Early Morning Path of fire thread, Hows everybody liking it so far?

Early Morning Path of fire thread, Hows everybody liking it so far?

Balthazar dies

This game is still getting updates?

>The game client lost its connection to the server



No, Blizzard made it for us.

Kormir never fails to piss me off. She did jack shit in that campaign. I know the players couldn't become gods but really now her?



>this is the only mention your character gets

A nigger stealing yet again...wow, color me surprised

I felt more mad she called out on Rytlock for getting tricked and then just fucked off. Am I suppose to hate him now because Anet did a horrible job at it despite him being the reason why Balthazar is back.

Canach is literally /ourguy/!

Anyone that finished the story can sum up the interesting parts? I'll buy it myself in like 2 weeks but i'm curious nonetheless.

damn kormir's time away made her sexy as fuck

Just wait and play don't spoil yourself. Basically Balthazar had a boner and wants something from the Crystal Desert so people are in danger and as we're the good guys we hate Balthazar for killing people.

spoilers don't affect me, i will still play it and see it for myself, it's on another level anyway. if you finished it and have 5 mins to spare, by all means gib a summary



Looks like my ERP dialogues lol

Secret mount
revenge on my mind~

>raptor jumps long distances
>bunny jumps very high
>skimmer floats
>sand doge teleports
So what does the gryphon do? Fly?

best mount

Good reference my dude

glide with jumps, basically for those who haven't bought HoT (faster though)

I do it, but only for the attention.

where do you find that?
how many trade contracts does it cost?

>for those who haven't bought HoT (faster though)
So it'll be better than gliding?
Bummer, I was going to get HoT anyway (for DH, DD and Reaper mainly) and now that's one less reason to buy it.

no idea 2bh

I haven't played since I got my character to 80 doing launch days, should I come back?

it's way better with HoT and PoF.

I don't know what profession to roll, i still have my free boost from the expac, halp.

Whichever class is more of a pain to level, I guess. Ele/mesmer/thief is what I'd suggest.

I already have a thief which i don't like that much. I've been struggling between ele, mesmer and a new rangerbecause fuck anet for not having race change.

Mesmer is amazing, specially in PvP, good old legend bunker Chrono days... Chrono tank is good as well for raids. Only way to tank.

So what happens in this expac?
Does Balthazar die?
Does Kasmeer take his place as the goddess of Hope or some gay shit like that?
Is Taimi still Trahearne 2.0?
Is Braham still worthless?
Is the GW1 raped in any other way?
Do the lesbians break up for added drama?

Don't do thief. deadeye can't handle multiple mobs and its kneeling mechanic is awkward. Im deciding on going back to daredevil

>Is the GW1 raped
Meant the GW1 lore

>The 2nd or 3rd biggest mmo is still getting updated and making tons of money??

> tfw firebrand

They use this expansion to eliminate for all the Gods from the story line in order to move forward with their multicultural piece of crap. Just like they ended, just like vomit, the white mantle and mursaat storyline, now they just put an end to everything with the Gods. Bit by bit they eliminate any trace of GW 1 lore in favor of their lesbian pieces of crap and womynz everywhere. Also Rytlock is the bad guy it seems.

Does this have a lot of small group content at max level? Does it still have lots of collectables and things to work on daily when you want to without feeling like you're falling behind?

>Also Rytlock is the bad guy it seems
He's been trying to fix up his mistake of accidentally freeing Balthazar though.

I want to know how the story goes as well, did not play it myself, just bits I gathered from the web. DId you finish it? Care to give a quick summary?

I didn't finish the story yet, I'm at the third area.


Okay, i'm gonna roll a mesmer, which race? asura and charr are out of the question

female or male?

is it even possible to run this game at stable 60 fps in big city's?
got i7 7700k and gtx 1070 and it drops pretty hard in the first big city of the expansion.

Probably female because the male models look gay as fuck, but i'm open for suggestions.

Then I'm sorry but the only race there with a good VA is asura. The others are horrible.

No. I have pretty much the same setup as you, and outside of cities i get over 60fps. The moment I set foot in lions arch, or god forbid me the city of amniggers, it goes straight down to ~40.
Even turning down all the graphics settings doesn't help, what the fuck Arenanet?

Fractals (Level 80 dungeons with "hard mode aka challenge motes), Heart of Thorn raids and meta maps (maps with an objective), world bosses such as Triple Trouble (World boss that is fought in three squads and needs a lot of organization, drops good money and high ascended item chance) and Tequatl (World boss that drops decent money and items plus ascended item chance). Then you can crafting your own legendary weapon (takes about half to a full year of you play like an hour a day from scratch unless you get a precursor weapon drop) and ascended gear, then you can get raid ascended gear (armor and weapons with specific stats for raids) and unlock all the cool skins so you're fashion. Game has a lot to offer if you're new and you'll never feel behind as the gap between exotic and ascended gear is like 5-10% stats iirc. Also titles, achievements, grinding for materials/gold

the only setting that really makes a difference are the character limits, but you probably still won't get a stable 60 due to the game being such a cpu hog

I'm on a 960 and i5 and I only get microstutters in Lions Reach and HoT areas, yet everything else is around 60 with a couple dips as long as I have medium-optimized settings on.

Story is halfway decent and the gameplay is legitimately fun.
Who knew Anet still had it in them

Not really, thought make sure you're trying to use the 64 bit client, it's marginally better.

Anet made the mistake of using an only slightly modified version of their old engine which was built for single core processors and therefore a single thread.
MMOs are computation intensive and so they typically are more CPU bottlenecked

So its a game I can always find something to work on when I login, but not feel compelled to login daily to do a checklist without falling behind?

I'm surprised too considering how much of a clusterfuck the last expansion's maps were and I don't really give a shit about salads.

cant wait for next living story now
pretty much but if you take micro breaks, you can kind of feel lost and overwhelmed upon returning, it takes a bit to get the flow rolling again

Do I get to become god, or does Kormir show up again

you get cucked yet again

Is it worth? I'm bored and wanted to play an MMO. Is progression fun?

Try it out, base game is free.

you get KORMIR'D again


Yeah, I'm downloading it right now. Not going to know what the fuck I'm doing.

>tfw buy GW2
>they make game f2p
>wasted 60$
>see this thread
>people support the company that betrayed me
Fuck you niggers
Arenanet can go choke on my cock

Balth is kill
Gods left Tyria
Kralk is awake and coming



Mindless retards

IT seems like they really did do a hard sit-down and consider what works and what doesn't rather than just throw more features
>Colin: Let's add a new, unrelated type of progression called Training! IT'll be fueled by a new type of limited experience you only get from gathering nodes

>Buy literally anything
>It goes on sale months/years later because thats what happens in life

Somebody post a damned summary of all important things that happen already

> make the game harder
> it becomes more fun


Since when?

It's pretty hand holdy for the first while, you'll be fine don't sweat it.


do you mean in general or in the xpac?

can someone please summarize the plot of this expansion for me


Human has the best set of female light clothes imo.
I'd personally go with human male though.

Can I still pretend to be a tank or healer in this or will people be mad?

She remembers you not voting for her :^)

>2nd or 3rd biggest mmo
Wow, it's literally nothing

PoF is so much better than HoT it's not even funny. The story is eh, which is a step up from the shitshow that HoT's story was. The maps are way better though. Vertical design is trash and Tangled Depths was infuriating.
Enjoying the way that loot is working in this expansion now. The Elonian armor is fairly garbage on light armor asura, but heavy looks cool on my norn warrior. Probably going to craft the spearmarshall armor soon, then work on ascended viper's for my scourge (unfortunately can't switch my heavy vipers to light).
I'm excited to see what the raid is going to be, I'd imagine something to do with Palawa Joko seeing as though the story doesn't really conclude on him.

It prints money. Why not update it?

only path of fire

time to make a charr fem rev desu

there's some really cool designs in this expansion

HoT maps gave my wife's son cancer

>most popular combo
>retardproof class with the only race that the armor sets were made for
>most unique combo
>the class that requires an expac

Isn't it also the class that was nerfed into oblivion?

More or less dead on arrival

Is kormir someone I should know from the previous game?

A human who turned into a god in the nightfall campaign on gw1. She replaced Abbadon if Im not all wrong?

That's not Skimmer.

Fuck you I love deadeye but you're right multiple monsters is hard.

How's Holosmith fellow enginerds?

I thought Skimmer would be the least useful of the mounts, but it really is the one I end up using most often, especially in Vabbi because those lightning strikes won't hit you on a skimmer.

fuck this game, the fuckers went to sleep
they only support ameritards
you and me won't be getting in until monday desu

What you do is that you have P/P, and then you have the be quick or be killed trait, and you fucking spam that marked for death thingy and unload and you get like 25 sec of quickness as long as shit keeps dying because the dumbass trait doesn't have an internal cooldown.