Is league of legends a good video game?

Is league of legends a good video game?


Why not?

It depends on how much you enjoy interacting with slavs and how competitive you are about cartoon games for babies

It also helps if you're a total faggot

Because I fuckin said so bitch

Yes, and i think riot are doing a good job with the regular patches and balancing

no matter how much you like it when you start, you will end up hating it eventually

>should we make the game better by adding a variety of content?
>should we add a variety of game modes and maps to make the game more interesting?
>should we devote a handful of our thousand employees to making the game less boring?
>no we should focus on esports as our game stagnates to death

I think so

No, it's fucking shit and the devs are incompetent assholes. At this point no one has to explain to you why as there's dozens of archived threads and articles about why League has gone to complete shit and why the devs are utter cancer. The only good thing to have come from league is the fanart and porn.

It's a "strategy" game where you're only allowed to play one exact strict way and use one strategy to win, and the game is heavily streamlined and designed to be accessible to preteens and new players at the cost of depth and skill ceiling.

>literal forced meta, team comp and lane placement is even forced into the fucking matchmaking now
>only strategy is "get more gold first, win fights, push"
>cookie cutter characters designed into specific lanes and forced meta roles
>most items are passive statsticks, itemization is a stat arms race more than a game of utility and countering
>everyone has the same "get out of dying free" spells with no cost or trade off in addition to their spells and items, have to burn through each person's noob shield once every few minutes before actually killing them
>overall lack of heavy CC and early/midgame burst

It has its appeals, but overall it's a very poorly designed game.
The yordles are cute though

When'll the rune update come?I might try the game after years for my boy vlad

>dota for retards
>dota for tumblrites

November 8th is end of season so maybe a week or two after that.
>dota for retards
Thats called DotA2 actually.

It's on the PBE right now so i'd guess 1 month at most

If you have friends that play league, play league. If you want a really difficult challenge, play DotA, League is much more for casuals.

And Im saying this as diamond player in league

And you're still silver.

yes but only when played with 9 other people who know how to play the damn game.
so you maybe get 1 good game out of 20.

>If you want a really difficult challenge, play DotA
Its a challenge to sit through a match its so garbge

>League is much more for casuals.
>And Im saying this as diamond player in league
You're probably not even gold lmao

Add me EUW "Yung Nugget" m8

You have to be 18 years old to post here.

>Diamond V
Yeah tell us more about how DotA is so challenging when you're playing on the most braindamaged server and you cant even get past Diamond V as a Jungler.

Yeah, you do. Its time for you to leave.

Yea EUW is toxic af but easily the 2nd hardest server to climb in after KR. D5 is in the top 1.8 somthing percentage of all players, i think im doing just fine, espiecially considering i only played around 120 ranked games all season lol. And i love how you havent even revealed your rank yet, its easy to hide behind your monitor in anonymousness, isnt it?

>Lack of heavy CC

>but easily the 2nd hardest server to climb in

Try 2nd easiest next to Brazil or Turkey, EU is trash

"EU is trash" thats why misfits knocked out TSM and is about to go 2-1 against skt? Origen in 1 season had more success than NA in 7, fucking OMEGALUL if you actually think Na is better than EU/CN

Oh and if youre talking about soloq only, EU has been better than NA in all esports titles, ever. Why does Na keep importing talent from EU/KR? Why has there never been an NA player in EU? Because they scuk, its that simple

Step by step guide to enjoying League of Legends
>1: Play Kled top
>2: Be aggressive as fuck like an absolute madman
>3: Go 13/0 and drink from the flowing river of rage that is all chat

not him but holy crap EU gets triggered so easily nobody brought up NA