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Did you like my game?

Mothan just the game, i liked you too

le millenom girl

le millenom girl

Shit grimoire system, shitty for locking out gunner and highlander and an entire dungeon out of classic mode. Pretty good everything else.


No, it was trash.
Arianna's game was better


I never beat it.
Expert Etreant was too strong and my classic EO1 party of Prot/Med/Land - Alch/Surv was weak as shit

Le mileenum gorl l-lets go to a dungeon together

Is the EOV demo on the eShop or something? I checked last week when everybody on Sup Forums was discussing it and I didn't see it anywhere.

Put "etrian" in the eshop search bar. EOV's page is in there somewhere, and when you find it you can download the demo.

>le smart millenom old civilisation makes a giant spear to cut a tree instead of giant axe

itt: millenialls

le millelongnigor

My interest died about 40-hours in.

Between the desert stratum, constantly having to go back to the faggot computer's mazes, and the obvious twist I could see on the other side of the hemisphere, it just wasn't fun. Not to mention Simon and Arthur were so god damn annoying.

I'm a bit new to the games, only have played a demo of 4 and bought this from a friend for 15 bucks. Is this party ok?

Protector, Ronin, Landsknecht
Troubadour, Alchemist

I don't really want a medic for dedicated healing but not sure what to put as my front line damage dealers. I also heard binding is important, so should I get a hexer instead?

>old and busted

Might as well kill yourself, Ricky, you have been replaced by a superior blonde girl in blue clothes.

Nene a shit! A big stinky one!

What a slut

le millenom girl

Yes, despite Ricky.


Yes, but I don't know how I feel about weapon upgrading
I will probably not make use of it much, but it will be a nice bonus if I end up with the mats anyways

>Chestpiece OR Accessory
This is the meta now, right? lmao4kat aside

Not bad. I slightly prefer the original version though.

Itt: millenoms


You may want to prioritize the Chestpiece in EOV since the effect of Def was buffed significantly. I think your setup gives you the highest possible action speed though.

le millenom girl


I haven't played your game RIcky. I've Played 3, 4 and on the Boss in Stratum 5. But I can't seem to make a good party in classic, and I am not playing story mode. And I really hjate Grimoires in 2u, and I heard it was even worse in 1


le millenom girl
