
>modern setting
>rpg elements

Why isn't there a modern game like this? Even if not PE per se, but similar style.

I'm just gonna leave this here.

Because it wouldn't sell


Typically jrpg trash. PE played like a third person game with proper movement and dodging. Not just menus.

RE4-6 sold millions. Make something in that mold like PE and it'd sell millions too. Shooters are all the rage now. It's the perfect place for j-rpgs to go.

>muh kawaii japanese high school experience
it's a niche market my friend

>Typically jrpg trash
Parasite Eve is japanese and a rpg

>Parasite Eve is japanese and a rpg

And you can move around. it's not just standing still, inputing some menus, and then watching the animations. PE can translate very well to a modern game.

Well do you want a shooter or do you want a PE style RPG? because the latter just wouldn't sell

>Implying turn-based rpgs aren't as good as free roam rpgs

bad opinon

nobody seems to like the idea of combinating modern setting and magic specifically. The moment they do, they have to change to setting to something more akin to the middle ages.

>Well do you want a shooter or do you want a PE style RPG? because the latter just wouldn't sell

PE was a shooter as much as Resident Evil was. RE translated to full 3D well. PE could do the same as well. The camera perspectives were due to 2D/3D backgrounds.

There was no magic in PE, it was all biological

We do need more JRPGs that take place in modern times that don't star fucking kids.

RE also became more action packed. I don't think I would want an action packed PE though. Maybe the right dev could pull it off

Why do all JRPGs star kids? Is there an actual reason why?

>Why do all JRPGs star kids? Is there an actual reason why?

Japanese media for teens have some thing where all the stars have to be young teens. All anime characters are absurd ages.

Reinhard von Loengram starts out at fucking 17. Amuro Ray is 16. etc.

That's the target audience usually. Also Japanese people are ageist as fuck due to their fucked up culture and tend to believe your life is meant to stop being fun after you get out of high school.

They don't. There are quite a few JRPGs staring adults. Hell, even Persona 2 EP starred adults

>Reinhard von Loengram starts out at fucking 17

Holy fucking shit, I mean that makes his attitude justifiable in some ways but still.

>Why isn't there a modern game like this? Even if not PE per se, but similar style.

>Hong Kong
>Modern Setting
>spooky Chinese Mythology
Your adoptive father is a Mech Engineer who learned to make a borked Feng Shui Transducer, siphoning all the Good Luck to his mother's company and dumping all the Bad Luck to the Walled City of Kowloon, which only summoned the Chinese Goddess of Thousand Teeth
You should play it, OP. I haven't played Dragonfall yet, but I've heard it's better, though not this bonkers.


Top down rpg.

PE was not top down. PE is like RE.

silly user, everybody know that the Pestona series started at 3.

Here you go, OP. It even has Sirens which makes it magical. :^)

Why use magic when you can just shoot a guy?
>Start chanting to cast magic missile
>guy shoots you in half the time
>casters become obselete as you can just probably find a way to store and imbue regular weaponry with magic effects
>shit would be mass produced and available to even the lowest chump
>might as well go full scifi with magic than attempt a modern setting that isn't using Psychic powers as the magic stand in

>it's not just standing still, inputing some menus, and then watching the animations

PE1's battles were entirely that between movements.

It plays more like RE than anything. You have full movement. There's some menu for selecting type of attack. That's it. You don't sit still and watch your enemies attacks while you can't move. It's a middle ground between jrpg turn based combat and fully live combat like RE.

It could be adapted very well to RE4 style combat.