Theres literally nothing wrong with piracy

Theres literally nothing wrong with piracy.
Buyfags BTFO

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But what if I like a company and want to support them that way they make more games that I like?

Then you buy it. The point is that pirates tend to buy the games they actually care about.

Pirates pirate the games they care about and are worth playing. Are you dumb?

Not according to the study, fucko

But why suppress that?

Why would the EU want to hide that info?

Then you go on social media sights and post praising comments about them. That is literally the only significant way to support a company you like.


Big money
Pile it up till it hits the sky now

We live for the foreign markers
Bigger dicks and deeper pockets

Considering the mental gymnastics pirates do to convince themselves they are not doing something illegal the study is utter shit. Wouldn't be surprised the people doing the study are just trying to do make those gymnastics official.

The EU supressed the study because piracy is illegal. End of story. No bullshit, no if's or but's. ILLEGAL. THEFT. You got something for free that isn't free without consent of owner, that's theft.

They suppressed it because if retards start thinking "Hurr this study says it doesn't effect the industry" then you have literally hundreds of thousands of idiots pirating instead of buying and then it DOES effect the industry

At least link the article you're referencing, you fuck. It's just the principle of the thing, regardless of how easy it would be to find.

Probably the US/Hollywood raging and threatening to boycott everyone like they did against Sweden with the Pirate Bay case.

Piracy isn't theft.

>It's just the principle of the thing
Go fuck yourself.

[citation needed]

>The EU supressed the study because piracy is illegal. End of story. No bullshit, no if's or but's. ILLEGAL. THEFT. You got something for free that isn't free without consent of owner, that's theft.
Then why do you do it?
You should really stop being such a hypocrite user.

Yes, don't question mommy the state, she said it's illegal. No reason to think about it beyond that.

its less work to just post a random picture and the link instead of screen shotting and cropping

You're a colossal fucking moron

>implying it's just the poorfags
t. person that is probably richer than you

>pirates: intelligent atheists that believe in hard scientific facts and personal moralistic integrity

>anti-pirates: mongoloid christians and agnostics that believe morals are magically bestowed by god or governments

>piratefags trying to justify being poorfags
>"I wasn't going to buy it in the first place!"
>still pirates the game and plays it
I don't give a shit if you pirate, just admit you're poor and are hurting the industry. Quit going through mental gymnastics to try and prove otherwise.

>the EU paid about ~400000 Euro for this report
>money they got from European tax payer

This is the real crime here. They use my tax money for retarded shit like that? No wonder the UK is bouncing. I hope the EU collapses soon.

I have more than enough money to purchase vidya whenever I want. But I don't because piracy is available. I would buy the game normally if I couldn't pirate it, but Denuvo always gets cracked so I just wait until I can.

So your saying me pirating when I am more than capable of purchasing it isn't costing them a sale?

I am the law

>Pirates pirate the games they care about and are worth playing. Are you dumb?

Not me. I pirate because I can.

360 000
And it's mostly nothing compared when it comes to wasting money. It's also not retarded and good that such a study exists.

>this whole post
Retard alert

Hello poorfag.

piratefags are more insulted if you call them buyfags, OPs faggotry doesn't add up.

You should actually read the article rather than just the title.

Basically the researches just couldn't find conclusive proof that piracy hurts sales but they also couldn't find conclusive proof that it did not hurt sales.

>TLDR; read the fucking article and stop being a sperg

>y-y-you are not morally justified to pirate!
>even though there is a fucking study to prove you fucking wrong

Hahaha, buyfags will NEVER EVER recover from this.
Just suck it up and accept that there is literally nothing wrong with pirating, there is nothing else you can do at this point.

>it's okay to waste tax money because at other occasions they wasted even more

Fuck you. Fuck the EU who thinks tax money grows on trees and can be tossed around at will. I hope the Poland Germany situation escalated and we have another exit soon.

No, because while a sales is lost on you,
another person that wouldn't had bought that game at all just pirated the game, tried it, liked it, and decided to support the dev bough the game.
which wouldn't happen if not for piracy.

I really wasn't going to buy it first though. The funny matter is, pirating has actually made me buy games that I otherwise wouldn't have because I didn't know how much enjoyment I'd get out of it and if it was worth the risk to buy something I may not get my money's worth. I really wish we'd go back to the times when demos were common because that'd also help. Though I admit, Steam's refund policy does the job quite well for that, but not every game is available on Steam so I sometimes can't get that benefit.

Either way though, stay mad cuckboy.

Do you think that if piracy is okay, buying becomes bad?

So for 360000 Euro they concluded that they can't find any evidence of anything? Great money investment.

360 000 is literally nothing you idiots.

>piratefag aka the modern buyfag actually calling anyone else a buyfag
>he's helping these shitty games get sales
biggest cancer of the industry

it's the EU. Nothing they do makes sense.

Literally more than you earn in a year, retard.


I am not 510.1 million people that make the EU.

Juncker (leader of the EC who ordered this study) is a fucking corporate cocksucker muslim importer megajew.
Most likely the only purpose of the study was to help pass draconic anti-freedom laws as ordered by his masters.

>that "found"
>no actual proof, probably another student piece like Anita's UN powerpoint
>got deleted for not following any serious protocol
>the retards still act like it's real proof and the fact it doesn't exist to check it means it's real
Religion is a mental disease with no cure. Die already.

>man in suit with bags and bags of money screeching for 100th time this week about piracy
fuck off

the money you buy the game with doesn't go the dev team anyways, only the suits that publish the game.

I use pirated games as demo. Its usualy bugged and unstable af but when i like it or have anything to offer me or interesting multiplayer i buy it.

>things we already knew
There have been studies before that proved this shit already

Yep, it's the same as that bullshit article that recently came out about Apple slowing down devices as new ones were released.

A Harvard researching team used people's Google search history as their primary research (basically as new devices came out they found that people would type into Google "is my device getting slower" or whatnot). Therefore their results prove absolutely nothing at all.

>Also fuck Apple even if they aren't

People need to read the articles before taking up space on these boards.

The point is that pirates aren't going to buy the games anyway.

>Sales would be the exact same or better if piracy didn't exist
I find that hard to believe

the true piratefags are the ones who take their $60, buy yakuza 0 instead of buying call of duty WWII (didn't know roman numerals went that high)

you will pirate cod wwii, buy it, and use it as proof you aren't a bad guy. cancer. The guy buying yakuza 0 won't touch that trash.

I like how Sup Forums still pretends that pirates here are somehow "oppressed" by the evil corporate buyfags, when we get daily threads doing nothing but shitting on buyfags. Victim complex at its finest.

Not true

>"yeah but why?"
>"yes but can you explain?"

>random user on shit board thinks his opinion matters more than an 300k$ EU study because it doesn't shit on pirates
the absolute state of Sup Forums

You aren't making any point, just noise.
intellectual property being consumed without its value being paid is theft. You are too dumb to understand that? You can't enter that debate.

>I like how Sup Forums still pretends that pirates here are somehow "oppressed" by the evil corporate buyfags

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

thats what hes pointing out, dumbass.

Might have been lower actually, according to people like Marcin Iwinski

I would like to think that these kind of people are just trolling.

The "it's illegal" argument is pretty obvious though. You're obtaining software which requires a paid license without paying for said license.

Good thing the value of your comments is fuck all.
You owe me $3 though.

This is your typical piratefag. A 13 year old retard with no argument other than sperging out because muh laws oppress them.

You fags are almost as bad as SJWs.

As someone who used to buy everything and now I pirate almost all my movies I can tell you that it definitely hurts the industry. Just be realistic about it. Why do you care if it hurts the industry or not? You're still getting it for free. It's like you fags have no logic at all.


It's illegal because you're not paying the dev for his work, that's simple. A kid could figure that out.

>Pirate Witcher 2 when it first came out
>really enjoy it
>few years later own all 3 games
>own some of the books as well
>use GoG more often
>convinced a bunch of friends to try out the Witcher games just by talking about them
>probably convinced people online as well
Piracy hurts sales though, right?

It's like developers and publishers don't understand that the best anti-piracy measure is make a good fucking game

how is piracy theft, exactly?


lol his name is gay man

>Considering the mental gymnastics pirates do to convince themselves they are not doing something illegal the study is utter shit.
Yeah I'm sure it was pirates who performed the study.
>The EU supressed the study because piracy is illegal.
There are thousands of studies on subject matters that are illegal, it's not illegal to study something you tard.
>They suppressed it because if retards start thinking "Hurr this study says it doesn't effect the industry" then you have literally hundreds of thousands of idiots pirating instead of buying and then it DOES effect the industry
So it wasn't the end of the story? Well tell your crackpot theory to studies on LSD that showed it had little to no potential for harmful side effects.

I thought it was 'guy man'

Let's just say that if a study found out that rape is a great stress relief, they would suppress it all the same.

Okay, so you're retarded. No (You) for you.

Prove it, show me evidence of another study being suppressed because of the legal standing of the subject matter.

>best anti-piracy measure is make a good fucking game
They literally don't want to bother making a good game.
All large publishers' strategy relies on making some garbage as quickly as possible and spending a ton on marketing to make people preorder it.

Fucking retard.

Also these "definition arguments" are the absolute fucking worst. At least put in some effort faggot.

Realistically because it was dogshit. There are studies to support every stance, no matter how retarded it may be, but it's important to examine the field of study as a whole to determine the general consensus of studies of said subject in said field.

This is SJW tier logic, this has to be bait

>"-haha! pirates are scum! they destroy everything!
>-not really
>-fuck off pirate, it's the case
>-what about denuvo games that sell less than the others?
>-F-FUCK OFF I-IT'S NOT TRUE! Y- oh, you don't have an official study proving it haha!

i havent enjoyed a videogame in years and i hate every developer right now

>implying I have to prove anything.
I already made my point. If you're too stupid to understand it, you're not worth my energy.

>one study
>proving anything

>i havent enjoyed a videogame in years and i hate every developer right now
Sup Forums, everyone.

either way not listening to a fag

>I read it on facebook guys, it's totally reliable!!
Yeah, right. And Clinton has a secret pedophile ring in a pizzeria basement, too (lol).

>Stop showing me that the words I use are not at all representative of what I'm accusing people of
Fucks sake, theft does not equal piracy and piracy does not equal theft. Theft is not a word that can accurately describe what piracy is so don't use it in that context you fucking knob.

Well then you've not made your point, because you lack proof. You've made an empty statement. It's no different than me saying you posting on Sup Forums causes your dick to shrink up inside your body and turns you into a giant pussy. I mean you are a bitch, so logic dictates that I'm probably right.

>he doesn't know


EU is capitalist trash attempting to ape true internationalism, so of course it does something like this.

Ahahaha you think purchases go to the developers and not executives who use the money to buy more cocaine and gold-plated dildoes. Like, if a game sells enough the developers *might* get a bonus, but they certainly don't get dividends from the game sold.

Then stop playing video games faggot. Are piratefags really this retarded?
Jesus fucking christ

What even compells a man to post the literal definition of a strawman?

If Yakuza 0 was on PC I'd pirate it.

I only pirate games with DRM as they're the objectively superior version.

There's indie devs too.

>Are piratefags really this retarded?

If they weren't, they would be able to get a job, and then video games wouldn't seem that expensive to them.

Ahh, such a perfect citizen. Don't forget to pay for owning your TV and get that PSN+

Yeah and I only smoke on weekends.