Any good mmorpg recomendations?

Any good mmorpg recomendations?
Got bored of: WoW, Lineage, Tera, Silkroad, Guild Wars, Dark Desert, Blade and Soul.

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No, stagnated genre.

Rough times for the genre. Seems like a lot of people on Sup Forums enjoy FFXIV.

play wildstar

This is actually pretty sad :(

It's not that people enjoy xiv, it's that they hate it the least. It's bland as fuck but it's also extremely polished.

If you want F2P i'd go with TERA. It's the most decent one and isn't blatantly p2w. GW2 if you enjoy playing an MMO solo. If you're ready to pay then FFXIV or WoW. Depending on what you want to do.
The genre is stagnated like a stranded open bottle of last week's piss. Literally nothing new coming out, and even if a new game comes out it'll be dead after a few days. Because they all suck.

>go with TERA
Only if you want to play female and/or elin
>new classes added
>female human only lol
>another new class added
>elin only lol

There are no good mmos and there is a reason you got bored of those games.

You are bored of the genre, there isn't going to be some magical mmo that somehow won't be boring.

What makes it special?

That is true, but as of right now vanilla classes are all viable. I mostly main healers so race/gender restricted classes are not an issue.
Would be neat if they added a new healer.

FFXIV if you want a game that focuses on story and very well designed instanced content instead of world simulation.
The price is the slowest start of all time that lasts unreasonable long though

>very well designed instanced content
eeeeeh. I'd only call some of the trials and raids well designed.

I am sad now. I used to love Silkroad because it wasn't like other mmo games. You didn't get a quest line, you were free from the start. You could do whatever you wanted to. Now it's dead.

How long ago did you play gw2? There's a new expansion, pretty enjoyable.

Runescape 3
>updated fairly consistently
>has a ton of content from being updated so much over so many years since it's release
>fairly active community and easy to find a clan to help you start out and level a bit
>all around a fun game with a wide variety of skills to train and quests to take

Not for too long. Might try it out again then.

The movement, combat and setting are really good.

Is it better then RS 2?

MMOs have been in the dark ages for a long time now, but right now it's in its worse state ever. A rapid succession of overly hyped games all released close to each other and it's difficult to rank them from shitty to shittiest. Since then most people have lost hope and embraced despair.

Hm, I'll give it a try.

I like FFXIV quite a bit. The combat is fun, and I actually like the crafting/gathering in the game.

I loved this game, but it's so ded. :(

Faction barrier is largely non existent anymore so you don't have to worry about which has more players.
I'm sure the next big update will bring in more players

oh wait

Wildstar has the best housing system in the genre at the moment, it also has one of the better combat systems, and probably the best feeling movement in the genre as well, as responsive as WoW but with more animation features.

The game's negatives is that the population is really small, the PvE content is hard as hell, and the artstyle / flavor of the game is really love it or hate it.

Dragon's Dogma Online

>PvE content is hard as hell
Not so much anymore. Power creep and easier access to top tier gear lowered the bar by a pretty good chunk. It's still challenging sometimes but not the HARDCORE meme is was.

Is it worth jumping thru the hoops to play the Japanese version? Does it have english patches like PSO2?

>Getting bored of Lineage 2


It is worth.
Yes it has English patches.

Played it for years. On Russian servers.

Just replayed DD:DA recently and have had an itch for an MMO as well.
Guess I'll take a stab at it.
Hopefully unlike PSO2, you wont end up on planet Japan at some point...

The art style of wildstar will never allow it to be anything more than garbage.

Yet only Gunner and Brawler are the good new classes and that's restricted to Helf, Castanic and both Humans.

It has some nice vistas but more often than not something was lost in translation during the transition from concept art to 3D model.

It depends on what you want out of an mmo..
>less grindy than rs2, but that makes the game less challenging and therfore less rewarding for some
>graphically is a thousand times better than rs2
>has game micro transactions that rs2 doesn't but they don't add anything other than some xp boosts and cosmetics pretty much, the other things are negligable as they have better in game equivalents
>more cities and places to go along with new quests than rs2, osrs has a few exclusive places too but I like rs3 better
>can earn in game gold for membership in the form of bonds or be a jew and buy bonds with real money and sell them for gold up to you they're trading for about 16m last time I checked


I don't really like how that guy drew the females.
I like how everyone drew granok perfectly though.


The game could've used a lot more presets.

Archage private server launching tomorrow

Neat, it's not P2W though and stuff would be adjusted for a smaller community right?

>best housing system

Archeage would like to have a word with you

They are saying it's less p2w than the official release. I'm not sure how it's going to go down though. Worth a try IMO since it doesn't cost anything. You get the subscription perks you would normally get (labor points) for free.


EVE.. some of the fastest spaceship multiplayer gameplay.. a 3D ARPG.

we could have gotten more with each expansion, they already added some more in a patch a little while back... oh the possibilities if this game hadn't had the most interestingly terrible development team ever

I've played both, the amount of control you have in Wildstar is like working in Autodesk Maya. Archeage just has a more realistic aesthetic going for it.

new dawn or rise of argon?

Unholy Wars

I like that houses are in AA actually serve a purpose by letting you grow stuff. Also PvPing with my dickhead neighbors was the most fun I had in an MMO. Does Wildstar have a trial?

Its F2P and the housing starts at level 3

>leveling is OK for a little bit, although just doing so through PvP instances comes up pretty quickly
>the art style is fun
>the animations, etc.
>so,, it basically ends up being about character fantasy
>really awful anatomy

Dead Genre.


>neck size, arm muscle proportions, backs, and waists

you mean clown car simulator

Swtor if you like starwars

>Disney cartoon aesthetic
>Massive gravity defying tits

What did Carbine mean by this?