Who was he?

Who was he?

A plot device.


the "too deep for you" character that cannot be explain without making the story cringey.

What was in that suitcase?

future gordon

George Weedman

The middleman between his employers and their customers.

cave johnson in an alternate universe

This is the only correct answer until Half-Life 3 comes out.

Who are his "employers"?

I think he was an Agent for an Opposing faction that was against the Combine.

He only wanted Gordon, Alyx and Black Mesa to gain leverage for the organization that wants to destroy the Combine.

My theory is that he is a Apature Science project made to disrupt Black Mesa, and when he succeded, but fucked up, used gordon to clean up the mess

However Game Theorys one is better lol

4 dimensional alien gods

cave johnson in an alternate universe

time gun and universe altering tools
a space hitman thats responsible for killing important beings in other dimensions. Shape shifting time traveling reptilian who doesn't like getting his hands dirty so he imposes on other people.

my theory is correct by the way

Pencils, papers, a gun, and some sort of high-tech ID card

Why does he have to wear that ridiculous tie?

An interdimensional ayy CIA spook out to undermine the Universal Union.

he is almost certainly an alien serving as a liaison to freeman and his people


A meme