Why can't you talk about video games on Sup Forums anymore without it inevitably degenerating into politics shit?

Why can't you talk about video games on Sup Forums anymore without it inevitably degenerating into politics shit?

because leftists wants to spread their anti white dogshit

And the stormfags won't to spread their anti every other race dogshit.
Both the left and the right are being sabotaged with identity politics to prevent organized, coherent revolts.
Why do you think the media focus on this nazi shit so much? Because it serves the elite.
The elite always ruled with divide and conquer.

sjws keep pushing their anti-white genocide tactics into every game

as a white male its impossible to play a single game without feeling like i'm being assaulted for the way i was born, how is that fair?

the elites get into power because you leftists are pawns

>black people existing is an assault on my very being
Sup Forumstards are so fucking retarded, I swear

black people being shoved into positions where they don't belong yes

i refuse to play as a nigger in a video game and i'm sick of sjw companies forcing this propeganda on us

>literally pulling shit out of your ass and arguing against it
why do you nigger worshiping leftists do this?

>into positions where they don't belong
In your view, that is basically any position other than a gas chamber.

>i refuse to play as a nigger
This sounds a lot more of an "assault for the way i was born" directed at black folk than your mindless whining.

>that is basically any position other than a gas chamber.
he didn't say anything about gas chambers, nigger lover

Because newfags think every board is Sup Forums now.

not your anit white safespace, you cuck

Don't be pedantic now, you know what I meant.
You don't have a problem with "black people being shoved into positions where they don't belong". You just don't want to see any black people, period.

Anyone who hates Wolfenstein is a secret nazi who loves Jontron.

Not your anti-PoC safespace either, you nazi

You proved his point.


>you know what I meant.
I know that you want to remove white people

because the mods don't ban offtopic threads and posts even though there's is literally no grounds stopping them since it's enforced on other boards.

>The left wants to turn every country in the world into Brazil

>The right wants to preserve my culture and keep it distinct

Wow what a hard choice

T/F: Everything is inherently political, even when you make an apolitical statement.

>oh my god I'm feeling so attacked right now
>oh no there's a black person that's playable I'm literally shaking
>why can't there be more spaces that are safe for me? Some kind of safety-space?

why the fuck should niggers be in vidya when barely any of them even play the games??


>super spesh
lawyer my ass, that is that bitch's pimp

because the game is set in USA that historically had several black people uprisings?


Because communists love to spread their communist glorifying shit like in the new wolf.


I Fucking HATE all of you.

i dont care

I hate you too, Nazi scum.

>The right wants to preserve my culture and keep it distinct

The right imported beaners and niggers as cheap labour force under the delusion that they will work for free and be grateful for the "based white men" for opportunity to lick said man's ass.

The only thing they will preserve is their wealth and gated communities, you cuck.


we are all at the mercy of an ancient and globe spanning cabal of elites who are actively trying to merge mankind with machines for the purpose of ultimate control

with the rise of atheism and science, they can no longer masquerade as gods before the people, instead they act from the shadows and technology has become man's new god.

>its impossible to play a single game without feeling like i'm being assaulted for the way i was born, how is that fair?

Little whiny bitches like you are the reason why no one will miss the white race

"Video games is politics, let me explain to you why gaming is sexist, and inappropriate!"

"Video games are journalism, and there is no corruption in journalism, why are you criticising them?"

"REEEEE Stop talking about politics! Video games aren't politics!"

If Sup Forums hadn't allowed politics to seep in the last 3 years we wouldn't be here now. Thanks to Anita and Gamergate, we're fucked


Follow the money

yeah, then why do you anit white leftists attack the white working class and want to import billions of non white savages?

trump has done more for the white race than ever (((white))) president in the last century combined

I don't hate my race though. You can like two things at once, user. You don't have to like one thing and hate everything else. I know what my race has done for the world (a lot) and I know the shitty things they had to do to get there (a lot).
I also know that getting physically angry because there are black people in video games (not even a majority, or close to a majority) is pointless, because most of the time all it does is tell developers that, at the very least, people will be talking about their games more if they put controversial-low-effort nazi bait in their games.

r/thedonald came over during the election and never left.


Dunno if you're being ironic or not, but this is probably right. There isn't just one cabal of elite, there are many. But overall they cooperate to maintain their privilege. There has *always* been a ruling "elite". There is under any system in practice.
And yeah we are already being managed and manipulated by big data and AI systems. People expose more and more of their personal data to these systems. And willfully so. Permanent home surveillance is already pretty close. Brainchips in the next few decades probably.

>$.10 has been put into your acount

How'd Trump get in, then? The right us just as bad

Maybe Hiroshima should ban politics on Sup Forums.

Trump got in because the left kept pushing Hillary as the main contender.

Yeah like....uh....

By backstabbing your working class kind? By being very buddy buddy with Israel? By sucking Saudi Arabia's dick? You caveniggers are fucking retarded, and I hope white people everywhere wipe you from existence.

10/10 for making me reply if you're trolling.

brainchips and technological modification with time, will become mandatory no doubt


Don't even try and pretend for a minute that Wolf 3D was political. You played as a POW escaping from a Nazi castle with a boss fight against a Hitler in a robot suit. Nowhere did you take place in some degenerate commie uprising in a peaceful post WW2 setting.

>tfw Libtards won't tolerate me hating anyone that's not white, straight and male

And people like pol users are pawns. Trump is smart, as he knows how to appeal to the lowest common denominator

*the "centrist" DNC

FTFY. They didn't want a social democrat atheist Jew in office, so the DNC conspired to get him to fail, and calling anyone who supported him either a sexist, white, or a misinformed woman who only wanted to attract other men. I'm glad Hillary lost.