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I just picked up Dungeon Dice Monsters, International World Championship, and World Championship. Recommend me the best Yu-Gi-Oh! games out there.

Also, Yu-Gi-Oh! thread.

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DDM advance has retarded AI and it takes forever to get new dice. Cheat to get dice and play with a friend.

Best Yugioh games are

Eternal duelist soul/WC2004 ( what ever is more nostalgia,)
GX duel academy (advance)
World championship 2006
Reshef of destruction (advanced GBC rules)
Tag force 2
World championship 2011
Legacy of the duelist

nightmare troubadour is annoying for picking opponents.

Best game is Forbidden Memories and Falsebound Kingdom. Anyone saying otherwise can neck themselves.

I had a lot of fun with DDM, just make sure to put in lots of low/mid level monsters otherwise you'll be sitting there rolling nothing all day.

Worldwide Edition was my personal favorite game, and its prequel Eternal Duelist Soul isn't too bad either, simply because they have the same good music.

Cheers, mate. I'll check some of those out.

Are any of the console games good? I seem to remember playing Forbidden Memories back in the day and really enjoying it, but I really don't remember much from it.

The best YGO game of all time is The Sacred Cards.

Eternal Duelist Soul is the best YGO gba game with real rules.

Unbeatable strategy
>put a flying monster in front of your HP.
>build all the way to both walls making sure the only path to your HP is through your flying monster
>AI even with a monster that can attack does nothing
>win game

desu Nightmare Troubadour is my favorite of the games, has up to IOC with bans and limits, eventually lets you use 1 banned card so it's fun to not just make the easy cc chaos yata deck. You'll get too familiar with the AI and it gets easy to the end, but was probably the most fun I've had playing YGO vg. GX Tag Force and Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel would be my next picks.

Forbidden memories is shit. It doesn't use official rules and AI cheats.

The gamecube and ps2 ones are unique games and are pretty mediocre.

Sacred cards is trash and just an inferior version of reshef.

I would only recommend them (mainly reshef) to those nostalgic of Dark duel stories.

What was the rpg one on the gamecube called? That was the best yugioh game

>needing unbeatable strategy for braindead AI game

I'm lucky I actually played this multiplayer with my cousin and traded dice. Because single player was trash.

world tournament 200 3


makes the games a million times better.

In my opinion, WC2010 is the best. 2011 has some improvements over it, but "feels" just a bit off because things like the A.I. "..." for like a minute straight.


Theres a romhack out there somewhere that fixes all the issues with reshef of destruction like the autistic spastic cursor. With that it becomes hands down the best yugioh game.


quit stealing our oc you fucking faggot

The WC games are good. Shame they stopped making good YGO games. Legacy of the Duelist had a nice cardpool but it seriously lacked effort. They didnt even bother making the ingame packs look like real packs. The older games did that shit on top of having better story modes. Over the Nexus had customizable characters and actually running around and shit. I'd kill for a new game with a proper story mode and all the newer cards.


Yeah this.

Also, Reshef would've been alright without the stupid scanning bullshit.

Capsule Monster Coliseum.

>best yugioh game

>retarded novelty rules like light beats dark

LOD has amazing effort. It's far above anything else, The problem is the packs are gay and unsatisfying to open. they should have used TCG packs

2006 is goat because you can open up legend of blue eyes, metal raiders etc and try to complete them. Even the old GBA games at least use japanese Volume 1,2 etc.

Legacy feels cheap to me. The storymode is halfassed with basic anime stills and heavily abridged recap, packs are boring and the actual dueling just feels bad to me. I cant exactly explain why I dont like it. The way cards move around lacks impact. Just my personal feels though if you like it thats cool no hate

The initial card of DMG is cute, but I'm glad they released full body art later on. That pink skirt and boots are way too cute to leave out.

I personally enjoyed Duelists of the Roses, but it's definitely not a traditional YuGiOh game

It's a card simulator not an RPG. it's for people that actually like the card game.

My favorite one.

Why not do both? WC games did it better.
LotD is also too easy. The AI decks are usually so awful. I'd recommend it for noobs looking for a training ground to learn new mechanics. For actual TCG players looking for a cardsim just play YGOpro.

>tfw no Tag Force 7

>tfw no TF6 translation

>Duel Links makes way too much money from nostalgiafags to ever make good YGO games again

I always liked the main theme

>This game was never remade for the Vita or the Switch
>You will never play DOTR on the road

What? WC games have trash decks, and LOTD actually has usuable stuff outside story mode.

You don't want to be playing gay meta shit, weaker opponents let you use fun and gimped decks.

If you use anything past 2003 or 2006 you aren't playing yugioh anymore anyway.

falsebound kingdom. it was great

>he thinks there will ever be a Tag Force 7

>All those puzzle duels
That game was pretty fun, I played it back when I had no idea how to play Yugioh though so my decks were pretty trash


>play duel links
>switch to japanese VA
Kaiba is so over the top, I love it.


Sacred Cards for an easy fun self-insert into becoming the hero of the Battle City tournament and getting all the God cards.

Reshef of Destruction for the sequel where everything becomes balls hard but with an original story and it is glorious.

Forbidden Memories is fun, the whole fusion mechanic makes it really interesting and card-wise its a nostalgia fest. If you don't mind the unofficial rules it is a good game

Anyone else beat meadow wizard 200+ times to get a Meteor B. Dragon?

>GX duel academy (advance)
complete shit

It's great.

every deck you play against has the same 20 cards

The Tag Force series on PPSSPP.
>Put in cheat codes
>Control AI
>Go into "Watch Mode"
>MFW I can 1v1 as a character and not Red
>MFW I get voices and summon chants
>Balue Ayes Waito Durago. Harrubo BAUWSTO STRREEEEMMMM!"
>Meh dick