New Vegas Thread

When did you realize he was right Sup Forums?

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Never. Cause he was always wrong.

Say what you want about the Legion and their motivations, but they have hands down the BEST Hoover Dam battle.

Because it's the only unique one (and playing hide-and-go-seek in the offices is fun).

When I looted his tent with chinese stealth armor and stuck an ice grenade in his pants then I hauled ass to the vertibird waiting outside.

Here ya go niggers, mods from Gunetwork.

Includes Daryl Dixon, Nick Valentine, and Kreig companion mods.

Also includes overhauls by Dragbaody, includings Powder is the New Black, Boomers go Boom, and The Legion will Ryse.

Glad the NCR built that. I hope it made plenty of machetes and armor when the Legion tore it down.

The Legion is a simple-minded caricaturist's idea of what the Roman Empire or Roman society was like, or of what evil is like. I'll never understand why people who hate Fallout 4 on the basis of the Institute having x y or z inconsistency insist on praising the factions in this game to the heavens.

Because the Legion makes sense and actually bothers to explain Caesar's motives in-depth. You get to ask questions. There's enough there to where a handful of people can delude themselves into thinking they made the future-minded choice in siding with the faction whose greatest flaw is its long-term instability. It might be ultimately stupid, but at least it explains why it is the way it is and justifies that stupidity in a variety of ways. The Institute isn't just stupid, it tries to hide the fact that its stupid. It's supposed to be the smart faction. Nevermind that all the factions in Fo4 are completely retarded for one reason or another.

on my 18th birthday when i finally became an adult and realized the world isnt black and white

Why would a man who had read about Roman History come to the conclusion that a reconstruction of the best components of Roman society would reject science and culture, when those same Romans worshipped culture when they finally came into contact with it? Or again, uphold a military dictatorship when the Republic was always the grandest phase of their history, and the Empire a symptom of their servitude and decline? Or reject technology, when the Romans conquered precisely because they were such an innovative and adaptive people?

In what ways do you regard the Institute as stupid?

>Caesar: Hegellian dialectics. The New California Republic will fall because of its own design, and my Legion will triumph because it must triumph. Thesis, antithesis. New Vegas is my Rubicon, and when the Legion has its Rome, the Wasteland will know peace, civilization, and stability. [Agree] [Disagree] [Ask one of several branching questions about Legion ideology.] [Comment on quest.] [Goodbye.]

>Institute: SYNTHS [Agree.] [Sarcastically agree.] [Rudely agree.] [Goodbye (ends conversation and accepts quest).]

Caesar outright says that he only incorporated the roman elements into the Legion because they were so far-flung from the immediate Old World as to be unrecognizeable in the new one, and that the society's martial tradition widespread use of slavery served his purposes adequately. At least two characters (House and Arcade) comment on his ignorance of the actual details of Roman culture.

The Institute is stupid because their goals are all counter-intuitive and contradictory. Their slogan is "mankind redefined," but they've outlawed cybernetics research because of some vague quip about it eroding one's humanity. Synths are heralded as the next step in the evolution of man, but are treated as unthinking, inhuman slaves. They use their pseudo-sapient synths for basic manual labor when basic pre-war robots exist precisely for that function. They constantly complain about wastelanders' revulsion towards the Institute while they actively antagonize them. They have no long-term plan beyond acquiring more power and making better synths, but to what end? And, while Father is staunchly against the cybernetics program, he's more than willing to continue the Super Mutant research. And you can't call him out on this. No one does. You can't discuss the Institute's bullshit with anyone.


Can I ask Caesar why he allows woman captives and slaves to be raped, or about the extreme brutality of his methods, any more than I can ask Father about the mistreatment of synths and the FEV lab? In both cases you have essentially a mere surface treatment. Nor can I reason with either one of them and attempt to change their mind. And I have equally as good an understanding of both factions and their motivations for doing what they do. The scientists in the Institute are very clear that they regard synths merely as machines, and is that not really a sound philosophical argument?

tfw the autism pays off

Fallout 4 could have been so much more. Such a missed opportunity.

Given that synths repeatedly demonstrate their own "humanity" and self-determination outside the will of their programmers, the fact that the Institute hasn't even bother to take pause and examine this apparent emergent consciousness as a faction composed almost exclusively of scientists and their creations should give one pause.

And, yes, you can bring up the brutality of the Legion with a variety of characters. Veronica and Cass alike comment on it. One of the earliest ways to gain fame with the Legion is to talk to Vulpes about it. Several Legion members will outright explain why they consider women inferior. Caesar himself will explain in detail why he's decided to so thoroughly assimilate conquered peoples and why he breaks up families (which involves enslaving the women and killing or indoctrinating the men) to do so.

>but the legion will die when caesar does!!!

These people forget the hordes of technological, cultural, social, and political progress, as well as the trail of world-changing superpowers, that came about as a direct result of Roman culture and the Roman Empire's fall.

haven't made it that far yet, but
>all of his people I met are pompous dickheads
>even when you try to be somewhat nice, they berate and insult you constantly
>Even when most of them aren't violent toward me, a group attacks me just for looting NCR corpses in the desert
>live in bumfuck Nevada where I can't get to them to try and talk sense into them; instead I have to fight two groups of Lakelurks and about 30 Deathclaws.
I'm not even reading because >spoilers, but eat doodoo,OP

>democracy is just hereditary dictatorship
Better opinion than most Characters in Fallout 4

That, to me, only makes it worse. He then has absolutely no colour of justification for enslaving, brutalizing, etc., since he is not doing it all because he respects and wants to follow in the footsteps of what he sees as a superior culture, the Roman culture, but rather gratuitously. That makes him a caricature of evil. I don't see how any of his cruelty is necessary if his aim is simply to counteract the weakness and inefficiency of a democracy and nothing more.

As I remember, researching the cybernetic implants required causing extreme pain and suffering on unwilling kidnapped participants. Perhaps discontinuing it was done for ethical reasons, like shutting down the FEV lab. Perfectly rational.

If the synths are merely highly-advanced robots then why should they be treated like human beings? A moving picture shows you people who look frightened or angry etc., but it is foolish to suppose that there is a real frightened or angry person really there before you.

The propensity of the Institute to kidnap outsiders is reminiscent of academic contempt for people who live outside the ivory tower, ethical duplicity for seeing ends rather than means, and shows the danger of cultivating the intellect to the exclusion of the morals.

I can't discuss the brutality of Caesar's methods with him any more than I can discuss the things I find in the Institute with Father. Both games are equally flawed in that regard.

You coud have had the game been finished as intended by Obsidian.
They didn;t have enough time to flesh out the Legion and Caesar as much as they would have liked to.

>Caesar talks your ear off for 15 minutes on his motivations and idealogy
>Shaun just says "lol you can't understand"
That's the difference.

>over half a decade later
>people still defending the incredibly shitty writing that was caesars legion

but user, you can't get an Atlas Shrugged-tier series of explanations from him on the minutiae of his worldview, so IT'S SHIT

>Your inferior faggot mutie brain can simply not comprehend
>Why are you siding with the Brotherhood/Minutemen, dad?

>every single obsidian game is unfinished
>every single time they blame someone else
>every single time their fans eat this up
christ its like battered woman syndrome or something

There is the one scientist who talks about his theory that synths are people--I don't remember his name, but you overhear him on your very first entrance into the Institute.

Scientists as a class have shown a great disregard for ethics in history. Hence the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, for example.

Curie is indistinguishable from a human being and yet is a robot; is she also conscious, a person? If not, what separates her from a synth?

As I recall, you can say to Vulpes something about the Niptonites' "getting what was coming to them," and he makes some general statement about your "admiring the Legion's purity," but the justification for that so-called "purity" is never presented. If Caesar is not really modelling himself on the Romans, but only adopting their iconography, I don't see why he can't be something closer to Frederick the Great (say) who, although an absolute dictator, was willing to be lampooned to his face for the sake of upholding freedom of speech.

You mean the fact that people actually acknowledge that Caesar is a delusional megalomaniac is a bad thing? The game goes out of its way to acknowledge the problems presented by the Legion and lets the player react to them. That's exactly how it should be. Caesar is a terrible person doing terrible things that may, in the long-run, result in a net benefit of society. He knows it. Characters argue about it. It's part of what makes the faction compelling to a lot of people.

In Kellogg's case, the implants were voluntary. It was only after the fact that Father banned research, fearing what Kellogg "had become."
>K: You already explained all that. It's gonna be worth it, right?
>Dr: Oh, most definitely. These implants are much more advanced than anything you've had before.
You can't bring any of this up with Father, and it's not as if the Institute doesn't continue kidnapping and experimenting on people well past the point where they terminate the cybernetics program. But, hey, Mankind Redefined!

Because Synths are, by every indication, self-aware beings with wills of their own. They're hardly machines, either, as Gen 3 synths almost entirely organic material and cannot be discerned from humans by most biometric scanners. The Institute only considers them machines because the plot doesn't work otherwise - no one actually bothers to explain why they're mindless robots in any depth, or with any sort of proof. At least Caesar can point to the newly-pacified Arizona or the increasing corruption within the NCR as proof of his ideals.

If only you could confront someone about this.

No, you most certainly can. He makes it clear that he views the values of both Tribals and the NCR as backwards and ultimately worthless. and that he wishes to eradicate both totally and create something better. He talks about how he taught the Blackfoots to use total warfare to exterminate their foes and establish true dominance. It's clearly a core belief of his.

>Hyper-capitalist madman clinging to the past
>Hyper-colonial madmen clinging to the past
>Hyper-braintumor madman clinging to the past
>Independent thinking postman who looks towards the future
>In a game where the central theme throughout the entire narrative is "let go and begin again"

hmmmm who should i fucking pick

And you forget that those retarded cosplayers are not the Empire

How do you pronounce his name

Caesar is canonically a fucking moron.


Yes, one scientist who is utterly and dogmatically ignored by his peers. His voice is drowned out by the presence of the SRB and everyone else in the Institute.

Great. If only someone actually commented on how unethical they are. Even OWB made the Think Tank's unethical inhumanity a major plot point and the motivation of its faux-antagonist.

Curie is literally a synth at the end of her quest. Unless you define personhood as someone strictly human, synths are undeniably people. The fact that you can't even have a conversation with the Institute about this (particularly once you become Director) is mindboggling in its stupidity.

Vulpes specifically comments on how the people of Nipton were willing to betray both the Powder Gangers and the NCR, and how, even when they outnumbered the Legion, they refused to fight back (only a handful of traps had any effect on the Legion). His entire point is that they are craven, opportunistic bastards that deserve indiscriminate Legion justice regardless of their support. Caesar can't be someone closer to Frederick the Great because he views democracy and civil rights as a hindrance to his long-term goals of building an unstoppable war machine capable of conquering the NCR and abolishing its democratic government. It's also heavily implied that he's a narcissist who's gone out of his way to develop a cult of personality in that he's forced his legionaries to literally deify him.

>central theme throughout the entire narrative
>not a hastily tacked on DLC message

go away todd

>fnv gets shit on
>m-muh todd
every fucking time

I could understand taking measures which were actually necessary to the future good of society, but what is the purpose of mere gratuitous cruelty and violence and tyranny? Why is Caligula the model and not Marcus Aurelius? How can a supposedly-educated man have learned so little from his reading?

If the Gen 3 synths were a sort of clones and nothing more, which, as far as I can perceive, is what you might contend, I don't see what satisfactory explanation there is for the shut-down codes. By every indication Curie is also a self-aware being with a will of her own, and yet we know her with absolute certainty to be nothing more than a robot in reality.

Why must there be this false dichotomy in Caesar's mind between absolute democracy and absolute tyrannical barbarism. I am never allowed to confront him about that or to engage him in any serious way. He may talk at me about what he believes, but I can never question it or reason with him or change his mind in any way. It is just as frustrating with him as it is with Father in Fallout 4.

>try and discuss nv
>todd appears

every time

What was the theme(s) of New vegas and Fallout 4

>hurrr 3 was the first fallout game

I just killed Legion goons because one day they decided to jump some traveling merchants and I wanted to pawn their gear off for easy caps. It eventually snowballed into me becoming the biggest bastard in the eyes of the Legion, but I also started indiscriminately murdering everyone in sight shortly afterwards because I spent the bulk of the game negotiating and being civil. It got really old when I started talking with that bastard Benny and he tried to convince me that he isn't a son of a bitch and that shooting me in the head was in the past when the bastard shot me in the fucking head, I beat the guy to death and killed everyone in the casino that day. The Strip and Freeside followed shortly after.

New Vegas is about letting go of the past - mistakes of others in particular in the DLC - and instead trying to build a world with something new. The DLC emphasises it a lot more. Elijah can't let go of the BoS defeat at HELIOS, Joshua can't let go of his anger as the Burned Man, the scientists in the Big Empty can't let go of their own past/experiments, and Ulysses can't let go of his anger at the Courier for destroying Hopeville.

4 is muh synths and muh son

kill anything that moves in New Vegas

looks like benny wouldnt comp him the presidential

I feel like reinstalling new vegas and siding with the legion, are there some legot mods that allow u to enslave people ?

The main theme of New Vegas is greed.
The main theme of its DLCs is letting go of the past.

>when those same Romans worshipped culture when they finally came into contact with it

More like adopted because they couldn't be bothered to come up with their own. Romans incorporated Greek culture like they incorporated everything else they conquered -- they were, at their heart, a martial and pragmatic people.

>Or again, uphold a military dictatorship when the Republic was always the grandest phase of their history, and the Empire a symptom of their servitude and decline

Rome under the five good emperors was at its goddamn height, and after the civil wars that plagued the Republic it was considered a golden age.

>Romans conquered precisely because they were such an innovative and adaptive people

As I stated before the Romans were good at some things (architecture, fighting) but they were not really "innovative" of their own merit. Their strength was incorporating other cultures effectively, which is mirrored by the legion.

Don't talk about shit you don't know about.

>legion attacking caravans

That got fixed.

Great, you and I alike disagree with Caesar and think he's a barbaric, misguided asshole. There are several characters who also express this opinion. It's kind of the point of the Legion - it exists as a repudiation of modern "Old World" values:

>I used imperial Rome as the model for my Legion precisely because it was so foreign, so alien.
>I'd seen what had become of the NCR's attempts to emulate the culture of Pre-War America - the in-fighting, the corruption.
>Rome was a highly militarized autocracy that effectively integrated the foreign cultures it conquered.
>In Rome I found a template for a society equal to the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world - a society that could and would survive.
>A society that could prevent mankind from fracturing and destroying itself in this new world, by establishing a new Pax Romana.
>It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers.
>Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production.

From a literal standpoint, Gen 3 synths are so advanced there's no reason they couldn't have a shutdown code anymore than a spy-fiction Manchurian Candidate character couldn't have a trigger phrase or killswitch. If Curie is a self-aware being with a will of her own, she's not "nothing more than a robot," is she? Particularly not once she is almost physically identical to a human. Regardless, this ambiguity is never discussed.

Because Caesar views all forms of democracy as corrupt. He has an entire spiel about how democracy is merely a hereditary dictatorship and has the life experience to prove it. Because, holy fuck, he's actually a product of the world he lives in.

At the very least, Caesar actually discusses his ideals and goals in depth. Father does not. At all.

>We will never get New Vegas with that extra six months of development it needed
>We will never get another Obsidian Fallout

fuck bethesda

>tfw the game was rigged from the start

Guys, take a step back here and realize you're claiming Fallout 4 is better than NV, and realize how wrong you both are.

I did this about a week ago. Was it an unofficial patch?

How fucking dare you. I have gone out of my way to shit all over Fo4 this entire time. Don't lump me in with the bethcuck.

J Sawyer's, which is pretty much essential.

Scientists tend to think in droves. Original thought is usually ostracized. The Institute's behaviour in that regard I find to be true-to-life.

People outside the Institute comment on its unethicality, just as the people outside the Legion whom you cite criticize them; in neither case do we hear any substantial criticism from the inside.

The fact that the machine-consciousness question has not been settled in real life is precisely why there never can be any absolutely right or wrong answers in Fallout 4. It is just as ambiguous in its own way as New Vegas is. You maintain that Curie is a person for your own philosophical reasons, I say she is not because of mine. In the same way one person upholds the NCR for its democracy, another House for his efficiency and intellect.

The massacre at Nipton may be justifiable to a certain extent, but the cruel and brutal methods of the Legion in general are simply the actions of a caricaturish sort of evil, whether they proceed from narcissism on Caesar's part or from some other passion. In the same way as you expect people as intelligent as the scientists in the Institute to reflect on their actions, I expect him to do the same, but he never does, nor can you even attempt to make him do so.

>The fact that the machine-consciousness question has not been settled in real life
And for fuck's sake it must not. If it does it will either be Terminator or we get another fucking minority for SWJs to latch on to.

all games are getting coop mods nowadays, coop new vegas mod when?

>More like adopted because they couldn't be bothered to come up with their own. Romans incorporated Greek culture like they incorporated everything else they conquered -- they were, at their heart, a martial and pragmatic people.

That's exactly my point. The Legion of Caesar is the opposite of technologically pragmatic and incorporative. They are deeply unromanlike.

>Rome under the five good emperors was at its goddamn height

For a time, and yet a system by which soldiers could appoint a baker, a butcher, or a candlestick maker to rule the armies of the world was doomed to fail. It was the Republic that built up most of the territory which the Empire simply assumed on the arrival of that form of government.

Also, consider why the Republic ever was in disarray. It was because of the Standing Army, the Marian Reforms. It was that Standing Army that gave rise to the Emperors in the first place. When the Romans stopped fighting their own battles they became slaves, first to the generals, and at last to the Emperors.

One of the meanings of the word innovate is, to introduce something new or different; so I don't think I was unjustified to use it in conjunction with the word adaptive. The point is that the Romans respected culture and technology but Caesar does not.

Shame no one talks about their hivemind, not even you, their director.

No, people on the outside comment on the Institute as if it were some monstrous boogeyman. There is never a genuine conversation about its merits and ethics like you can have with Arcade, Cass, Raul, Ulysses, or House about the Legion. At most, you can tell Piper "Nah, senpai, I've got this" or inform Preston that the Institute is on your side. The details of the CPG are so shrouded in myth that it might as well not even be a plot point. But all of this is made more egregious when you are put in charge of the organization and can only tell them whether to focus on producing dispensable soldiers or garbage weaponry. You are literally the Director of the faction, and yet you have no influence over its activities. Its farcical.

The machine-consciousness question hasn't been answered in real life because we have produced nothing resembling an actual machine-consciousness. The fact that an organization of scientists whose raison d'etre is creating synthetic supermen have not even bothered broaching the question in any serious manner is genuinely fucking stupid.

No, the actions of the Caesar are of someone who does not give a shit about morality or humanity and has incorporated that into the driving philosophy of his entire faction. Read the quotes again - he spells it out for you. If you disagree with him, great, there are three other factions to choose from. Caesar's megalomania is established almost as soon as you interact with him. Questioning even him on something so apparent as his poor health has him threaten to execute you. Arcade goes on a long rant about how Caesar is self-absorbed to a fault. He has made himself a God to his Legion; he does not care about your opinions and will not tolerate any substantial defiance or dissent. And, again, at least Caesar actually bothers to explain all of this to you. You receive no such treatment from Father. These faults are not equivalent.

What are some mods that make the gunplay in NV not suck ass?

We've probably reached the end of our tether with this argument, so I might as well let you know that although there is a grain in truth in what I have been saying, I mostly agree with you, despise Fallout 4 for its shallow story and dialogue system and simply like playing devil's advocate and arguing for the opposite side of a question from time to time. Thanks for the discussion and for sharing your detailed knowledge.

I can only think of some that barely improve it.
1st Person animation overhaul by hitman
real recoil
Solid project or Project Nevada.

Thanks user.

New Vegas and Fallout 4 have the exact same themes, the only difference being New Vegas is more cynical about it

A little late to the party but this post is stupid because it assumes that legionaries are anything more than slavers on a moral high horse.
When Caesar dies, the Legion will shatter and cannibalize itself, because it's made up of selfish, brutal assholes, ruled by a narcissistic, brutal asshole.

>genuine conversation with Arcade, Cass, Raul, Ulysses or House
>predefined sentences you throw at them with one to three outcomes which don't matter anyway
>you receive generic responses Obsidian thought would be in-character
>genuine conversation
You know why Bethesda regularly leaves those things out of their games? Because 99.9% of people tend to not give two fucks about what Obsidiots preach and repreach in 10 threads every day. It irks me to no end there's a strong possibility people frequenting those threads might think they're actually smart for reciting the same mediocre philosophical thoughts every has already heard in the game.
I don't mean this as an insult or anything but most of the people here are either autistic or they certainly lack stimulating conversations in their real social life or both.

Organizations like the Legion exist real world. Jihadist groups like Islamic State, or Joseph Cony's group.

Islamic State is motivated by a religious ideology, Joseph Cony is a mere brute. Caesar is supposedly a man of learning and education.

And don't get me wrong, I like arguing on the internet as much as the next guy. It's just exhausting to have at least one thread per day talking about a game that came out a decade ago where everyone just repeats his opinion again and again and again and again like it's some multi-faceted masterpiece scholar will still talk about in two centuries.
It's Fallout 3 dropped into a mostly empty desert with writing that doesn't suck complete ass but isn't the second coming of Jesus either.

>It's just exhausting to have at least one thread per day talking about a game
>It's Fallout 3 dropped into a mostly empty desert

I'm glad your self-aware.

About what?

Personally I think there's something sweet (for lack of a better word) in the fact that people on Sup Forums are still keeping the memory of this game alive every single day, simply because they love and respect it so much. To me it's one of the better things about this board. New Vegas may not be perfect, but at least people here are paying tribute to and reverencing one of the finest accomplishments in the genre of role-playing video games, even if that video game itself does not itself come anywhere near the artistic level of classic art or literature.

>even if that video game itself

delete "itself"

You should be happy that we have this game to talk about. Very few games keep us coming back to discuss the details of a factions ideology.

It isn't the second coming of Jesus so don't treat it like some spellchecks, memes and horribly shallow factions (except NCR and BoS which were established in the first two games) equal the greatest game ever.

>equal the greatest game ever
who said this

Wow, that's not what I said...

If we have these threads everyday, we also have posts like this everyday.

>It's Fallout 3 dropped into a mostly empty desert

I'm just glad you recognize you're part of the cycle.

If you are going to worship a game and set it up as a gold standard I don't think New Vegas is at all a bad choice. It is certainly in the first tier of games. There is so much trolling that goes on here that it is useful for Sup Forums to set up at least this one game as an irrefragably good one and as the direction in which all future role-playing games ought to go.

Yeah you didn't but the vast majority of those threads are redundant because the same people come together regularly to say the same things about the same faction, about the same favorite song/gun/DLC/etc. It's useless. Let it die, there's nothing new you could derive from that game. Get together and join a fucking discord or make your own subreddit if that's possible or whatever.

why don't you go find a thread about a game you personally want to talk about instead of shitposting

It isn't a gold standard by anything.
>on shitty engine
>reuses assets of Fallout 3
>somehow manages to run less stable than F3
>mediocre story
>meh spellchecks
>mostly fetch quests
>desert is fucking empty
>bad attempts at humor aka OWB and Wild Wasteland perk
>gunplay is a joke, survival is a joke, crafting is a joke
>worse companions than fucking Fallout 4

>same people come together regularly to say the same things about the same faction
How do you know this? Where is your evidence? If you meant the same TYPE of people come to these threads I could see what you were saying. But that aside, if people want to talk about this game until the end of time because they find value in it then that is their choice.

>tfw I will be stuck in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, GTA3, and Rune Factory threads until the end of time

How am I shitposting when NV threads are just spamming? This was already an issue before /vg/ existed, as a matter of fact the big split between Sup Forums and /vg/ happened not only due to Katawa Shoujo but also because at some point up to five NV threads were up at the same time. After the split /vg/ had their own NV general until it was integrated into /fog/ and the autists went back to Sup Forums because others didn't only discuss NV but other Fallouts too.

What other game can you show me where,

1) Perhaps the majority of the quests have three, four, or five or even more ways to complete them, in the manner of (say) "Beyond the Beef"?

2) Specialization in different skills and attributes, and choice of perks, have a deeply meaningful impact on your method of play?

3) There are so many different factions and ways in which to engage with them, where an so large a majority of your actions in the quests tend to have an influence on your standing with them, and where everything eventually arrives at one great conclusion in which every action in the game which you ever undertook is taken into consideration, in order to produce it?

>How am I shitposting
you went into an ontopic thread to complain about the thread being there instead of just finding your own thread to post in

you are shitposting, captain

last response to you, fyi

Because many people have already typed out their opinion about factions for example and since many threads include the same replies I can assume it's mostly the same people.

What are some good mods?

Mmmmmmm. Not a good strategy my man. Anyway I'm out.

>completely ignoring my whole point
>reddit spacing
>posting some offtopic animu shit
I couldn't disregard your opinion more.



1) The majority of quests have one singular outcome. Some quests have two or three outcomes with minor branches. This is nothing revolutionary.
2) Nearly ever cRPG and many more examples.
3) The "great conclusion" is you're either fighting alongside NCR, Legion or Securitrons with or without the orders of House with several minor factions making minor changes in ending slides. This is a staple of the Fallout franchise btw. The "great conclusion" is always the same objective, to take or hold the Hoover Dam. I don't get where you've got those illusions of grandeur for this game.

please die

>it's a someone explains hegelian dialectics as thesis-antithesis-synthesis again

For god sake, Hegel himself shat on using this triad