What game has the best lore?

What game has the best lore?

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In my opinion? Dishonored.

I fucking love the world they created.
>we will never see Pandyssia


This is such a subjective question that you must be a real dumdum to even ask it.

... solitare.

RIP skeleton king you are still missed.
I stopped playing Dota 2 like 3 years ago but it still feels wrong to have Wraith King instead.

>soulless chinks afraid of a skeleton with a few fractures
to be fair he's a big guy

There are potential objectivities within genres, at least.

Minesweeper has the deepest, richest, most robust lore.

Dishonored 2 and its DLC ruined the Outsider. I liked him being the mysterious unknowable and untouchable bored/neutral deity but then Dishonored 2 gives him an edgy voice and he deliberately holds your hand tell you what to do to beat the enemy....and then his reveal in the DLC.....

While I am here, can folks recommend lore heavy games? I'm tired of playing shallow games.

Yeah i know warhammer ripoff and all that

dark souls


Which Warcraft?
The early age when it was still a Warhammer rip-off devoid of original ideas or the post WoW age when its story telling became anime fanfiction tier?

In my opinion, Minecraft has the best ore

Elder Scrolls, only answer.

SO long as were posting Pheonix the series does have some good lore

I love karthus


I would say the good lore stays up the trilogy, later titles never really hyped as much as 1-4/1-5, 2-4 and 3-5
Especially the fucking parrot.
Also Investigations 1 & 2 are pretty good too

Probably Diablo 1. What happens when an angel and a demon bonk uglies? Some stupid-ass nephilim? NO, A FUCKING PLANE IS BORN! The game itself is extremely limited in scope (one place, one dungeon, one goal) but the game constantly talks about other places, long-lost civilizations, very important shit that happened hundreds of years ago, etc... It really helps building the world, with its lore, legends, and hints at a big, beautiful, rich world. If a bit daemon infested.

I like warframe

>and then his reveal in the DLC.....

what's the reveal?

Pic unrelated

Are they afraid or is it disrespectful for the dead?

Halo before 343 raped it.

Heroes of the Storm alt skins lore is the fucking best.

where can I read it?

Dota 2 has amazing lore

dota 2 died with skeleton king

Final Fantasy 14

he is still just a scared little boi in stone. That's some real pussyshit right there. Not awesome or mystical in any way

>we will never get a Rubick announcer
>now that his VA is dead, the odds go to 0

Elder Scrolls.


Lands of Lore.


Warcraft Lore died with Arthas


you whaaaaaaaaaaaat

>just found out he also voiced Dean Domino in New Vegas
>prolly he is a great man to talk things to

I like Elder Scrolls, but then I also like drug-fueled confusing meme shit so whatever, it's certainly not for everyone.

Destiny. Shame the games are so shit at showing it to players.
>Hearing Saladin talk about the Iron Lords fighting Rasputin
>Learning Rasputin nuked the Traveler to save everybody
>The entirety of the Taken King's lore, all the way down to her ship.


imagine the banter

Some of my favorites are
>Grim Dawn
>Elder Scrolls

I doubt it's disrespectful to the dead
Chinks don't even respect the living

holy fucking shit, so that's how their population planning goes

Prey 2017 was also pretty fucking good, they know how to make a world

Halo and Elder Scrolls

holy fucking shit, is that a child as well?

america can be fucky sometimes but if that happened on a street that busy people would at the very least call 911, holy fucking shit are chinks really animals? was Sup Forums right? or is this some slum in india

It looks like the van did it on purpose. Like swerves towards the kid.

C'est la vie.

iirc in china you get fined with anyone you hit (but don't kill)'s medical bills, so it's literally better (in their mind) for a lot of people to just kill 'em instead.

suddenly feels real good to live in america holy fuck, fucking african natives treat their people better

Mass effect

Pic related. Probably a none too fair fight since it had lots of games to build its lore, but that's how the old boy network goes. FOBs btfo.

America has similar issues. There are stories you can find of people shooting hostile intruders, and for some reason the judge allows the assailant to sue the defender for "damages". Even though reddit loves to whine and bitch about how self-defense shooting should be about leg shots, it's better to fucking kill them instead. Either they sue you, or they come back for revenge after their stint. No half-measures.


i understand what you mean. america has corrupt cops everywhere and a fucked up legal system and all kinds of bullshit but i mean come on, even trailer trash would probably call cops or try to help a kid bleeding out (or would that make them not trailer trash)

TES and Halo are the obvious ones but I thought FFXIII hade really cool lore but gets overshadowed by the hate.