Is it possible to beat the game using blasters? I want to do a soldier run

is it possible to beat the game using blasters? I want to do a soldier run

Yes just look up the blaster Jedi build

ye but it's fucking boring
I just used the sith sword

I understand that KOTOR is an actual RPG so builds matter a ton, but how fucked will I be if I regularly switch between rifles and lightsabers?

KOTOR 1 is objectively worse than KOTOR 2, even in the latter's unfinished state. People meme about the "2deep4u grey morality" shit but KOTOR 2 is absolutely a better written and more compelling RPG. 1 is a huge slogfest that is only memorable because of a twist stolen from the original trilogy, and even then it doesn't work the second time around.

maybe you'd have trouble with jedi battles, but it's achievable with resource management. It's always better to specialise
shut up bitch KOTOR II was and is an unfinished meme ridden mess

I assume it would be able to beat the game with. It might be a bitch to balance the feats though.

>only response is "shut up" and "memes"
The absolute state of a KOTOR1fag

Why must you be so aggressive with your assertions? Can we not agree that both games are good and deserve praise?

Reposting my random gen character. I'm being carried along by other party members.

>I'll ignore the fact that my game an unfinished mess because you offended me
haha ok virgin

If i'm gonna play just one KOTOR game with my netbook, should it be KOTOR 1 or 2?

I said that even unfinished it’s better. I’m not ignoring anything my du

fucking amerishits i swear
can you do anything without involving violence

>mobile KOTOR
no, don't.
my friend encountered a bug that made Jolee vanish, and since he was supposed to appear in a cutscene, Juhani spawned instead. She said nothing, causing her to spawn infinitely until his game file became corrupted.

>t. Bastila Shan

I disagree, I think that the writing is overrated and very poorly implemented due to the light/dark system. The game is too easy as well to the point of boredom, KOTOR afforded more difficulty and a more impressive amount of content, gameplay and dialogue wise.

>turn-based rpg

Im gonna be playing it on a windows netbook

>turn-based RPG
>he doesn't play in real time

This is just a meme right?

It is and done it. When I grew up I realized how retarded and stupid lightsabers are. Feels great to shoot all dumbass Jedi and Sith to death as they try to dance with silly glowing sticks.

Is it just me or are the evil choices in the KOTOR games ridiculously cartoonish?

>Fuck that one lady is looking for her droid, better destroy it and fuck with her.

sometimes it just feels good to really ruin someone's day for now reason, even if they're not real

Make your personal wookie slave tear off the arms off Mission Vao and beat her to death with them seemed reasonable at the time.