holy Jesus, I need to become a makeup artist to I can have some really interesting sex

Kill yourself retard.

>Meme Squad
Remember when Batman killed the Joker with a fire axe?

He choked him with his bare hands.

Reminder that Fallout 3 won story of the year and several other writing-related awards.

What award is this? And does it actually matter to anyone other than the four people who'll watch the ceremony?

The only good thing this movie did was have good voice talent
>Luke Skywalker as The Joker

That's what you get for making participation awards a thing

Luke Skywalker usually voices this stuff though.

That's why I said it's the only good thing the movie has going for it

Well, Mark Hamill has been THE Joker even since Batman: The Animated Series. His Joker laugh is so iconic that some have a hard time listening to other Jokers because their laughter doesn't seem right.

He's been the Joker for fucking years. So long he retired the role, and only came back for that film.

Why do people defend bad games. All I hear from Biodrones is "but it plays well". Fuck off it plays like shit, looks like shit, sounds like shit. Its shit.

Heath was smart not to do any Joker laugh at all.

Actually kill yourself thats worse.

>that stupid 30 minutes filler non-sense story just to make the movie a 1:20 film

jesus christ fucking stupid


Casuals don't watch award shows, you dumb fuck. They also don't give two shits about the boxart trophies, either. Don't kid yourself.

>It's a reboot
>With more diversity and a focus on the struggle of minorities in space.
>Also, we have aliens that can sense danger and death.
No thanks.

That has nothing to do with makeup, genius.

No bigots allowed

I like how the gun just fucking materializes out of nowhere, her hands are at rest right before she starts shooting
I've never seen animators care so little about their work.


this is satire right

Judge for yourself

The character model and animations looks fucking atrocious and the dialogue seems stupid, but from what I've heard her VA did pretty good. The overall game being bad doesn't invalidate that.

People care about this vidya award or some shit?
It's always cringy and doesn't mean flying dog shit anyway because whoever get the award is the one who paid the most for it anyway.

Not that guy, but he's correct. You're the retard. Should talk your own advice.

This is funny, considering Mass Effect was always full of hot tits & ass all over the place. I guess they had to compensate for the faces.


Female Ryder fucking sucked in Andromeda. Male Ryder voice actor was far better.

yep, they even nominate ass creed origins
which won't even released until october

He really was. Made him quite unique as well. Felt weird to go through an entire Batman/Joker movie with a Joker that doesn't laugh. But it worked to his favor.

Kill yourself

>Horizon: Zero Dawn (Guerrilla Games)
>nominated for:
>>Best Storytelling
>>Best Visual Design
>>Best Audio
>>Best Gaming Performance (Aloy)
>>Best PlayStation Game
>>Ultimate GotY
What the fuck

well i stand corrected but he's still doing a good job i would say, he's going for more unhinged rather than lavishly evil like Hammill's laugh

Did a Muslim make this