Have you already defeated her?

Have you already defeated her?

I beat the game weeks ago, so yes I have defeated her

Every non shitter already s-ranked her, pleb

beat her on like my 3rd try

Man, FUCK having to wait for her only parry-able pattern. You think they would at least make some of the skull-bubbles pink, but nooooo...

I just defeated King Dice, shit was pretty exhausting

I want to beat her tongue as she slathers me in saliva and inches me ever closer toward the abyss of her throat.

I'm beating it right now if you know what I mean

I don't want to defeat her. I want to show her how to love again.

>There's a Cuphead doujin


It's just a trace over a different doujin, but rest assured we'll get one soon

Is this where we post images of best girl?




Surprisingly, she was the only boss I beat first try. Guess I got lucky with patterns

nice meme



I like Von Bonbon more. I think she's cuter.


I like dis.

Patrician taste!

>tfw you can't s rank the dragon

>Nipples visible through solid shells

>s-ranked her

That's got a nice ring to it.

>constantly hear about how she's bald
>for like a week all cuphead discussion was about her lewds and anons chiming in that she's bald
>game comes out, finally see her different forms and attacks
>not once does she become bald

The fuck was up with that? Did I never trigger the thing that reveals her as bald, or what?


holy fuck look at that big, beautiful, gapping candy pussy

do I get to lick her armpits yet?

Don't question it

>She is also a giant mermaid with a dead octopus for hair
how unrealistic

Except that doesn't look stupid

really grasping at straws here
>She is also a giant mermaid with a dead octopus for hair

>She is also a giant mermaid with a dead octopus for hair

Ignoratio elenchi

By the way that's also not what grasping at straws means.

whatev, so you are tellin me that her appearence in general doesnt look stupid? and you're argument isnt drowing and nearly dead deperately grasping at the nearest straw?


Charge shot and auto-parry, son. It's not that bad. Worst part is still phase 3 though. Saving a beam super for that can be helpful in avoiding his flamethrower attack.

most of us finished the game. that's why we have less cuphead threads now

I’ve already fapped to her.

So I’ve beat off to her.

>She is also a giant mermaid with a dead octopus for hair
no she's a medusa/mermaid hybrid, her hair is snakes pretending to be a dead octopus