Who was in the right?


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Both are right and wrong

The sith, obviously

Both are faggots

I am right, everyone else is wrong.

Both are retarded. Grey is the only good answer.

Sith are literally in the right, OP.

Both are retarded slaves to the force


lefty is hippy bullshit

right is the natural order of life

but one side attracts losers and another attracts crazies

Fuck the Force, the Imperial Agent is the only class with a well written storyline

Star wars is stupid. Only good game was kotor2 because it broke down how stupid Star Wars is but everyone thought it meant that Star Wars is "deep"

The jedi and sith code are stupid as hell

>guys who shoot lighting from their fingers
>guys who don't

>Muh neutrality will bring true balance to the force
Fuck off faggot

Good thing they're not canon!

Both are faggots and the Force is the real big bad

The video in tell you why Jedi, Sith and the Force suck dicks

There was a guy who could use force lightning even though he wasn't sith.

>not being grey jedi and fighting for what you think is right


Grey/Neutral is still a pawn to the force

Some say...he could even save people from dying.

>Disregard force
>Acquire Ysalarmiri


>only sith deal in absolutes
>we are a binary system


>using an ms paint argument but not even posting the image