Humans in game with a variety of aliens/alternate races

>humans in game with a variety of aliens/alternate races
>humans are 'jack of all trades' or 'adaptable'

>alien races all have only one skin color and ethnicity

>Humans only advantage is that they fuck like rabbits

This cat looks like an actor but I can't figure out which one.

>aliens dont exist
keep dreamin' sci-fi lovers

John Goodman



Yes, this is the one.
It looks like the other two posted too though, what a great cat.

>that we know of
fixed that for you.

>Humans are the war-like race

Second place is fine too.


>humans are different... they have things they call "emotions"...
>What nonsense this ""love"" thing is! What is this "individualism"!!!
>yes, YES, now I can feel it too...
>humans, you taught us space aliens a VALUABLE LESSON, that everyone should be FREE and LOVE

It's almost like it makes sense to judge other races in comparison to the one we know best.

Compared to all other universes, ours sure is the warmest of them all, don't you agree?

Let's imagine we're Klingons then, rather than being the warrior-race of war aliens we're the base mode all-rounders because we're the ones we know best, how do we judge humans?

>humans are the diplomats of the galaxy

>aliens are blue humans
>single biome planets

From a Klingon's perspective, humans would be violent, emotional, and untrustworthy. A race of rogues and thieves.

>hey! I dont want to be free i want this shit to stay the same!
>no you will feel love and freedom!
>200 year alien war over freedom and assimilation occurs all because a human fucked an alien

>non-human races are just recolored humans

Sure you're not thinking of Vulcans? I'm not massive into Trek but I'm fairly certain violent emotions is the Klingons' entire thing.

>fantasy setting
>humans split into a myriad of kingdoms and cultures
>non-humans all have one kingdom/culture per race


>You can't romance all of the races as human, only a select few


In the known space, Earth is the only planet with life or at least signs of it, on top of that humans are the only intelligent life, so take the unlikelyhood of life and further increase it with the unlikelyhood of intelligent life, if we meet aliens it'll be xenomorph types before anything else.

How one know Columbo in our age? Youth completely abandon television and i doubt it even airs.

>people often accuse non-humans as snowflakes, when humans are often the biggest fucking snowflakes in our own stories

Yeah but you said from a Klingon's perspective. We're talking emotional level in comparison to KLINGONS as the baseline.

you're thinking of the godfather, he looks like marlon brando sitting on his chair

on the day of his daughters wedding

>Humans who dislike aliens coming to earth are considered racists in the plot
>Every alien race maintains a homogeneous homeworld

>Sci-fi setting
>Has alien races
>All alien races are human-sized, bipedal, and have roughly the same anatomy/physiology as humans with only minor differences such as skin colour or number of fingers.
>All alien races speak English
>All alien races breathe oxygen
>All alien planets and ships have Earth-like gravity and atmospheric conditions
>All alien planets have only a single climate/biome e.g. "snow planet", "desert planet"
>Each alien planet/race has only one nation/government/civilization, no varying countries or nationalities within a species
>All members of the same alien race share a single culture/language
>All members of the same alien race share a particular defining personality trait like "aggressive" or "shrewd"
>All members of the same alien race look basically identical, barely any genetic diversity

>humans are good
>bring drama everywhere

>game with variety of alien species
>humans are fucking orcs, fast as shit and carnivorous, reproduce like rats

>humans are genocidal maniacs intent on purging the galaxy of all alien races

that's the best setting

I remember in Beyond Earth the game acts like you are a dick if you go for purity instead of being a bug fucker and race mixing with the aliens.

>meet new race
>instantly speaks english


>"Humans can pursue any path, their rich history of struggle and adaptation has created people who can overcome any challenge"

us old people amirite

There's actually a sci-fi about this where humans are the invaders and aliens and they're terrifying because they can survive in so many types of environments whereas the aliens we're invading are highly specific to very particular pressures, temperatures, light levels, etc.

>sci-fi setting
>humans have united under one federation, every conflict on the planet is settled and everyone is at peace
>humans in space all identify as being "from earth" with no mention of someone being chinese, russian or anything but american
>same goes for every other race who suffer no internal political issues that make matters more nuanced only "da hoomans r da worst cuz dey r da nu race!!1"


It's difficult for people to even comprehend the idea of an intelligence that's fundamentally different to humans, so every fictional race just ends up being "humans, but". We have to start with human as a baseline and then any differences have to be related to humans somehow or else people just don't get it. So we get races that are just "strong humans", "short humans", and "magic humans". We can only imagine a hypothetical race as far as how they relate to our own human experience.

Even when people write a story about animals or something, it's always done by imparting them with human characteristics, like emotions and complex motivations. It's simply necessary for us to have any interest in the story at all. Writers just want easily understood characters instead of big balls of facts about a fictional thing because most of the time they're more concerned with the story than the worldbuilding.

From Wikipedia because I don't want to retype:

In the Uplift universe an intergalactic civilization called the Five Galaxies, comprising a multitude of sentient races, has existed for billions of years. This civilization is perpetuated by the act of "uplift", in which a "patron" species genetically modifies a Pre-sapient "client" species until it is sapient. The client species is typically indentured to its patron species for 100,000 years. A patron species gains considerable status, and patrons and clients often unite into powerful clans.

It is generally accepted in this universe that the process of uplift was initiated at least one billion years ago by a species known only as the Progenitors. Humanity is therefore an anomaly – a species with no apparent patron race. Whether humanity truly evolved independently, or whether it was criminally abandoned by an unknown patron early in its uplift, is a topic of fierce debate. Most of humanity believes itself to be a "wolfling" species that emerged into sapiency solely through natural evolution, without genetic manipulation by a patron species. This belief is considered heresy and ridiculous by most of the galactic civilization and has made most of the galactic powers enemies of EarthClan.

The civilization of the Five Galaxies has several "Institutes", which are bureaucracies that specify how species deal with each other and the uplift process. One of the most significant of these is the Library Institute, the repository of all knowledge. Humanity prides itself on using the Library as little as possible. For instance, instead of drawing upon the highly refined starship designs available in the Library, humanity tends to develop its own (generally vastly inferior) vessels. Humans generally feel that this is a way to exercise their own independence and creativity, and it occasionally allows them to find solutions to problems which surprise more powerful races.


Almost every episode was on netflix. At least, I think it's still there. I don't watch netflix anymore.

If I were to write a story/make a game, how would I handle the different alien races?

things that really make you go hmmmmm

>planet is just a massive city

Unlike most other races, humans and their clients regard creativity as very desirable – most other races take the view that everything useful has already been discovered, so it's more efficient to search the Galactic Library for whatever they need. EarthClan are also considered odd for using archaic technology in addition to the more advanced Galactic technology, or sometimes preferring primitive technologies that they understand to more advanced ones that they don't yet understand. Most notably, Earthclan utilizes calculus, which is unknown and mistrusted by galactic society. All other races simply apply brute force finite element analysis to any problem due to their ability to apply as much computing power as may be needed to model all phenomena.

The fact that humanity had already uplifted two species (chimpanzees and bottlenose dolphins) when it encountered the galactic civilization gave humanity patron status, which is one of the few lucky turns it has had in its difficult position as pariah in the galactic civilization. This saved humanity from the likely fate of becoming client to another race through forced adoption or being exterminated for the environmental damage done to the Earth and its native species.

Most Galactic "clans" are rather feudal and sometimes exploitative, and place strong emphasis on etiquette and especially on deferential behavior by members of "subordinate" races towards members of "superior" races. Hence they often regard the EarthClan's informal speech as insulting and the humans' egalitarian treatment of their Neo-Chimp and Neo-Dolphin clients as foolish.

>So basically, humans are fiercely independent, creative, insist on doing things their own way, don't care about the environment, insist on equal rights, and are very rude. Space Americans.


>>planet is just a massive city
whats wrong with that


>aliens are entirely nonsensical in thier physiology with appendages, frills, and body structures that have zero evolutionary use or even any logical structure to them

As if human societies have never been hierarchical.

Humans also have vestigal traits

It's acceptable that a planet could be heavily dominated by a single biome depending on its temperature and amount of water.

Like, if humans weren't here to rip everything up, Earth would be 71% "Water" and 11% "Forest." (It was probably even more before humans started cutting them all down.) We'd be a Forest Planet in a sci fi movie.

When it comes to frills, humans are actually the exception rather than the rule.

>aliens that look extremely similar to an earth animal

I'm not talking "why do men have nipples". I'm talking 30 foot tall quadrapeds with big mucular bodies perched atop four legs that look like toothpicks and a random assortment of seemingly useless limbs sticking out its back. Oh and it has no eyes and no mouth. It was posted as an example of "good" alien design in one of these threads a long while back. It was fucking awful.

Those all have an evolutionary purpose. Brightest and most robust gets the most mates. Sexual dimorphism is one thing. Adding doodads to an alien so it's "super speshul original donut steel" is retarded.

>scy-fy setting
>humans are terrifying, advanced and nightmare fuel to aliens
>humans fuck with aliens in warfare using psychological tactics
>humans are the universe's boogyman

You'll need to post examples. Spore and No Man's Sky don't count.

What is Starship Troopers? Or Enders Game to a lesser extent.

A book I want to see in game or movie form is Old Mans War.


>cartoon ""artist""
>doesn't understand the basic shape of a gun

>what is tundra
>what is tropical rain forest
>what is coniferous forest, aka, taiga
>what is deciduous forest
>what is savannah
>what is swamp
>what is desert
>what is plateaus
You are a stupid lad. Even without humans, these biomes would exist.

>Absolutely obsessed with them to the point they need to tell everyone what is wrong with fictional depictions of them every single time they are posted in any context

You guys are worse than vegan cross fitters.

>what is tundra
A tiny percent of the planet.
>what is tropical rain forest
A forest.
>what is coniferous forest, aka, taiga
A forest.
>what is deciduous forest
A forest.
>what is savannah
A tiny percent of the planet.
>what is swamp
A wet forest, or a tiny percent of the planet.
>what is desert
A tiny percent of the planet.
>what is plateaus
A tiny percent of the planet.

It is still not acceptable for a planet to have one biome if it can support life. No planet has the same temperature or weather at every single spot on the planet. If it was all desert, then it'd be plausible, but you're an idiot if you think taiga and deciduous forests are the same thing.

Have you ever seen a movie or played a game where 100% of the planet has a single biome?

Because I'm pretty sure no game or movie has ever shown 100% of a planet.

>aliens think Earth is the "water/mud" planet
>aliens think all humans look the same except for being tinted to some degree
>aliens think we have only one giant nation run by people who have the longest noses

interstellar had a planet that was 100% covered with water

What's unrealistic about that? It just means it has a lot of water. That has nothing to do with biomes.

you asked a question and i answered it

What a straw man. Anyway, while you are correct that no movie or game has shown it's planets 100%, there is no natural reason for a planet which can sustain life to be one biome only.

Deserts make up a third of earths landmass

>tiny percentage
>tiny percentage
>tiny percentage
You're an idiot.

>game has different races and classes
>pick human archer and name him legolas

That's landmass. If you count the oceans being 71% of the surface area, all of those biomes are small, except the combined total of forests.

So if "Desert" is 19% of land mass, that makes it 5% of the planet. Almost nothing.

Well, he's not wrong if you count the oceans. Even then the forests would be among the tiny percentage.

You are still an idiot and there's nothing you can say to refute that.

Forest would be 11%.

Countpoint: I'm awesome, you are an idiot. You can't refute THAT.

i know for sure the planet is more than 3% scrubs

>b-but my oceans are bigger
At first you didn't count the ocean as one big biome, but now you're backpedaling when you realized you were being an asshat. Nice job.

>still counting all the forest biomes as one
Why not just count all the other biomes as "non-forest" then? Or would that take away your false feeling of being intellectual?

>video game with a variety of aliens/alternate races
>humans are the strongest species in the game
>accidentally snapping arms in half every time you try to shake a friend's tentacle
>everyone's always angry because you're breaking shit with your inhumanly human strength
>try to have sex with an alien girl, she's dead now

well, he IS an actor

Why is he barefoot? At what point did he decide that not even wearing flip flops was the proper, tactical decision?

Val Kilmer after he got fat.