No one knows what this is and no one cares, for sure...

No one knows what this is and no one cares, for sure. MMOs are dead and nothing will ever kill World of Warcraft but Blizzard themselves.

Other urls found in this thread:


> no one cares
But it has unique fantasy races, like elves.



Why should I bother?

Humans then


>random english word + online
>orchestra music in trailer
>"epic" super large locations
>flashy skill effects
are there any more indicatiors in this trailer that this is yet another korean mmo shitshow?

I'll wait for Sneeze Online.

shit, what are those ?

This. I have played it without playing it.

>was altered by Disney's lawyers to not look so much as their Duck comic
>Disney now owns him

oh i got nothing to contribute to this discussion, image got me in Sup Forumshoots

No, its a typical grind MMO like tera/aion/Black Desert/etc just with prettier graphics, i don't know why you people fall for these new pretty grind mmos every couple of years.


I mean come the fuck on, they are all the fucking same this is what the game actually looks like, nothing like the cool trailers.

Is this another ArchAge/Black Desert you-can-do-anything sandbox korean grinding simulator?

>like black desert
bdo is actually pretty unique, but not in a good way.
Bless is closer to a standard mmo but with faction pvp having more focus.

it's fun for a few weeks. so why not?

>In development for over 6 years
>Still so poorly made it was rejected by the publisher a few months ago
>Gameplay so lifeless Russians wouldn't play it even though it was free
>Japs rejected it
>Studio has been saying "we're releasing next year!" for years already
>Awful combat
>Fetch quest simulator
>Admitted to be under major rework as of this year after losing their publishing contract since nobody wants another soulless tab target MMO
>Furry race
>But m-muh art style! Muh sexy characters!
>Shilled on Sup Forums by one fucking loser in every mmo thread at all hours of the day
Dead on arrival if it even gets released before the studio folds or gets bought out. Kill yourself OP

Oh man what a game. That's a total WoW killer for sure this time.


No, it has pve stuff to do besides just grind mobs. The main gimmick is supposed to be pvp with castle sieges and being able to capture and hold cities.

Looks like shit


>next year


Enjoy your one month of actual gameplay before the game drops any pretense about not being p2w.

for the waifus, lets be real.

and this one has lolis and shotas too! ^o^

>pvp with castle sieges
lineage2 had that in what, 2003?

so cute , i love mascu! they're ugly/fat faced with the new human skin though :( can you choose between either?

Fron what I understand it's like a huge 100v100 game of VIP where both sides are trying to kill the other's commander. I expect it to be a shitshow like huge pvp usually is. Capturing cities sounds more fun.

>furry loli pandering
in to the trash.

Furless mascu is an option.
They didn't forget about you, shotacon.

I always find it hilarious that every new MMO has a secondary title so they can pretend it's more established than it really is, like it's just one expansion of many.

Because World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade/Wrath of the Lich King/Cataclysm/Mists of Pandaria/Warlords of Draenor/Legion.

If your MMO at launch has a dumb fucking subheader you can already know it's gonna be fucking trash. Just sell me on "Bless" before trying to get me aboard your "Embers in the Storm" bullshit.

>no housing

WoW is already dead. It took killed itself, killed any competitor and took the MMO genre down with it.

I wish mmos were actually good.

so exactly like lineage2 then

I just want to dick the amazon cat bitches. Nothing else matters.

I dunno, I never played it. Would make sense for another kmmo to take the same idea and go ME TOO though.

>another generic amusement park simulator
>only thing mmos ever bother to do to try to be better now is have better graphics

korean mmos are mostly "the same idea"

Never again

The kmmos I've tried have been pretty different from each other; blade and soul, black desert, and bless.


I don't know.
Last mmo I tried was tree of savior and it made me hate and lose hope on mmos(besides ff14 which I only sub every once in a while for the story only)

Did they fix it or are they just using Steam as a garbage bin for a game that not even russians and koreans want to play?

I'm never going to play an MMO again until they get past the hotbar system of combat abstraction OR abolish the generic 'questing' structure without butchering literally everything else

I'm glad they kept the full name for the west, it sounds so much like an easterner trying to be poetic with english and almost hitting the mark but not really.
>those soldiers are the embers in the storm of war

>Korean MMO with a retarded name
Just another day in vidya.

>get past the hotbar system of combat
I used to think like that, then I played bdo and realized having action combat isn't as important as having a combat system that works well in your game.

>Literally only thing people remember about this mmo i furry race

>no MMO where I can be a duck

Mapping shit to numbers or clicking onscreen will never be an engaging interface
the closest I've gotten is mapping Toggle Selected to scrolling up/down
and middleclick/mouse3 as Use but that quickly becomes impractical as the number of items to select increases

Tab target or action combat doesn't matter as much as the game being built around whatever combat system it has. Look at bdo, has action combat but the mobs are no different from what you'd find in a tab target mmo, so combat isn't satisfying at all. You have all these defensive and evasive moves but so what, all you'll do is pull groups of mobs and aoe them down while you spam health pots when you get too low.

BDO is the epitome of all flash, no substance. The character creator everyone jerks off about basically boils down to either looking like everyone else or looking like a fucked up meme mutant. Attack effects are real flashy and pretty but you'll just use the same exact combo over and over and over regardless of what you happen to be doing. Everything you do is solely to fund the 'endgame', which is buggy as fuck, laggy to all hell, gear/level carried PvP.

pantera are the niggers of bless

The problem with bdo's charactor creator is you either go default or you tweak every single slider, there's no in between.

>OwO what's this?

That's why i said "mostly". You tried the most diverse ones, so to speak, but there's pretty much hundreds of other korean mmos that really are awfully similar in a lot of things, like mechanics, art direction, etc.

Only WoW can kill WoW, and ever since WoD, it's been doing a pretty fucking good job of it. The MMOs that come after are just going to be there to pick at the corpse.

I'll give it a try ONLY because of the panthera/lupus races. Specificallt their sexy amazon females. They'd are literally PERFECT catgirls/wolfgirls aside from the fact that they don't have a tail, such a waste....