Came out 5 months ago

>came out 5 months ago
>it's already forgotten
What went wrong with prey?

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Nothing, it's a very good RPG, but it doesn't have any replay value or mod support so why would people still be discussing it?

I loved it and don't understand why it isn't more popular.

It's a good game but it pissed off a lot of people by fucking stealing the original Prey's name plus the standard shitty Bethseda marketing. No preview copies and hoping the name alone would market itself like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Wolfenstein, etc.


>Game where you Play the Role of a researcher on a space station

What's the fucking problem, idiot?

That isn't an RPG retard. The definition for RPG comes from old tabletop games. Prey has RPG ELEMENTS, but is not a full RPG.

no multiplayer 60 dollar bullshit != forgotten

>replay value
poorfag meme

I'll answer it: Prey 2017 is bland. It has some cool level design sometimes but the game has a really small amount of weapons and no ammo types. I thought later on the toy crossbow would get some random darts to use but no, it's disappointing having no different ammunition, I mean even Bioshock had this shit. The enemy design is also shite, we have headcrabs of black goo, biped black goo, biped black goo on fire, biped black goo with electricity, and som flying black goo guy and flying golden black goo. It feels really dull. The powers aren't interesting either.

Often the game really is one step forward two steps back, it has inventory which is nice but then the crafting is boring, same for no ammo types. The game really fails at having an identity of its own to me, it's funny how people say this shouldn't be called Prey, but what else would it be called? Black Goo Killer? In many ways it feels like Dishonored and I don't say this as a compliment, just as Dishonored was a bootleg Looking Glass game that fails to match a 20+ years old game, this feels like bootleg System Shock 2.

Wrong, Nier Automata was a slo a single player game and it sold more than Square Enix expected. The issue is with Prey.

Bethesda barely marketed it like they do with any non-Bethesda developed games they publish and gamers are increasingly turning into morons who can't enjoy a single player experience anymore.

>a very good RPG
>but it doesn't have any replay value
Dem fighting words.

Couldn't bring myself to finish it. Gameplay got stale 30 minutes in and I have 11 hours on it.

>it's funny how people say this shouldn't be called Prey
I think people are saying this because they think it has something to do with the original Prey. They have fuck all to do with each other except their names are the same.

Terrible Inception BWAAAAAAAM every time you enter a room, so you instantly know there's an enemy in the room. Heard they patched that, but it ruined suspense, and just became an immersion killer.

nier automata is long forgotten exept porn. Bad example.

back in HL1 and quake 2 days nobody talked about even most popular games. Games were played and forgotten.

>automata was forgotten for anything besides porn
That's wrong though, people still discuss its plot here and there, some still shit on the gameplay and so on.

It wasn't this


and fuck the dev of this shit

It has one of the worst endings I've seen in a game in a long time.

Happa main character, tbqh