In a new online game that has come out during the 19th National Congress in Beijing...

>In a new online game that has come out during the 19th National Congress in Beijing, Chinese netizens can compete in applauding for Xi Jinping. The game has become an online hit. >The major 19th CPC National Congress started on Wednesday in Beijing with a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping that took nearly 3,5 hours. The speech, that focused on China’s future and its rise in the world today, was repeatedly paused for the appropriate applause from the party members in the audience.
>With the introduction of a new game by Tencent, people can now also clap along to Xi Jinping’s speech from their own living room. The game became an online hit on October 18. It was already played over 400 million times by 9 pm Beijing time.

First it was bible games, then HOORAH shooters glorifying the military, now clapping games for politicians. How do we keep vidya from being used as propaganda?

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God help us all if the Americans get their hands on a clapping game


>not resources
>nor territory
>nor trade
>America and China finally go to war to determine who is the best clapper

>How do we keep vidya from being used as propaganda?
by banning vidya

>First it was bible games, then HOORAH shooters glorifying the military, now clapping games for politicians.
you forgot lefties forcing their irrational politics down people's throats

Is he the Jeb Bush of China?

Where are your Americlap memes now, huh?

>Americans btfo
I hope you are all ready for the Asian (Chinese) century!

Xi is just one step away from being the new Mao.

The West doesn't stand a chance.

China is the new clapping champion!

No, he's actually a greater leader. He's stomping down on the widespread corruption in China, revamping their military, and focusing heavily in renewable energy sources and fixing up all the shit they did to their environment.

Finally an esport at which americans don't suck

>americlaps beaten at their own game

yeah he's a genius tbqh

The Economist dubbed him 'The World's Most Powerful Man'; take it as you will.

Too bad it will all go to waste once the burgers nuke him

He is even going to have an economic theory named after him and have his name and policies added to the CCPs constitution.

I'm old and actually wrote a paper in college that America should attack China (in 2000) when it still had a chance. Now it's impossible. China has since deployed multiple ballistic missile submarines with enough nukes to hit every major city in the US. A non-conventional war is no longer viable. In addition, their dredging of new islands with military emplacements and the current administrations refusal to support Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries has effectively ceded the South China Sea.

We'll just have to nuke them first

China will rule the world

>nuke China
>the subs receive an automated signal from Chinese Central Command during their next link up that China has been nuked and to deploy their missiles
>America gets nukes

Great strategy there.

>resource war with china

Well shit, time we start developing Power Armor I guess.

But is it a golf clap, or full throttle spastic autistic clapping

If only one of Hilary's campaign managers had come up with this idea. Maybe people would have actually Pokemon went to the polls.

>All these fats unironically posting about initiating war because they hate seeing others be successful
No wonder you're on the decline.

Pretty much, instead of a guac bowle, its a gutter oil ladle

Yeah I love Xi Jinping. So what?

We're on the decline because of retarded fucking boomers. Thankfully they're dying off and with their illustrious God Emperor cutting healthcare subsidies and Congress cutting $1.5 trillion from Medicare, those old fucks die off even faster.

>First post is about America
obsessed much?

Like half of this fucking site and a good chunk of the rest of the internet is unironically begging for WW3, extremely sickening.

You know it's illegal to let someone die in America, even if he can't pay for his healthcare, right Joe ?

>he thinks there's a future in the american youth

that's what happens when there's millions of bored young men with a decent standard of living but no possibility for real success in their lives

This is political satire, they can't directly criticise the party there in China

Yes, but with the cuts a lot of people forego the less expensive preventative. Then they show up in the ER and need full blown treatment, which the hospital must provide, then they can't pay but since they're poor there's no use in going after them. Thus the hospital goes into the red and needs taxpayer dollars to back them up, which the government will fund with tax increases. In the end, the healthcare companies win because they get paid while taxpayers get shafted because they're footing the bill for full treatment instead of less expensive preventative care.

I can't wait till Gen Z takes the reigns from all these senile, retarded boomer fucks and millennial cucks.

China really copies everything from America...

I'm gay so I can't wait. Soon, the gender queer utopia will be real.

well there certainly is "a" future, not necessarily a bright one

>Ameicanfats think they invented clapping

>implying we can't just shoot down any enemy missiles/rockets
You really think we're not monitoring all their subs without them knowing about it? Only a moron would disclose that we know where each of their military units are at any time.
Also the same reason why no one should be afraid of North Korea. We've got all their launch sites targeted in case of deliberate attacks against any American or allied forces.

it's literally just cookie clicker: americlap version

Yeah, sure helped when the North Koreans flew their shitty missile they probably launched via a lego slingshot over Japan and Korea twice and it didn't get shot down either time.

>You really think we're not monitoring all their subs

Seeing as the US Pacific fleet can't stop running into shit and had its top leadership removed, no I don't trust their ability to monitor Chinese subs.

>hmm should we invest some time and money into teach officers how to navigate properly
>lol no let the computers do it and give them CDs to listen to in their -2 hours of downtime
jesus, for all the money the military pisses away, you'd think we'd at least try to train people


hey mr armchair general
anti missle technology is nowhere near effective to prevent multiple warheads from hitting their mark

China is so starved for games that they clap for a propaganda game.

>shooting down test missiles and revealing your capabilities
shiggity diggity doo

I worked at Lockheed Martin then quit because how disgusting the system is. Eisenhower was right, the military-industrial complex is fucked up. We had Senators in the states we have factories in, advocate and push through funding for a weapon system (which I can't disclose) that our own engineers said would never be practical. Meanwhile. the Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marines are losing planes and helicopters regularly because they don't have the funding for proper maintenance. So much of the US defense budget goes for shitcan projects because they add a few jobs to the Congresscritters' state.

>enemy says they're launching a test missile
>lol j/k, it's a real missile with a MIRV warhead
>10 US cities get nuked

Great plan there

>10 US cities
presumably we'd shoot down an ICBM if it was actually headed to the US
but North Korea would never do that because they would be destroyed in response

>implying we don't know if they're really test missiles or fully armed

>risking 100 million + US lives on US intelligence

So why did the Twin Towers come down, buddy?

in these communist countries, if you don't clap a certain way for your leader, you'll get fucking killed. it happened to that guy working under kim jung un. it might have been a family member too

We risk every single American life on US intelligence, by default.
Presumably we wouldn't rely on intel for ICBMs (NK is well known as an intel blackhole), but rather on the trajectory of the missiles.

>letting a 3rd world country potentially bomb two of our strongest asian allies for no reason

We've been doing show of force dick waving around North Korea since forever, a missile getting knocked out of the sky and into the sea before it even reaches the apex of its flight is the biggest middle finger and strongest "fuck you" you could give to the mr. babyface.

We're in this for the long game, moron
>letting everyone else on Earth know the intercept range and other information about your missile defense systems
Fuck North Korea.
We don't need a "show of force dick wave" that leaks such valuable information about our defense capabilities to other actors like China and Russia.

It's already being developed and is in out conceivable future. Right now, whatever they've got being developed it's mostly for lifting equipment. Also lasorz soon.

Well China and Russia aren't gonna bomb you, but Norks might (not you, but the allies).

As I said, long game.
It wasn't so clear 30-40 years ago that China and Russia weren't going to bomb the US, and who the fuck knows what the state of affairs will look like in 30-40 years?
Norks attacking a US ally would sign their death warrant, and really the US doesn't value it's allies as highly as you seem to think it does.

>who the fuck knows what the state of affairs will look like in 30-40 years
One would hope you'd have better missiles in 30-40 years. At least the military-industrial complex guys would.


Jeb is an incompetent retard who just happens to be from a powerful family. While Chinese politicians are very corrupt, they are also incredibly competent. They're engineers, not lawyers like our leaders in America.

>99% of the posters here unironically don't see that this game is political satire

>better missiles
You mean missile defense systems? But yes, missiles themselves will also advance.
One can always hope that the world becomes more stable and defenses remain strong and obscured, but until then, playing it safe is the name of the game.

>Getting butthurt over the only country that matters

Considering that the Chinese government don't see it either, it's pretty funny.

did he jump out the window or something

Fucker, do you have any idea how high and how fast an ICBM goes? This isn’t SupCom, there are no reliable ways to stop a missile once it’s in the air.

In 30-40 years, the only difference is that nuclear war will scorch the earth and kill us 100 times over as opposed to 10 times over. We shouldn't even be considering war with china and russia and good thing because they don't think so either.

If your game features educated, well-mannered blacks, women who are just as competent and strong as men, anti-nationalist themes, or blasphemous themes, it's propaganda.

Aren't modern missile defense systems just interceptor missiles + means of detection? Like Aegis. Lasers are still in testing.

Less expensives but more numerous cares.

What is happening there?


Sounds like we should be invading NK as soon as possible before they further develop their technology.

I don't know, they seem to be really upset their baby died. If you're trying to dehumanize chinks, you aren't doing a very good job.

>People have different political leanings than me and/or are older than me so they should die

do you ever realize how abhorrent you are

what the FUCK

Yes, as far as we know. Even without changing the fundamental method of defense, there are still improvements that can be made to the technologies involved.

You can’t do shit once they’ve launched the missile, you silly goose. It’s like trying to hit a bullet with another bullet. If we could just magically shoot NKs missiles out of the fucking sky then nobody would give a shit about them!

The problem is if we invade NK it will start an all out global nuclear war. It would be the end of mankind as we know it. Maybe 5% of the human population would survive.

Sauce I demand the sauce

Exam stress causes a kid to kill himself.

This right after that mass murder in Vegas too. But no, don't these liveleak videos redpill you as to the constant state of China?

>It's like trying to hit a bullet with another bullet
That's the general idea, though the timescale is completely different, these missiles don't teleport across the world in a few seconds. They take a while.

not that, but their ideologies are regressive (sadly). Too bad.

> it will start an all out global nuclear war
You don't have a single fact to back this up, you assume that China and Russia would start lobbing nukes because NK was invaded? Idiotic.

this guy is correct, it was on the news they had an english exam and the class just got to the food analogy exercise

It’s a valid consideration.

Kill yourself.


Machine Games must be fucking drooling at the thought at getting a commission to do a mainstream version.

>clapping for communism
The internal conflict will make most Americans self-destruct.

Her face looks like a goddamn mask.

>people who disagree with me should die
>they are the regressive ones
hmm really makes you think

>Not recognizing the "Americans clapping" meme that was spammed all over Sup Forums in 2012

If Russia or China detect a missile flying across the pacific in their direction, what do you think they’re gonna do?

>You don't have a single fact to back this up, you assume that China and Russia would start lobbing nukes because NK was invaded? Idiotic.
Yes I do. If China/Russia let us destroy Korea it would give us the go ahead to fuck up all of their vassals. They would rather go down fighting than slowly bleed out and let us win.

niggers I can understand because they're happening in western countries to white people