PC exclusives sure are looking good since Crysis came out.... oh wait

PC exclusives sure are looking good since Crysis came out.... oh wait

*boops you*

>swiss Army knife
get it?

4 years and the left is literally everything PS4 has to show.

PC can offer way better performance than consoles, that is a fact, but no one fucking cares to develop for it, people pirate the Games anway.

The only thing that works on PC are Early Access, Indie and F2P games with cosmetic bullshit.

I'll take the PC games everytime. Graphics aren't that important for me. Actually still having 2d games is great too.

OP is a nigger and so are the janitors, do your jobs you worthless melon munchers

nice bait

>new ps4 games
>they're all like 10 years old
do they even release games for consoles anymore?

Fucking runescape and dwarf are new kek


really makes me think

>PS4 games

Those aren't games. They're interactive movies.

Piratefags are fucking nigger commies.

They should actually buy their games like I do. If you have the money for a kick-ass PC, then you have the money for games

Is this supposed to look good?

They are interactive 30FPS movies with very little gameplay, yet are still overhyped by the same simpleton casual faggots that overhyped Skyrim and The Last of Us.

>wide variety of games
>walking simulators

Arma 2 came out in 2009 you stupid fuck

>i have money for a kick-ass pc
>phone screenshot
i don't think you do, corporate cocksucker

Making me think a little too hard here, OP.

Arma 3 looks pretty good.

Has more gameplay than your 30FPS movie simulators.

>pc fats still use the same overused meme



t. nogames

>those textures
>that foilage


Only thing that is sad is that people still reply to these shitty bait threads :/

I don't play on PC tho

>comparing indie trash with aaa games

How fucking retarded are you

Not surprising since 70% of PC gamers using systems 5+ years behind in tech. My friend still plays games on a 1gb vram laptop he got in school It can't even run fallout NV that well.

Because I use Sup Forums on my Android phone, dumb faggot.

that's why you have no games
seems like something someone with no pc would do, where did you steal that screenshot, nigger?

I love Bloodborne as much as the next guy, but lets be real, it had some fucking terrible frame rate issues.

You are not very bright, are you?

Human eye can't see frame rate issues.

You want a picture taken with a camera with some sort of proof on it?

Try running 2k ArmA with your console.


>that's why you have no games
I don't play on PC tho

no because you'll just break into someone's house and take a photo of it with your nigger technology phone and not even with a real camera
that's why you have no games

>Posts contains pc stuff from 20 years ago vs a brand new console and its set piece games
Gotta be a pretty big faggot to post this bait, but here have your response

Does the PS4 have graphics like that?

It doesn't, Sony exclusives are all third person action games. grew bored of em after the last of us.

PC gamers literally don't give a fuck about console games.

You're mistaken, it's the PC that has no games. When discussions come to exclusives, all you guys have is trash indieshit.

>posting ArmShit when GRW exists

>that's why you have no games
I don't play on PC tho

>The Order

On my PC i only play WoW, Sims 4, Planetside 2 and not much else. Many games I play once and i'm usually done with.

Darkest Dungeon looks better than 99% of all vidya.

Yes ps4 has battlefield 1

It's impressive isn't it?

To bad no console hardware could even run Arma 2.

i'd take games like Darkest Dungeon, Cuphead, and Terraria ove generic 3rd-person action #21651 any day.

Same state as it was on that screenshot, but I quoted your ID on a piece of paper, and took an image of my monitor.

NO! I don't get it!

Which doesn't look as good as on PC :)

That's not the point. The point is that, supposedly, console exclusives are better looking than PC exclusives. Battlefront is not exclusive to PC, therefore it doesn't belong on this thread. Is it hard to understand?

Because your a peasant. That's why

You need a microscope to see the difference champ

>that disgusting chromatic aberration and blurry everything
When will this ride end, it looks terrible. I don't want to know how it is to have glaucoma vision, faggot developers.

Wow Microsoft flight sim 95 aged well

lmao sure faggot, so many games lol, like uhhh
that's why you have no games
genuinely surprised
it's ridiculous you went through with this

>PC might offer way better performance than consoles
Fixed that for you...

I just like playing with a keyboard and mouse or a controller. It's why I like my PC.

Fortnite Battle Royale runs at 100+FPS on my PC at Epic settings 1080p, while the PS4 and Xbox One struggle at 30FPS at high settings.

t. nogames

And why exactly should the library of a platform be measured by exclusives?

Console fags probably thinkg that distant terrain is just a "skybox" or picture. It's insane when you think that it's actually simulated and whole squads can have their own firefights down there.

Also incredible combined arms gameplay. Webm is JTAC lasermarking a moving tank for a pilot that drops a bomb on it from 2km away. Tank tries to block laser with smokescreen but fails and gets destroyed. Meanwhile there's another playersquad in town fighting. Literally what they have to script in Battlefield and co happens naturally in ArmA.

>PS4 is lacking games so much that your bait image has to include the same game twice

That's usually how exclusivity works.
An indie game is more likely to be exclusive to PC than a console.
A high-budget game is more likely to be exclusive to a console than PC.

i'm playing a game right now though

>Posts no games on the PS4
so whats your point?

Because they are. Why do you think that xbone is losing? Or is it like arguments with reviews and nintendo and exclusives only matter when a platform you play on gets a good one?


>Why do you think that xbone is losing?
because consoles are dead

At 160×90, that's not impressive

>Caring about cancerous exclusives

>I love Bloodborne as much as the next guy, but lets be real, it had some fucking terrible frame rate issues.
Most From Software games have framerate issues. They were never technical marvels. Metal Wolf Chaos, an original Xbox exclusive, looks more like a PS2 game.

and here we see the PS4's xmas release schedule

No, you are. please wake up

turn it off then

Funny. Shame consoles will never be able to run games like this.

>pc games so boring you have to post on inage boards while you play


>I have no exclusives so they don't matter!
Also sign my petition for Bloodborne please, Sony needs to stop holding it hostage!

Consoles have plenty of walking simulators

It always cracks me up that a game I played fifteen years ago is a "new" PC game

>on my PC
Well, that's YOUR PC. Most PCs are not as powerful as that.
How much did it cost?

Can you imagine your typical consoletard even trying to play ArmA?

it's not a shame at all, console children don't deserve good games

I think he's just turned on auto-walk in his brand new GOTY chinese room IP, so he should be fine

>muh 3 year old souls clone
daily reminder that every single pc game is 'exclusive' because consoles don't let you change the settings~

I know I always do but 9it still annoys me that any developer ever think that shit looks remotely good. Do they have a pair of working eyes? That doesn't look artistic, it looks like straight garbage.

>my console can't multitask and neither can i
aren't those games sony exclusives?
i mean, until they don't make any money and are forced to come crawling to pc where they get ignored

How can ShartmA 3 even compete?


Ooo weee, what a realistic texture!

Yeah, you tell them PCbro! I just got that one game that's not boring at all and it's good as well! GOTY expected! See you back in r/PCMR

>walking simulators

if graphics mattered you might be right

unfortunately youre wrong and also a philistine

triggered child

Daily reminder that each Skyrim release is a different game and is exclusive to whichever platform it's on

is a six year old game the only thing you have to play?

Bloodborne is the only good game on the left.