Immersive sim appretiation thread

>what is an immersive sim?
an immersive sim is that type of game where the player is immerse in the background of the game usualy have many ways to resolve a mission.
They in many cases have rpg element and are non linear.
>is this a new buzzword for fps/rpg?
>give me an example of immersive sim
system shock,dishonored,prey(2017),bioshock,deus ex and thief
>it is a good genre?
yes start with bioshock or the new deus ex then play the other

Other urls found in this thread:

it's just first person shooters with RPG elements.
level design doesnt make a genre.

Fallout: New Vegas

Should add Consortium into the list.

I recommend trying Worlds and The Nameless Mod

the nameless mod aka thief 4


If you wnat Thief, play The Dark Mod

i mean that one!

Dark Messiah is my favourite game

No, it's mine.

Immersive Sim is game design formula/philosophy not a genre, it can be applied to any genre.


>All of those games were designed by Looking Glass or ex-Looking Glass employees
>Company went bankrupt after releasing their Magnum-opus
Is there a more sad video game related story?

You autismos should probably just kill yourselves.
I bet you're the same idiots who claim that Dark Souls is a JRPG, because it is an RPG made in Japan.
Apparently, genres are hard to understand for spergs.

looks like you win

>level design doesn't make a genre
>metroidvanias exist

I dont' think that counts. Too many dicerolls, dialogue trees, forced interactions... The VATS system is just one big automated animation player.

but they are defined by the gameplay and not the levels?
dark souls is a Action RPG, dont be silly.

Describing games like these as sims stopped being meaningful after the 90's. Even Warren Spector, who came up with the term, thinks it shouldn't be used.

The crazy thing is their origin. Literally Origin. Looking Glass came from the same roots as the modern day industry devil as EA, that eats great development studios and shits out garbage. Looking Glass was lucky. They died after releasing their masterpiece. They weren't murdered by something like EA.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun did a piece about immersive sims

Here's the pastebin

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the closest that a game has ever come to Spector's original idea of the perfect videogame. Instead of simulating a gigantic world with the depth of a puddle, simulate a single city block with all its intricacies.

>They died after releasing their masterpiece

What's that? Thief 2?

They should have at least released Thief 2: Gold. The last couple of missions really could have used a remake, at least combine Masks and Casing the Joint. I would have really enjoyed to have the Necromancer Tower mission.
Thief 2 deserved a horror level


It may have focused on a small area but I didn't think it had particularly in-depth simulation. Not much in the way of convincing interpersonal relationships.


Doug Church came with the term. And Spector doesn't like that term anymore than most people at LGS did back then, but he admits they couldn't find a better name either, so it just stuck.

In any case, it's just a name. People give far too much importance on genres, although I do appreciate this one more, as similar to metroidvanias (another name I don't like) it describes a certain design philosophy, rather than specific rules and mechanics like most genres do. Here it's ambiguous on purpose, leaving freedom to the designer to decide the rules and structure.

Has anyone tried Consortium:The Tower? Is early access but it's taking a shot at being the ultimate immersive sim.

i enjoy more bioshock than system shock 2

SS1 > SS2 tbqh

It just released on EA right? I don't think much people had much of a chance yet. I am excited for it.

The first game became one of my favorite games because it did very well with the "immersive" aspect. You are a player and the developer "created" this satellite that transferred your soul into an established character of the game and then you proceed to interact with other characters pretending to know who you are and whats your role, being confused while trying to explain that you are not really who you seem to be or just going through the game while saying nothing. Conversations and interactions seemed very believable to me and I was impressed by the work of the voice actors.

are you excited for the remake?


> Gone Home as an example of immersive sim.


How do I get into Dishonored? I really liked the first two Thief games but I'm not finding Dishonored engaging in the same ways despite the top notch level design, I was quite impressed with all the secrets and paths for the first mission, but it seems like pure stealth is less fun than using all your abilities and just killing everyone.

Am I missing something?

You're not missing anything, the game is not a straight up stealth game. You have the option to use stealth, but you can easily not do it. Stealth in games is shit when you can just choose not to do it and be even more effective. Obviously that's not how Thief was.

play thief 3 and the dark mod
if you want stealth i hould recomend deus ex

I'd like to see a new Thief game that's actually good

it doesn't even have to be set in the same universe
just something that let's me be a kleptomaniac

Reminder that this game was so bad people started looking back fondly at Deadly Shadows.

A little

At least it's not Unity

Not that user but I played the demo and it's pretty dope.

Make way for the true king.

Bioshock was crap. Also, pretty much every game is an immersive sim now, so the term isn't very meaningful anymore.

If you want to play what I consider to be one of the most immersive experiences right now, I suggest playing RE7 with VR once it's out for PC next year. Take off the HUD and enjoy the ride, it will sink you deep into the surrounding environment.

patrician, it will become a new underated gem

Looks worse with every update. I'm not interested in some random faggot's reimagining of System Shock, I'd rather play System Shock.

You could reasonably describe just about any modern 3d game as an immersive sim, hence why it's become a useless term.

>Gone Home as an example of immersive sim.

To be quite honest though, the barebones simplicity of it leaves little room for anything else. There's nothing that detaches you from the experience even though there's barely anything to experience. It's nowhere near remarkable enough to bring up as an example of an immersive sim, but you can't really argue that it isn't one. There's no gameplay. You aren't navigating a world of systems to overcome challenges based on other systems, but the immersion remains unbroken throughout the experience of boredom.

>putting bioshock 1 and Dishonored anywhere close to the other 4 classics

I like them all, but those two are so mediocre at best in comparison