Was he in the right?

Was he in the right?

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Who was in the wrong here?


damn jontron got ripped

Nah. His dumbass brother stuck his head inside a literal Lion's mouth. Even without Regina's completely accidental intervention I'm sure he would eventually have died in some other way. Probably sticking a fork in the toaster

More importantly
What's the deal with step-ladders in this series????

How do you guys remember what happens in every case? I can barely remember DD

What else am I going to do with my time?

come join the (un)official Sup Forums ace attorney discord. We set up custom trials to play, too, either full improv or semiscripted and include court trials and investigations among other formats.

I can't remember every single detail, but the events of the series are easy to remember in broad strokes. Who killed whom, how they killed them, etc.

sounds autistic

i'm sure there's some racist undertones of some form in this post, but actually? bout time natives started to get some screen time. you know what it's like to have like only 5 or 7 characters of your race to play as or even SEE in a vidgegame? makes me wish i was more of a nerd, instead of an uberdork. damn.

dumb cripple got the wrong person, so no

It can be but usually it's comfy and memes like dildo sculptor Butz smuggling in a knife to kill his ex girlfriend, or Paul Atishon and Di-Juan Huang collaborating to kill the prime minister of russikstan, or Manfred von Karma being arrested for stealing cookies.

Well it is the most forgettable one.

did the entire writing team have a collective stroke when they wrote this shit?

Fuck off with your gay roleplayer shit

>complaining about roleplaying in a thread about a role-playing game
are you too dumb to figure out the contradiction and have to resort to gamefaqs?


Maya was right here. She is wrong in some of the other ones but she is correct here

we should watch the video again to make sure they didnt

Worst case, worst cross-examination


>role-playing game
You can fuck right off with that.

Fuck no. I love the ringmaster so much so I'm going to try and kill his daughter. Lmao what a dumbass. I get it, Regina was a retard who indirectly hurt his brother but Acro was still an idiot

>discord shill

what would you call it then?

>He doesn’t replay all the games on an annual basis

Pleb tier

Visual novel with segments where you click on shit. Seriously it plays like many visual novels in the 90s.

visual novel

I was pissed off when the little fucker walked away with a smile knowing he was going to be executed for dumb reasons

like really m8?

>I'll kill the daughter of the guy I love just like if he was my real father just because she is autistic
Who thought this was a good motive?

Maya is in the wrong, even if it is his cultural assumption theres no problem in him having that and Maya, being so open minded, should be the one being more tolerate for it.

>he was going to be executed for dumb reasons
I thought he avoided that since he committed the crime in Japanifornia?

I replay them occasionally and still I can't get to remember anything, it's like playing it for the first time again

Best case. I cried like a little bitch

I don't know. How about you watch the video again just to make sure?

I've played the first three games four times each and Apollo Justice three times.
I barely remember anything about the games.

Executed? What the fuck?

WHERE does it say anything like that?