So did you save him Sup Forums?

So did you save him Sup Forums?

did he died

Yes. Fuck Daud in this game.
>Outsider gives him powers
>he chooses to use them to kill and murder people
>years down the line, life full of regrets
Really Daud? Corvo should have killed him in the first game.


who plays this shit

your father`s gay son

Is killing Daud an option in this one ?

nice projection

i dont thinkt he normal human reaction is to blame your own self for murdering people because someone else gave you that power

And that's not even counting the fact that Daud was a feared mass murderer 9 years before he met the Outsider, so it's not even like the powers made him kill.

so... you?

>9 years before
Huh? What do you mean? He had the powers long before the assassination of Jessamine

He dies during the story.

Are we ever going to find out Wyman's gender or what he/she looks like?

>taking accountability for your own actions isn't normal behavior
Bullshit. That's like blaming a gun for a shooting. He had a choice on how to use his power.


He taught himself to be an assassin and killed a bunch of people. Then the outsider came around because he was interested him how Daud was making the people in the slums a feared band of killers. He gave him powers to see how Daud would use them. Just like he did later with corvo to see if corvo killed everyone. Daud used his powers to improve his assassin skills and ended up killing the empress. Then regret set in and instead of accepting that he went too far and used his powers to evil, he blamed the outsider for giving him enough power to pull the assassination off.

>someone will defend this writing
Glad I didn't play this drek.
Delilah coming back is uncanon anyway, fuck it.

Daud Age 16 onwards - Mass Murderer

Daud Age 25 - Meets the Outsider, gets Marked, starts the whalers a few years later

Daud Age 34 - Meets Billie Lurk, takes her into the Whalers

Daud age 42 - Kills Jessamine

No. Why would we? It's irrelevant and they get extra points in not showing it.

You know, the lore in the games could've given you both interpretations. In Low Chaos, the Outsider just gives people powers and observes their choices; in High Chaos, his powers really do compel people to abuse them.
However, they kinda screwed it up by making the High Chaos ending of DH1 non-canon, so there is really no ambiguity on the use of Outsider's powers being entirely up to the person.

I don't see the problem, he was the same in D1.

>Hey Corvo, I'm going to have you killed

I saved him, I wanted him to live knowing what a pathetic shit ass he was, he lost everything, got his ass kicked, and was still spared, like he wasn't even worth taking revenge on.

I mean, other people never went on conquests or killing sprees with their powers too, although for some of them it drove them insane. Only some Marked became actual villains like Delilah and Daud.

>It's not my fault I killed a person, it's the guy who gave me a gun cause without the gun I never would have been able to kill that person!

If this is actually Daud's character I am going to be really upset that they turned a pretty cool dude into a complete assclown.

U wot m8

He literally had nothing to even lose and wanted his suffering to end. He wanted to die just to stop being a crazed void god, if anything you made him happy.

Killing Daud will always be the canon option for me.

>please spare me because even though I brutally murdered the woman you love who gave birth to your daughter, I only did it for money.

Miss ME with that gay shit niggah

To make that high choas theory work the player wouldve had some kind of forceful feedback if they went high chaos to imply they cant hold back.

>tfw they got rid of the old va because he hates trannies

>If this is actually Daud's character I am going to be really upset that they turned a pretty cool dude into a complete assclown

But that is exactly who he was in the original game. They had to make the DLC to make him "sympathetic". As someone who never played Knife of Dunwall until years later, I was confused as to why people kept going on about what a cool guy Daud was.

Then I played the DLC and realised the rewrote the fuck out of him and tried to make him more "sympathetic", saying that "he wants to be judged by Corvo" when in the base game he cowers behind an army and begs for mercy when defeated.

And then there's faggots like Zhukov tjat makes an artificial mark

Why? The meta of a High Chaos playthrough already is about you enjoying murdering people.

I only did it to show emily how not to be a little bitch

Honestly, the Chaos system should be split into "showing no mercy to enemies" and "killing innocents"

The idea of Corvo/ Emily turning into crazed murderers from killing actual villains and actual enemies that want to kill you if fucking stupid.

It's not literal, user. It's just "power corrupts". The Outsider gave powers to bitter people who felt slighted by the world, people that then found themselves more than able to exert vengeance on society. See; Delilah, Daud, the Rat Boy.

Daud, in what I personally found quite out-of-character, blames the Outsider for giving him this power and with it the means to do what he wanted without having to answer to anyone.

Daud was all whiny and bitchy about it so I said fuck it and saved the outsider.

So you enjoy murder AND child abuse

It's not like you do it against his will. Saving the Outsider involved convincing Daud that the Outsider is just like them; a street kid fucked over by the world wielding more power than he should've.

Nah I didnt like the murder and child abuse. I just had to harden an empress that lived in a den of snakes. If I didnt do that dishonored 2 would happen

In DH1, you can kill all of the actual assholes and it'll still count as low chaos. To get high chaos, you have to kill guards and/or bystanders, who aren't really your enemies.

It gets stupider later where you get high chaos for killing witches.

The Outsider also notes on low chaos that he didn expect Corvo to let Daud go and that's what he is actually looking for in people.
Probably got something to do that deep down he is looking for people that would eventually free him from his imprisoment in the void.

They should just split up enemies in different groups and have them react differently based on how you play.
>normal guards
>witches/dauds assassins
>assassination targets
Ghosting means the amount of guards remains low. Showing off your magic abilities in front of overseers makes more overseers spawn (with music boxes). Killing guards gives the most chaos, overseers a bit less, witches and dauds assassins none. Being nonlethal to guards makes them less antsy and you can even overhear them talking for wanting the assassin to come by to kill their boss (and then you can drop down in front of them with weapons sheathed to initiate a side passage). Killing a lot of guards makes guards better armed, move in groups and more aggressive.

The targets can be killed, (choas), get an ironic revenge (choas), knocked out and dragged to the boat to get locked up (low choas) or killed and hidden.

That would make a lot more sense than the current system.

Well in 1 the chaos thing made sense since killing dudes would get rats on the plan and the plague would spread even more.

Yeah the Outsider never struck me as a malevolent god, atleast. His tone is considerably more positive if you go Low Chaos; sure, he's still kind of a trickster god who arguably likes to stir shit up out of boredom, but there's a sense of justice there. That's why he usually grants his mark to those rejected by society. I think Corvo's case was a bit different; he wasn't just picked because he was betrayed and was in a position to cause major change in the world, but because the Empress and Emily were of huge importance. I think the Outsider maybe saw that the loss of the Kaldwins would lead to an even shittier world, infested by people like the Lord Regent and the Eyeless cultists. Suggests he's still rooting for the "good guys".

Yeah but you could turn people into ash, but that didnt matter. Also why does the weather change from killing people, or why does emily become darker (do they tell her that you are killing everyone?), why does giving people fates worse than death less chaotic than killing people?

I feel they just developed a fun game and then the writers came in and said they had this idea that killing is bad and you should avoid it. They then slapped it together in a few months to make it work

But it added to replayability. It was fun to see the differences. Why are you such a fag?

>They then slapped it together in a few months to make it work

There's too much detail dedicated to non-lethal strategies for this to be the case.

>>But it added to replayability
It already had plenty on its own with how you could do missions, you have multiple ways in each building, multiple things to do (swap poison cups, spill them, wait till they go downstairs and prevent the guy from getting shot, etc.) No need to do a very brutish high/low chaos system.

>why are you such a fag
because I hate to see good games shoot themselves in the foot.

The game only shoots itself in the foot if you're a fag. Non-fags just have fun with the system. The last level on high chaos was awesome.

Just finished the game, saved him since it didn't seem right to condemn him for something he never asked for. That being said this shit was defos not worth £20, debating wether or not I can be arsed to do a high chaos run.

I don't think edgy Billie will be as arousing as edgy Emily

>rousing as edgy Emily

>emily will never crush your skull with a vise

too bad corvo's killing animations were better than emily's