Oh my god. ANYBODY "grieving" for something literally called the "DEATH STAR" is either immensely thick...

Oh my god. ANYBODY "grieving" for something literally called the "DEATH STAR" is either immensely thick, or an utter zealot. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind seeing things from the Empire's perspective, but I fear people playing through the campaign rationalizing that a militaristic and genocidal dictatorship are somehow "heroes" because you get to see things from "their side". Honestly, if the Empire hadn't blown up planets, allowed slavery, and enforced an apartheid state upon the galaxy's non-Human species, then I certainly would see things a bit "grayer", but given that they did do all those things, I'm fairly confident that most sane men and women with a respect for the concept of personal liberty and generally not living in fear of someone coming to kill you for having an opinion, would generally agree that the Empire is evil. EVEN if they do look cool. Because frankly, if they walked around wearing potato sacks instead of fancy Imperial officer uniforms or slick Stormtrooper armor, I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't give 2 shits about them. Just like our world's Nazi's, the only thing remotely appealing about them was their sense of style. Other than that, they were soulless monsters in Human form. #neverforgetalderaan

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Fuck off, rebel cuck.

>allowed slavery
No longer canon
>enforced an apartheid state upon the galaxy's non-Human species
No longer canon

Shut up rebel scum. You wookie-fuckers are just ass-mad we don't let you terrorists run rampant. Galaxy ain't free kiddo, you gotta earn it with massive planet-destroying battle stations.

man star wars fags are so autistic it's not even funny.

What the fuck are these Xenos complaining about? Humans are literally accepting the full responsibility of protecting the Imperial Galaxy and those lazy good for nothings respond to that by rebelling.

The confederacy was significantly worse and the republic was both ineffective and corrupt as shit.

the prequels are not canon

>hurr lets have a human nepotist Moffs govern alien planets, I'm sure they'll have the best interest of the natives at heart

No longer cannon my ass! As much as they wanna Disneyize it they can suck a dick. One of the characters was a slave in the first fucking movie.

Article is right, too. The empire are massive cucks. The Sith are pretty cool though.

>Empire hadn't blown up planets
One planet
>allowed slavery
The Republic also allowed slavery
>and enforced an apartheid state upon the galaxy's non-Human species
Who gives a fuck?

Yeah, instead we'll pretend that the natives have any kind of authority or autonomy when in reality they and their planet are owned by space jews that answer to no one.

Or instead, we'll let them pay taxes and give resources to a massive government that gives almost nothing in return and will only act if there is a danger of them losing their space dosh.

I hope Kylo is cool in Episode VIII

The first movie, you mean before the Empire existed, also in a planet out of the republic influence?

I know you are baiting though, no one in this board actually believes there is anything wrong with slavery/apartheid/blowing up planets.

All the things you listed on why I support them and wish they had won.

I just hope they don't cuck her out at the end and she "defects".

>allowed slavery
how is that a bad thing?

Read an interview/article and some high-up game designer at dice said it's purely a telling of the story from the Imperial perspective. No defecting or anything.

yeah they always say that.

All trolling aside but there was something polygon about this and some blue haired lefty said letting this game happen normalizes the Imperials and in her view that = Trump and so this game makes Nazis and Trump normal or something to that effect.

I was kind of bummed that bf2 made a mongrel woman the main charchter but if she is fighting for white supremacy I might have to give it a shot

She's fighting for Sith supremacy, which usually means either pitch-black or dessicated grey.

Some people really do find a way to get offended by anything. I swear some of those jew psychologists should find a way to make that a mental illness because it really is.


The Sopranos were ahead of their time

>Justifying the killing of contractors with the second Death Star

>Your leader dies
>Tens of thousands of your comrades die
>Millions more dying as rebellion springs up
>Entire galaxy falling apart
>Civilians are about to be massacred by warlords and operation cinder
>By your non-canon logic trillions more are about to die as the Yuuzhan Vong invade

Bravo Rebel scum.. Bravo..

It's called the peace moon, you rebel scum.

she's right.

They really were.

They knew the risks, they knew what they were working on.

Rebel scum, get the fuck off this board.

Kill yourself liberal

>The Yuuzhan Vong invasion
I fucking hope you rebel cunts are happy with what you brought.

>enforced an apartheid state
Every large empire has to.

Rebel cuck

There's literally nothing wrong with apartheid.

Maybe you boys should open up a history book and see some parallels the nazis had with the empire. Oh wait, if you did that drumpf might not be the cheeto in chief ;)

Rebels commited multiple war crimes you faggot, there was only one way to stop those savages.

>They knew what they were getting themselves into
Fuck off, Drumpf

We are literally going to hang you.

Oh sweeite, you would have to leave mom's house first ;)