ITT: bullshit games

ITT: bullshit games

t. took the audiologs super seriously and sperged out

One of the greatest designed puzzles games, I mean I don't even think people who like puzzle games would deny this.

I don't really understand all the ''story'' shit which just felt pretentious as fuck, but it's not in your face. Though I kind of want to know why it's called The Witness, understanding that would probably make the story make some sense as well.

speaking of audio, fuck those sound-based puzzles.
especially the one in the boat, like what the fuck?

I cheated the boat one and felt bad afterwards. Had no trouble with the sound area though.

It's not even supposed to be taken seriously?

Playing this great game with Sup Forums together and uncovering the mysteries was a lot of fun.

Yeah, I couldn't do those, I think I might actually be tone deaf.

The hidden ending cut scene is pretty neat I thought, I don't think you're meant to make much sense of it beyond the general themes.

How were you supposed to understand the gimmick for the desert area if you didn't walk into the area at the right angle and see the sun reflecting off the panels

is this better or worse than braid

This is the one where every single puzzle is just a variation of the same basic concept, right?

It's a puzzle game, yes.

The game does rely on not having eye/ear issues, but that's just how the game is by design.

Well it's a good game without the audiologs and stuff, the audiolog stuff is way too cryptic for people to figure out a definite reason for them. I don't understand what was the developers intention with them. I believe it must make sense on some level since the entire game is so well designed that everything else makes sense.

>the gimmick
Anyway, just trying out and exploring.
Once you see the environmental puzzles in one area, you're going to check it out everywhere.

I'm pretty sure it's impossible to explore that area and never see the panels at an angle where they catch the sun.

Braid is a linear puzzle game with a twist at the end.
The Witness is a collection of puzzle games you can solve or not, no one cares.

Pretty sure you know what I meant. Not that it's "a puzzle game", but that it's a game with the same kind of puzzle in different variations.

No I didn't. Feel to explain though.

i like it
but i don't know why, I get dizzy playing it for more than 1 hour
maybe it is the refresh rate, the almost lack of sound feedback, or the FOV
I can't help it

(cont) the witness and antichamber
those are the only two games I have ever experience this

You mean like Portal? Or like The Talos Principle?

Many puzzle games do that.
And the variation in The Witness is outstanding and inventive.

yeah but it's not bad like it sounds

the way the puzzles in different areas have their own twist to them is very creative

how were supposed to understand the gimmick if you have an AMD graphics and it just doesn't work at all?

This game was garbage and is honestly one of the worst puzzle games ever. Its basically just a phone game but its made by a prententious cock sucker.

Anyone have a brainlet picture? This guy needs to see it because that's exactly what he is.

it worked fine on my R9 390

by observing

besides you can see the burn marks on the first panel when you stand in front of it, you just somehow missed that

What's your favourite puzzle game?

My interpretation of it, is that everything in the game is building you up for that moment when you find your first environmental puzzle. And though it may seem dumb (and pretentious) it's all about the experience of it, of seeing a whole new layer to something familiar. I've seen a review call it an "epiphany" and I think that's pretty accurate.
I kind of wished the story to go somewhere at first, since I had all of these cool ideas that explained the island and whatnot, but I also really dig that non-narrative approach.
The secret ending is dumb, I'll admit it.

the myst series are miles ahead of this pile of shit.

I also have a r9 390 and it literally didn't work. I had to look up the answers to that area because of it.

I love puzzle games.

I thought the secret ending was pretty funny

the way the guy kept trying to press random circles and run his finger along lines. Total "tetris effect". Very amusing.

I don't know what the author intentions were for it, but I though it was just a silly easter egg joke thing and enjoyed it

>I also have a r9 390 and it literally didn't work. I had to look up the answers to that area because of it.

strange, maybe it was some specific version of the game or some specific drivers

What do you think of Stephen's Sausage Roll?


Not a puzzle game.

Maybe I just took it too seriously

here's my take:
>description for game is about waking up on an island without memories of who you are or where you are, you can try to find out to get away from the island
>the secret ending is actually you waking up from this simulation

because the secret ending is not only a secret ending but you also get the clue for it at the end of the game if you haven't found it by yourself

there seems to be a theme revolving around the difference of witnessing and observing

observing is something you can practice, witnessing is something that happens, I don't really understand what's the deeper meaning of this though.

>My interpretation of it, is that everything in the game is building you up for that moment when you find your first environmental puzzle.
That's pretty much an actual fact. Blow said that the original idea for the game was some sort of fantasy game where you play as a wizard and cast spells by drawing different shapes on the screen, with the grand idea being that some extra powerful hidden spells could only be discovered by finding the shapes hidden in plain sight in the environment, like in a pathway leading up to a mountain or something.

The regular puzzles are well designed and don't feel tacked on, but they are pretty much just a requirement to be able to have a reason for hiding even more puzzles in the environment.

maybe the panel puzzles are about observing

the environmental patterns are something you witness?

>Stephen's Sausage Roll
very satisfying and smart but way too long. the best part was all the fuckery you had to do to be able to get to the final world but it could have done with 2/3 of the levels it had.

Also at the end when all puzzles reset seemingly for no reason, I get the vibe that it tries to tell that it's as if nothing ever happened if you weren't there to witness it.

I got the hidden ending straight away and I was confused as fuck, like I got a bit annoyed at watching that long video

I liked the game very much.

fuck the eclipse puzzle

which of the regular areas was hardest to you? to me probably the tree house