Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

I've never understood the hate. It has a lot of really interesting spiritual/religious themes.

I like it. It was my first fallout game.

They were hamstung by too many relics of the IP.
The attempts to fit these into a Bethesda game met with mixed results.
Thankfully they have taken complete ownership now and will not be dragged down by the remnants of a failed IP.

If it were that bad, would there be fo:nv or fo4?

It's okay if you just want to explore and shoot things, but Bethesda hasn't known what good writing is since like 2002.

I tried it after playing Skyrim for a long time and just couldn't get into it. But this actually has to do with me living in germany.

You see, for some legal reason in germany FO3 is ONLY available in a heavily cut/edited german language version. If I buy it on Steam it simply doesn't have an option to change language. I normally play all my games in english because I hate shitty translations and german voice acting. My biggest pet peeve is subtitles and voice acting not matching up at all (which is like, every german version of english language games). Same thing with FO:NV unfortunately.

After playing all video games in english it just feels so weird to play in german. I believe the game could be fun, and if I ever get my hands on the english version without pirating it I'll definitely try it again.

It wasn't bad for it's time, but when NV came out most diehard fans of Fallout saw that Fallout 3 really was Oblivion with guns, but not a true Fallout sequel at all.
However, I will admit that Fallout 3 beats out NV in the immersion and exploration.

i had fun with it and the dlc was good to.

why don't you just torrent the shit

Taken on it's own, I'd say it's pretty good. The problem was really in the attempt to marry an RPG like fallout to an FPS. The rpg mechanics that work so well in a turn-based game didn't really translate all that smoothly when applied to first-person active combat. On the same note, having to shoehorn in these rpg elements really caused the FPS action to suffer.

Ultimately, I'd say is correct. It tried to preserve elements of the early games and failed in just about every particular. They probably could have done better without the expectations of the IP hanging over their heads.

Amazing for Fa*llout but a shit game.

I played NV and the original fallouts before 3, and I did not find 3 very appealing. The writing was dumb and it felt like I was being forced into a character with his own specific life and goals instead of having a somewhat blank slate that goes on a journey with an objective that seems reasonable for you to insert yourself into.
4 had that problem too. I understand why I'd want to save the civilization I grew up in like the first games vault and the second games village, and I understand being pissed off that Benny shot you and stole the most important thing in the wasteland. What I don't get is how I'm supposed to feel compelled to go find the dad in 3 and the naby in 4. Me personally, i dont give a fuck about them.

I usually don't pirate games (besides roms for emulation) and it just seems like too much work/trouble to do for this game. To be honest, I'm not even sure how to do it while minimizing my risk to get caught. Pirating is taken kinda serious in germany and can get you in a lot of financial trouble, even if it's just 1 song or game or movie.

Maybe I'll look into it once I finish my current run of FFX and FFX-2

It freezes like every 5 minutes and its running on my decent rig.

Where do you live? Try going to Poland, download that shit there and come back.

captcha says europa power


In the opening, they quote a scripture from Revelation, which hints at the entire plot of the game.

>Revelation 21:6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life, freely.

theres just a lot of rerences to the bible. like how the mother's favorite verse in the bible was about water of life, or how you visit the garden of eden

That was one of the most hamfisted bible quotes I've ever seen

THIS do people not know what a theme is quoting something and then having that quote relate to the main plot directly isnt deep its a carbon copy of the quote

>Fallout 3 beats out NV in the immersion and exploration
shocking opinion Ive ever heard NV is usually praised for being more immersive and exploration based