ITT: Your first Final Fantasy game

>ITT: Your first Final Fantasy game

For me, it was FF4 for the SNES. Got it from some thrift store display case.

for me it's final fantasy 1 on the nes.... damn i feel cool

FF3 for the ds

found the 13 year old

rule two little boy get the fuck out

ff1 for the gba.

ffxiv for the ps4

muhhhhhh dicccccckkk

pls no cyber bully

promise not to console war shitpost ever again and you can stay. underage are notorious for that

VIII. I was like 8 and saw my older cousin played it on PC just after he'd gotten it for easter. Asked him what it was like, remember his dumb ass saying something like
>"You know how hard Ocarina of Time is? Imagine that times like ten."
Played the first hour and was fucking hooked. Parents PC at home couldn't run that shit at all, though. Grandparents PC could run it at a sprightly 5 fps, which is pretty impressing considering it'd load at all. Eventually got a PS1 about a year of thinking about it nonstop and saving up money. Still my favorite game, though played everything except 3, 9, and the 13 sequels.

it was ff7. i got a ps1 for my 10th birthday, and it was the first game i bought for it at toys r us. i never played an rpg game before and just thought the cover looked cool. i was not prepared for the roller coaster of emotions and mental aging that would take place that week.

but i'm a nintendo fanboy

Never played a FF game
>watches my bros play through FF7
>gets hooked on the genre because of it
>watches my bro play through FF10
>finally get to play the game once he's done using the console years later
>get to the part where they tell me I have to use Wakka to kill flying enemies
>close the game

Just give me more Tactics on console.

Odd place to quit the game, but you do you.

>someone on Sup Forums knows that the period goes inside the quotation marks


I haven't played any final fantasy game yet, which one should I start with?

I think it was VI, or IV

final fantasy crystal chronicles

>things my degrees in English Writing and Journalism have been good for

Tactics advance 2

please tell me you're not a vidya journalist

final fantasy brave exvius

Try FF1 for the GBA just to get a feel for a sprited FF game,

Otherwise, FF7 is good for a first animated FF game or FFX if you want the PS2 era graphics.

I'm not. I actually do database management for a tech company, which is about as far from journalism as you can get. When I was a kid I honestly wanted to be a magazine writer for video games more than anything. Used to read every copy of Official Playstation Magazine cover-to-cover.

Halfway through college I realized writing for video games would be a fucking joke. At the end of college I realized writing for any publication would be scrappy, frugal work, and I didn't want to fuck with that.

pic related: a more successful journalist

Only in MLA. Everyone knows this. Nobody cares, you stupid underage shitstain.

cool. well im glad you know where the period goes.

listen buddy you say one more fucking thing to me... it wont be pretty

FFX is literally one of the best games in the series, you dumb autist.


U r dum

Graphics isn't a problem, thanks for the suggestions, I'm gonna check em out tonight

>using quotation marks for greentext
>reddit spacing
>giving a fuck about ameritard punctuation conventions
reasons to kill yourself

wakka is shit. total fag.
blue lion is shit
tidus dresses like a homo.
yuna is gross.
auron is lame as fuck even when he tries his hardest
rikkus only hot cause she looks like shes 13

lulu is the only reason to play ffx. literally

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest with my SNES when I was like 5 years old. Some guy at Toys R Us told my mom it was a good game. I wish I could meet that guy today.

Mystic Quest

>screaming reddit spacing reddit spacing like you're some kinda /r9k/ virgin



8. My dad brought it home from a pawn shop. I never beat it because one of the discs was too scratched.

square made couple very good fighting games.
This and bushido blade was very good.

i played ergeiz with my buddy. i miss him. why do i alienate everyone?

I had a Mega Drive with the superior Phantasy Star series so my first FF was VIII.
It's a shame that the SE refuses to make a single good FF in the past 15 years


Great game, shame what happened to FF.

Wakka is great, fuck you.

I didn't want to fucking use Wakka. He looks like shit and so does 90% of the cast.

ff7 on the ps1. good times got hooked at a friends place, remember thinking how cool bahamut summons looked. Looked up online how to get a golden chocobo and knights of the round materia.

Tried playing it a number of years later on a pc and it sucked.

Both ff8 and ff9 sucked also. just got bored and never finished. i just don't think they had the same feels. ff9 just piled it on too much that it became a sad characiture of past ff.

then i learned people draw rydia's hairstyle all wrong and different from the correct sprite version

FFVI SNES version. My next door neighbour gave it to me when he finished it and I used to call him when I didn't know where to go

If you truly think that, don't post Tifa ever again shit taste faggot.

Galuf, Barret, Steiner and Wakka are the holy trinity of FF characters.

The period inside the quotation marks is mostly an American thing. In all honesty, unless you're a grammarian it really doesn't matter. The study of the language is mostly how it's used in various context, not how to use it "properly". Grammarians maintain the academic standard, which is considered the "proper" method, or the control group in which dialects and the like are compared.

I actually teach English within a University, git gud fgts

FFVII actually.

i put it outside unless i intend to continue the quotation's thoughts in a following segment

Final Fantasy VII and VIII, my brother and I got both for Christmas one year.
After that, the Fan translation of Final fantasy V and then Final Fantasy VI.

punctuationfag here

I don't really care how you do it. I just mostly put punctuation inside of quotes out of habit / that's what I was taught to be compliant with MLA writing.

same here, FF1
then FF8, 7, 10, 12, 4

what do I play next?
never got to play 5 or 6

FF4 was my first as well. I was hooked on the series until 13 cured me of that.

Why are you posting Tifa, though? Stop shitposting.


My mom took me to Toys R Us and I wanted to get 7, but they didn't have it so I got 8 instead.

>have a wife
>pretty much flat
>will never have titty monster tifa gf 11 tear old me back in 1998 said he would strive for

Celes, Tifa, and Fran are the holy trinity of Final Fantasy.

>asian tifa

Just to spite you

IV as a part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles collection on PS1.

Mine was 4 on SNES as well. I never finished it, and I was a little too young to fully understand it, but I have a lot of good memories of getting comfy under a blanket while it snowed outside, knowing I'd have a snow day in the morning and playing some FF4.

well fugg, Feels badman!

Final Fantasy VI on SNES9x in the late 90s. Never really understood how to equip stuff or where to go so I quit after leaving Narshe.

Came back years later after getting into stuff like Chrono and Dragon Quest. But it was a struggle to finish the game. So many random characters leaving or bad design decisions made a relatively easy game into a frustrating mess. And as I played more FF games, I noticed all of them had this problem in one form or another. Honestly don't know how I finished any FF game, let alone FFVI.

Celes, Locke, Edgar and Sabin were good characters though.

Im 19
Cant play 7 because the graphics are so shit.

t. retard

Both are cool, I like 6 for the story and 5 for the class system

It wasn't a very pleasant experience at first but it ended up being ok.

First was 7 and it's my favorite along with 10. 9 is okay but I don't have the love for it everyone else does.

4. It was the one I chose to start with first. I knew about FF at the time but never played any of the games. I could have picked some of the more recent ones then but something about 4 called itself out to me to play it first.