
Let's drop the mad discussions, who is up for some party games?

Introducing the freshly released Jackbox Party Pack 4

Watch the game: mixer.com/daashin (4 letter code)

Join through: jackbox.tv

(This thread is in no way meant as an advertisement. It is only possible to play jackbox games together if you are literally in the same room, or watching a stream)

bump for this nigga

We got some dating spots open


come playing niggers

Gonna need more people soon

What is this game about?

competitive drawing

Another MSM after this please?

nobody knows yet

The stream is all kinds of messed up for me. Gonna have to drop out

refresh next time


survive the internet, join now

>new party pack
I gotta try this.

>lag everywhere
Help, I see voting in page 30 seconds after it started in stream.


I never had a cat
I just hate cats and thinking about killing them makes me feel better

No point in joining anymore. Game is full.

got a game with a lot of space coming up


Bracketeering seems like a mix of Quiplash and Tee K.O.

dating game inc


>jackbox 4

Hell yeah, thanks OP

This internet game is fun.