It's only been a week and Denuvo has been BTFO yet again

It's only been a week and Denuvo has been BTFO yet again.


Unsurprising considering it's marginally different from previous forms of protection. Only reason it was hyped to be "uncrackable" was because the cracking scene at the time was stagnating, things are picking up again though

These faggots need to get quicker.

It's a stupid question but i had a dream about it and it hasn't left me since. If i install a cracked game are there still things i need to worry about? Like it alarming the publisher? do i shutt off my internet connection before playing?

Nigga just crack and play it

they can't catch you, well unless you ISP is monitoring your downloads and you can get fined for illegal downloading

Nigga i live in Germany, I'll get thrown into jail for streaming anime.
Voting for afd tomorrow

>even wanting to play this shitty full priced expansion pack with diversity checklists


It's not a shitty full priced expansion pack with diversity checklists.

It's a shitty NO priced expansion pack with diversity checklists

this is suffering

not even going to bother with this one

>Not waiting a week or two
Its your own fault.

use VPN then

>Page 10
So Denuvo is truly dead then....

No its not

The only people who complain about Denuvo are filthy pirates who steal games.

Thanks to Denuvo, we have great releases like Nier Automata and Tekken 7. If it werent for Denuvo, they would have never come out on PC

>Taking a week to pirate
Their fault. I'm not gonna wait a week.


You wasting your money

I'm not wasting my money if it's my only way to play a fun game early. Why would I ever wait?

Well that's a fucking lie, but keep thinking you're right.

buyfag btfo

>haha you're wrong but I have zero evidence of any kind whatsoever so I'm going to try and be smug instead while actually just showing how retarded I am

yeah uhh, close but no cigar xd

i wonder if denuvo was a challenge for crackers gone out of control

>Haha I also not have any evidence for anything, did not present shit, but I will look down on you because your differing opinion. Also, I have no idea or recollection of what smug means, but I use it.

I do not need cigars. But you, my simple friend still need a brain and some cognitive functions. Do not worry, you'll get there one day.

kekekekekekek its way too ez to trigger newfags these days

>I was only pretending
Fuck off retard

oh come on I already baited you and got my fun, you can stop now and go back to eating crayons

god i fucking hate video games so much
you couldn't pay me to play them

>well thats a fucking lie

No it isnt. How many console exclusives did we have before Denuvo? Publishers kept making console exclusives because they know their game wont get pirated on day one, unlike where on PC you get shit sales + pirates steal your game.

Denuvo provides confidence. It is the least intrusive DRM out there, you dont even know its there. There is not a single conclusive evidence Denuvo hurts your PC

>Denuvo provides confidence. It is the least intrusive DRM out there
Steem steem

Who do these guys think they are? Honorable pirates? They go on about how great this franchise is and how amazing the game is, but do nothing to actually support it. Does nobody see this dissonance?
How can you speak highly of something and enjoy it, yet do nothing to support it.
Pirates are such trash. Just fucking buy a game, you poor teenagers.

Bethesda please shut up and go.
Don't you have white board meetings to attend that go over the importance of having your head so far up your ass that eventually you see Todd giving you his almighty blessing?

>They go on about how great this franchise is and how amazing the game is, but do nothing to actually support i
You realize that's just copypasta from a marketing description of the game and most groups release in this format, right?

I just beat the first Dishonored

was pretty good, ended sort of abruptly