So.... this is the power.... of the western..... gaming industry

So.... this is the power.... of the western..... gaming industry

This says more about the state of modern art

Both those guys are more alpha than anyone on Sup Forums no matter how many buzzwords or Sup Forums memes you want to throw at them

I always thought 3D was the most stupid shit, and now comes this.

That's funny. It's a good joke what they're doing.

I don't approve, but it made me laugh.

why are they so fat?

What's wrogn with it? That shit was pretty much on point.

It wasn't a joke though. It was a performance about literally you.

>gives vr to americans
>they do this


I look forward to being asked what life was like before the fall. I'll gladly tell them it was shit


>It's the rest of the world's fault that everything we do is retarded

>being a self hating shitcunt

how long until a western video game crash?

all this hate just because all they ever consume is american media.

sad tbqh

thats pretty funny


>Supporting prostitutes and skimpy outfits
I see nothing wrong with this.

why are sjws so ugly? is it the female version of neckbeards complaining about feminism being the reason they cant get a gf?

Why do americans wear shoes indoors?
Why do americans store their shoes in the fridge?
Why do americans store their fridge in their garage?

Why are we acting like japanese vr games don't do this?

>the guy with pasties on his nipples who's beginning to realize he isn't going to get laid

There are decent neckbeards out there though
Some of they are anti-marxist and anti-degeneracy

Not our fault everything you do is done in a retarded American way, is it?

>walk outside
>step in dog shit
>step in vomit and piss
>step in nigger cum
>go inside and walk over your house
>have a baby that's going around on all 4's
>baby licks it's hands or puts them in it's mouth
>gets nigger aids

such is life in the land of the free, can't take my right to walk around my house in my shoes

Thanks for ruining the world with your excrement. You produce more shit than India.

It's your fault that you're obsessed. Maybe if your country was more relevant these days we'd breathe down your neck

Maybe it's your way that is retarded?

I don't know man, there just something about feminism that makes girls ugly.

I want to fuck a loli in VR.

What is this from

this is disgusting

Sup Forums is degenerate central m8. I don't know what you're doing here.


If there's one thing I can bond with foreigners over with near certainty it's laughing at you sharters. Thanks for that I guess, bringing the world together in peace and harmony.

They're gamers.

Stop bullying americans! It's not their fault they were born this way, assholes!

thanks for letting us live in your brain rent free. maybe one day we'll give a shit what you think


It's okay if you're jealous as long as you can put those feelings to good use. I'm glad you're making friends user :)

I play video games too, but I still work out and try not to eat doritos daily

Americans being amerilards? What else is new.

Fucking poser.

yeah, cant say the same as an american. its just lonely at the top

The world was always gay as fuck, just didn't have the internet to display it

Oh. Well if they're being artistic I have recourse to judge them more harshly.

>doesn't use the metric system
>doesn't use celsius
>brush their teeth before eating breakfast
>use shoes indoors
>month/day/year instead of day/month/year
>microwaves their water
>common core math
>two party system
>civil war during every black friday

Calling america first world is a stretch.