Sit in front of PC faced with mouse and keyboard = no energy to play games

>Sit in front of PC faced with mouse and keyboard = no energy to play games
>Sit on couch with console gamepad = game all night

Is this a sign?

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just feels more natural dunnit?

console gaming is more fun

That you're a faggot, yes.

Are you guys sure you just don't have a shit chair/posture?

>buy cuphead on pc
>use controller even though i havent used it in a long time
>hands literally hurt from gripping the damn thing after extended play
i would never be in pain after playing on mouse and keyboard, although the first time i got back into using a stick for fighting games i some how managed to completely wreck my stick arm and couldnt move it for a whole day so maybe i just go way too hard with controllers and sticks

Nigga I've been sitting on the couch all night watching youtube on my xbox, because I died in Fallout 4 survival mode after not sleeping in like an hour because I GOT STUCK IN A FUCKING WALL! Thanks Todd.

Dust off that dragon dildo and try playing on PC while it's inside your ass, for maximum effectiveness turn on voice chat, you'll gain energy for play PC games in no time.

literally me too. It's because you can do much more on a PC so I've assosiated it with being a procrastination machine. On console, it's a chore to browse Sup Forums or youtube (lags like hell) so it's easier for me to be focused on gaming.

Why is she stiing like that?

But user, there are no console games around...

>hurts his hands when playing
>menages to somehow fuck up an arm from playing on a fucking arcade
>disgusting PCfat

Color me surprised.

She's tomboy. Tomboys do that.

>sit on couch with console gamepad = no energy to play games
>lay in bed with switch joycons = game all night

>sit on PC
>thinking about playing a console game
>remember the terrible frame rate
>watch anime instead

dumb anime poster

hey you try doing QCF and QCB over and over again for 15 seconds at a time and tell me how your wrist and arm feels after doing that in consistent intervals for over an hour

>connect PC to TV
>best of both worlds

dumb dumb poster

You've finally realized your gaming machine isn't as great as Sup Forums or Sup Forums has made it out to be. Congrats.

>Sit in PC chair normally
>Too tired to play
>Sit on my couch or bed
>Too tired to play on my console
>Sit sideways in my chair with my legs slung over the arm
>Stay up all night playing games

Get a comfier chair. Although I'll admit I do like connecting my PC up to a large screen.

You actually conserve more energy and endure less fatigue by sitting on a couch farther away from the tv than you do being huddled up close to your monitor

Shit kid, I've been doing that since SFII.

Maybe her butt hurts

OP didn't specify he was on console, just that he was using a gamepad instead of k&m.

>the skin on my left asscheeck is rougher than the rest of my skin
Don't do this anons, this kind of posture will ruin your smooth butt if you stick to it

>sit in couch playing console
>get bored of game and watch tv
>fall asleep lying down on couch
no. different people prefer different shit.

Where in my post was I talking about consoles you dumb nigger.

>sit on PC
>feel like playing games on my xbone or PS4
>sit on the couch
>no games to play
>can't afford the games I want
>open up Edge on Xbone and watch anime

Not too long ago I learned that my ability to play games for hours on end or not is determined by comfort level.

If I have a big couch with a good distance from the TV then I can totally play games non stop for hours.

Currently my bed is too far from TV and I feel like I need to get closer meaning sitting on an uncomfortable chair.
Same thing for PC. I can totally play an MMO for long hours or league sometimes but other games tire me out sitting in that chair.

I remember many years ago when Tales of xillia came out. I setup in our basement where there was couch and spent 12hrs a day down there in the summer. Good times.

Now the biggest factor I think is having someone to talk to about the game. Like I got the new Metroid but I have no friends to talk to about it and exchange info and tips and race them on who beats it first.
That was always the biggest thing that drew me into playing games a lot. I miss having friends

>Sit on PC desk
>don't feel like gaming.
>change TV to HDMI 1
>play with controller on TV

Have you seen any good anime lately? Haven't watched anything since 2014

It's ok user, we won't embarrass you any further.

Made in Abyss is quite interesting. Haven't enjoyed an anime that much in years

nah having orgasms is pretty exausting

Thanks I'll give it a try

My butt hurts a lot after 20 minutes of sitting like that.

Not really. There are some OK anime out there right now but nothing spetacular. Kakegurui comes to mind. If you like moeshit and gamedev, New Game was pretty interesting.

Oh, actually, Boku no Hero Academia is pretty good.

konosuba is pretty good
ore monogatari was comfy as fuck.
isekai shokudou aired recently and was good.

PC gaming has already destroyed my baby-smooth ass.

I have no energy to play games, period

Heybot! was good.

from what?

Why aren't you playing on the couch while playing on your PC?

Why don't you have a recliner you simple fuck? whats wrong with you? how many times have people said you fucking disappointment them? Do you think about killing yourself frequently? I really hope you do if you have any sense of fucking decency. Get fucked you mother fucking MNX2A-LF84X-7YCH0

Honestly, probably.
Any recommendations?


I meant chair silly.


I don't know, just the part where my the butt ends and the back begins hurts a lot after sitting like that for a while.
It's why I stopped putting my legs on my bed when I'm sitting on my desk, because eventually my butt hurts a lot.

Have you tried a recliner? I used to have the same pain.

get a comfier chair

No trust me, I have science with me, you're conditioning gaming into sexual urges, once you master it, you'd be playing games in no time, it's like how normies don't get tired of having sex. You'd even build up sexual fortitude because you won't masturbate while doing it, just that you have a dildo up your ass.

I've been thinking of doing that, my current office chair isn't too comfy. It's also too short for me, it's a chair for manlets and I'm too tall for it.

My chair can recline back, but it's not that comfy.

Dude just stand up for 5 minutes every 2 hours. You ever seen that picture of the guy with the cavity on the top of his buttcrack? His skin just decided to say "fuck it" and made an indintation near the bottom of his spine and all kinds of shit was growing it in. Shits DISGUSTING

You need to do stretches.
Try a few cobras
How much do you weigh?

Is it a full recliner or just an office chair? You gotta have the full thing.

I hope OP got that dark souls 2 key

>Quarters on a stick
Nigga use your arm, not your wrist

I'll actually try keeping a dragon dildo up my butt while doing school work, thanks for a great suggestion


get an ergonomic chair with a high rating.
They're generally marketed to offices.
My chair is rated for 12+ hours straight, I never sit that long but it's just that good.
Avoid all gamer shit and "racing" chairs.

Also avoid pleather, the "net" chairs are a lot more breathable and comfortable.

>Avoid all gamer shit and "racing" chairs.
This is good advice for everything.

>tfw setting up your PC to the big screen and playing SP games with a controller

This. A thousand times this.
>Using Games Tech rooms this year so their PCs are what an old guy thinks a "Gaming PC" would be
>All shit like GameMax LED keyboards
>Because nobody looks after them they feel like shit

Much rather use actual PCs than the dumb backwards shit the "Game devs" use.

most games just don't feel RIGHT with a controller

Not that user, but i was looking for a chair to get today, thannks for the tips user.

I'm like 160 pounds.

I already do stand up every few hours because I go get a glass of water very often.

Just an office chair.

no joke when I was getting my chair another guy was looking at them and he said his back was completely fucked up by those racing ones, the guy looked perfectly fit but those things must be so cheap and just marketed on gamer appeal.

Buy a HDMI cable, plug it on your TV.

Buy a Steam controller for M/K games.

Buy a PS4/Xbox One S controller for other kind of games.

>input lag
How disgusting.

>an extremely minuscule amount of games just don't feel RIGHT with a controller
fixed that for ya
basically just the strategy genre

no it's the inverse.
every genre except platformers and beat-em ups feel better with KB+M.

And most first person games.

simply untrue
KBM is a work tool and therefore its usage isn't comfy
of course, NEETs will disagree

>first person games
>better with a controller

I meant better with a MKB.
While TP games feel better with a controller.

Too hard to concentrate. I've tried it.

the fuck is a TP game?

Ever since I got a mechanical keyboard I've been playing most games that I played with a controller with the keyboard.
Especially racing games I'm enjoying a lot with keyboard now.

I think it's more having shitty rubberdomes than the fact that it's a keyboard itself that messes with people.
I absolutely prefer arcade games on keyboard nowadays as well.

third person.

If I had to move away from my PC to play my consoles I would simply never play them. Luckily I have a large desk so I've just got a dedicated console TV next to my PC monitors because I'm sure as fuck not sitting in the living room to play a game on the couch. How do you faggots deal with the inability to chat with friends, look shit up and just generally do things on a computer while playing a console game?

>hurr I'm just focused on the game
Yeah so am I, but it's still a net negative to be unable to do these things as opposed to having the choice.

why do you post with animes user

not if you actually need to aim at things.

Is it bad that I'd ravage her?

>look shit up
fuck off.
If you play a game, then play it.
Tabbing out every 5 seconds to ruin the experience with a wiki is shit.

not really, the advantage of KB+M stems more from the mouse than the keyboard.
WASD is not an optimal movement input but a mouse is the best aiming input.
The freedom of movement you get from a mouse make it feel far more natural that an analog stick to move the camera regardless of genre.
There's just no competition.
The problem is that games that are more dependant on movement than the camera for instance platformers, fighting games, racing games the keyboard is what let's you down.

third person games in general are better with KB+M, for example a TPS is the same principle as a FPS for control, only you have a little man on your hud instead of a gun.

There are specific third person genres that benefit from a controller for the reason described above.

why would you sit on your pc?

I pre-emptively responded to you in my post, fuck off.

No you're not.
Tabbing out to refresh Sup Forums 20 time and shitpost in your discord circlejerk is not being focused on the game.

Dumb karen poster

>manually refreshing Sup Forums
I want newfaggots to leave

pressing r is refreshing.
But my left-push mm bind has r in it so that works too.

>you'll never get to be a loli

fuck this shit

that's manually refreshing you retard

I've broken 1 PS3 and 1 PS4 controller from gripping too hard.

Are Xbox one controllers sturdier?

What do you use then?

>playing a game
>oh shit I have to figure out what to make for dinner
>turn head 20 degrees to look up what's on sale
>go back to playing game
My gaming experience is truly ruined by not having to get up and move to a different room for every little thing.

Got any similar things I could try while doing school work?

A fucking plugin you idiot